What apricots dream about: the appearance of fruit,actions with them. What apricots dream according to differentdream books

Чт, 21 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Apricots in a dream can be a forerunner of both good and bad
events in life. What dreams of apricots, depends on what
the form will bring forth the fruits of what the dreamer will do with them and what
feelings while experiencing.


What dreams of apricots: the appearance of fruit

See a lot of ripe apricots, feel their pleasant aroma and
experience joy – good news and prosperous
completion of some important undertaking.

Rotten, tainted fruits foreshadow grief and large
trouble You need to prepare for a long period of failure,
shattering hopes and failing plans. The same meaning has a dream, in
you tasted fruits and felt them sour, bitter or
just an unpleasant, unnatural taste.

What dreams of dried or dried apricots? it
harbinger of suffering and sorrow. Possible approach of the disease or
dramatic event that will affect the appearance.

Pay attention to the time of year when you had a dream about
. If this is the season when this fragrant fruit
really ripen, then everything is fine: a dream about apricots in
the period of their collection is very favorable, promises joy and profit. For what
apricots dream out of season? If the dream came during the cold season
years, when in reality the fruits are not collected, everything is not so rosy.
We need to prepare for the fact that even well-started things
will end in failure, but real plans await a crash.
A person who sees apricots out of season, waiting for grief and
tears, troubles and losses, annoying delays and losses.

To see flowering apricot trees means presence
in the life of the dreamer unfounded hopes for a bright
This dream is especially favorable for people who
going through a period of long stagnation, the losing streak. Sleep
foreshadows that all troubles will soon be in the past, and on
horizon will rise a new sun of good luck and long-awaited happiness. If a
the dreamer is planning a move, he will complete safely.

If a на абрикосовом дереве вы увидите множество спелых, красивых
fruit, success in a planned or already implemented enterprise
guaranteed. If a начинание или планы связаны с финансами, то они
will definitely bring large profits that will meet the expectations and
even surpass them.

A lonely apricot tree without fruit can mean cheating in
hopes for well-being and happiness, print, longing for the unfulfilled
or soon parting with dear man. Dead tree
apricot promises a break in relationships or the death of a loved one.

For what снятся абрикосы: действия с фруктами

Collect apricots from green, beautiful, healthy
— знак стабильного высокого дохода, скорого и
very successful resolution of your undertaking. No worries
about the outcome of the plan: all cases are completed on time, and problems
be resolved to the full well-being and joy of the dreamer.

If a сновидящий собирает плоды абрикоса в
intended for this container (basket, bucket, etc.), then its
mental and physical condition is optimal, it is in harmony
with peace. For what сняться абрикосы, опавшие с дерева? If a плоды
lying on the ground, their collection means bad news: all expectations
will be in vain. Even if the goal is achieved, it does not
will bring neither benefit nor joy.

There are ripe tasty apricots – in joy and
On the contrary, sour or spoiled – to the disease,
shame and the collapse of all hopes. Eating dried apricots means
unpleasant efforts that may end in nothing or not bring
desired. Eating apricots does not bode well in any
case: excessive fruit consumption means trouble in
work, relationships, affairs.

See how other people eat apricot fruits,
means a waste of time. Environment will not give you any
joy or benefit, time is wasted, things are not done or do not have
of the future.

There are apricots and do not feel any taste
что в жизни вы будете чем-то разочарованы. it
may be associated with excessive credulity dreamer: him
should adequately assess their environment, get rid of pink
points and try to minimize the consequences of their rash
actions or unreasonable stupid gullibility. Review your
relationship to the immediate environment and colleagues: somewhere you do
big mistake.

For what снятся абрикосы, которыми сновидящий
is trading?
If a они спелые, то к удачному бизнес-проекту или
enrichment. Maybe the dreamer will get an unexpected profit or
will gain an additional source of income. See that apricots
bargaining for someone else means happy luck

Покупать спелые абрикосы значит выгодно вложить
money or other resources (time, strength, feelings, etc.). May be,
it will be possible to organize a successful business or profitably invest large
amount of money.

If a во сне вы воруете абрикосы, то негативное
some person influences you. it может стать причиной
problems in the future so you need to reconsider your relationship with
others, begin to adequately assess the information, abandon
imposed authority.

For what снятся абрикосы женщинам

If a девушка во сне наслаждается сладким, медовым вкусом
спелых абрикосов,
ее ждет крепкая, настоящая любовь,
romantic dates, long-awaited success in the field of love. TO
What do apricots shoot a married woman? TO счастью и глубокому
rest if the fruits are beautiful and ripe. Her life and
nothing threatens well-being.

If a девушка или женщина срывает с дерева абрикосовые
ее любовный роман или романтическое увлечение не
имеет никакого of the future. Relations will end and will not

Plant apricot tree or apricot bone
– the harbinger of pregnancy and the birth of a girl. If a девушка видит
a flowering tree in winter, waiting for her bad marriage.

If a женщина видит, как ее муж или возлюбленный ест
пару ждет период взаимного недовольства, ссор,
reticence If a не предпринять серьезных усилий, отношения могут

Одинокое дерево абрикоса, увиденное женщиной
or girlfriend means her marriage will be unfortunate, filled
tears and frustrations.

For what снятся абрикосы мужчинам

If a мужчина во сне есть кислый или просто невкусный
то в действительности ему нужно внимательно
analyze your surroundings and find the person who interferes
realize your potential. itт человек может не быть открытым
enemy, but his influence is strong and negative. Maybe foe secret
harm to the dreamer, and soon everything will be revealed.

A man who eats in a dream juicy and tasty
может увлечься какой-то женщиной. If a он женат,
fascination will lead to adultery. Freud in his dream book
described this situation as a meeting (in reality) with a young
an inexperienced girl who turns a man’s head and causes
strong sexual desire. Despite the inexperienced partner,
the dreamer will enjoy the intimacy with her.

If a мужчина видит абрикосы не в сезон, его
may have problems at work or in business. Crush ripe fruit
hands means that the dreamer will miss a good chance. itт сон
can serve as a warning: be careful with people and chances!
The same importance is the dream of picking green apricots: problems on
work will be caused by inexperience or improper placement

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