What diseases cause diarrhea, vomiting,adult temperature and what to do? How to treat diarrhea, vomiting andthe temperature

Пт, 22 апр 2016 Автор: врач Артём

Modern man, despite the favorable domestic
living conditions in constant danger of infectious
diseases and eating disorders.

According to the medical statistics of the gastrointestinal tract, almost
exclusively the “privilege” of urban residents and developed

Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in adults, these symptoms are almost always
talk about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How exactly to determine what the matter, how these symptoms
dangerous and what to do?


Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult: what is it?

In aggregate, diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult
make up a fairly clear symptomatic complex.
Unambiguous conclusion about the nature and cause of the pathological process
Only on the basis of these three manifestations, unfortunately, do
can not. All three manifestations occur with a huge amount.
diseases. But there is a plus, similar symptoms allow you to cut
significant amount of other pathologies. Pushing away from
symptoms, general conclusions about the nature of the disease can be made:

• Often, all three symptoms occur in primary lesions.
gastrointestinal tract.

• It is also possible the development of food or other poisoning.

• Infectious causes are less common, but also
take place.

These two groups of causes are in themselves quite

What diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur?
diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult:

1) Acute gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa).

2) Acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

3) Acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

4) Hepatitis.

5) Acute colitis or enterocolitis (inflammation of one or
several sections of the intestine).

6) Dysbacteriosis.

7) Malignant neoplasms of the digestive tract organs in stages 3-4
(extremely unlikely, since the symptoms in the last stages
acutely expressed and includes a lot of other symptoms, much more

8) Appendicitis.

The second group of causes includes:

1) Food poisoning. As a rule, symptoms in case of poisoning
very revealing.

2) Non-food poisoning (in mercury vapor, heavy salts
metals, etc.).

Infectious diseases are much less common:

• Cholera.

• Dysentery.

• Salmonellosis (often confused with food poisoning).

Differential diagnosis should be left to the doctors. Is impossible
make a clear conclusion about the reasons for this state without
analysis and functional studies. However, proceeding
From the entire symptomatic complex, preliminary
conclusions about their ailments.

1) Acute gastritis is accompanied not only by vomiting, temperature
and diarrhea, but also:

• Severe pain in the diaphragm (2 fingers below
chest). Pains may radiate to other parts of the abdomen,
back and even arms. Wearing piercing, cutting or dull aching

• acid belching or belching with the smell of eggs.

2) Pancreatitis is accompanied by unbearable pain on the left side.
belly (can be local, or spread all over the belly,
gird). This is an extremely dangerous disease that requires
immediate medical care.

3) Acute cholecystitis is accompanied by acute cutting pains in
right side of the abdomen (under the ribs, just above the navel). In addition to pain
marked by:

• Bitterness in the mouth in the morning.

• Nausea for no apparent reason.

• Discoloration of feces.

As a rule, “out of the blue”, neither cholecystitis nor pancreatitis
arise. They may be the answer to long-term use.
fatty, fried foods, or alcohol.

4) Hepatitis. Hepatitis of any etiology (infectious, toxic and
others) are accompanied by:

• Feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium (feeling

• Changing the color of feces (feces become clay or not

5) Acute colitis is difficult in everyday life to distinguish from
dysentery. In both cases, the leading symptom (besides
abdominal pains) are painful false urges to defecate
(tenesmus). In addition, the stool with colitis contains visible impurities.
blood, pus, white mucus.

6) Dysbacteriosis. The real scourge of modern society. In adults
associated with nutritional causes (poor diet, diet).
A characteristic sign of dysbacteriosis is a green feces.

7) Malignant neoplasms of the digestive tract in the latter
stage. Characterized by:

• Severe pain in the affected organ.

• Severe general symptoms.

• Sharp weight loss.

• Alternating diarrhea and constipation.

Malignant intestinal neoplasms almost never
affect young people under 45 years old (this casuistry). In the same time
symptoms do not develop dramatically, but are formed by

8) Appendicitis is accompanied by severe cutting pains in the right.
Ilium region (above and to the right of the pubic region).

Poisoning, as well as infectious diseases are not so
specific and accompanied by a more pronounced overall

Almost in all cases of common symptoms

• The temperature rises to a level of 37.5-39 degrees (the most
high temperature is observed with pancreatitis, acute
cholecystitis, infectious diseases). With malignant
malformations temperature does not fall at all and keeps at the level
37.2-37.5 constantly.

• Headache.

• Nausea.

• Weakness.

• Loss of bone.

Thus, causes of diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult
great variety.

Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult: first aid

First aid for these symptoms does not fully aim
cure. The task is to alleviate the symptoms. It is important not to overdo it:
uncontrolled medication may worsen
condition and “blurring” the picture of the disease. Do not complicate
work a doctor.

In general, it is recommended:

Прием препаратов-абсорбентов. Not worth it
�”Buy” on the tricks of advertisers. The most effective and
activated carbon remains available. It should be taken from
calculating 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. However, coal should only be drunk.
In the event that there is a suspicion of infectious, toxic
nature of the disease or poisoning. In addition, over the next
4-8 hours is necessary to empty the intestines. Otherwise will go
the process of the reabsorption of toxins in the colon.

Прием спазмолитиков (для облечения болевого
syndrome). Pain with the triad of the symptoms described most often
caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of an organ
(intestine, liver, etc.). Among antispasmodics: No-spa, Duspatalin

• If with 100% probability the patient is sure that the reason
его состояния — отравление, имеет смысл провести промывание
. In domestic conditions, it is as follows
way: drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water (you can add a little
potassium permanganate), then press on the root of the tongue to cause
vomiting The procedure is carried out until the outgoing water is
will be clean, without impurities of food.

Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory – strictly according to indications and under
supervised by a doctor. If symptoms persist or worsen,
It is recommended not to experiment with your health and cause

Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult: is it necessary to cause
the doctor

In all cases – the answer is yes. Should refer to
gastroenterologist. If the condition is severe, promptly call
ambulance Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult – symptoms
alarming. They may indicate a mass of diseases, sometimes
highly life threatening. Self-medication cannot be done, because
The results can be very disastrous. At best, worsening
general condition.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of a serious condition.
based on diagnostic results. How does the diagnosis
held. Diagnostic measures include:

• Collecting anamnesis. The doctor asks questions to draw conclusions about
the general condition of the patient, the causes of the disease.

• Laboratory tests: complete blood count, feces.
These studies will determine the presence of inflammatory
process, evaluate other important factors. Blood biochemistry.

• Ultrasound diagnostics. Allows you to assess the state
abdominal organs.

• Measuring rectal temperature (especially important for
determination of appendicitis).

• Crops of biological material (with their help it is determined
infectious nature of the disease).

Together, these studies allow with a probability of 99%
establish the cause of the disease and start treatment.

Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult: how much is it treated

The duration of treatment depends on the cause that caused
the development of such a state. The easiest way to deal with dysbiosis,
treatment takes no more than 7-10 days. Treatment of acute gastrointestinal diseases
difficult and takes from 12 to 60 days. If it was started
untimely, there is a risk of becoming chronic. Then
treatment will be conducted as needed.

Poisoning is treated, on average, for 8-15 days, not counting
rehabilitation period.

Treatment comes down to eliminating the cause of such an unpleasant
states. As a rule, are appointed:

• Antispasmodics.

• Anti-inflammatory drugs.

• Antibacterial drugs.

• Preparations of strengthening.

Thus, diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in an adult can be
caused by a mass of reasons. All quite serious, sometimes even
life threatening patient. Independently, you can only assume
the presence of one or another disease. Seeing a doctor is necessary
in any case (even if the symptoms disappear), risk
health is not worth it.

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