Wedding spoilage: excursion into the past. What for the toastmasterat the wedding need lash?

Wedding spoilage: excursion into the past. What for the toastmaster at the wedding need lash?

Our ancestors not only piously honored wedding traditions
and ceremonies, they also observed increased during the triumph
vigilance. Guarding what they stood for, that they protected? Of course,
parents of young people, their relatives and friends closely watched to
a couple did not damage.

Suppose a young man met a girl. Everything was
good, and it was already going to the wedding, like … Recall the song about “beautiful and
bold, “crossed the road. Well, the “brooch”, like her mother or
the other relatives, holding a grudge, began to carry out a plan of revenge.
They turned to the sorcerer or independently conducted the magic
rite of passage of damage.

Jealousy and envy to the happiness of the newlyweds – the most
common causes of wedding negative impact. For what
does it lead? To the deterioration of relations between spouses, to discord,
violation of potency in her husband, to infertility …. There have been frequent cases
unreasonable health disorder, and the birth of the unviable


Why is the bride dressed only the closest women?

Damage could at any time of the wedding ceremony.

Even at the stage of preparing for him, his relatives in every way protected the young
from the evil eye and damage. For example, dressing up a bride should have been
only the closest women are mother or nurse.

For outsiders it was enough, for example, to tie a girl
a tape with the wishes of every kind of misfortune – and that’s all: quarrels and diseases are young
family provided!

In the church

For intruders, there was nothing sacred, and they could create
its black business even in the temple, during the wedding.

Touching the back of the bride, allegedly unintentionally, and with evil
Mentally expressed wishes promised disasters in the family
of life.

It happened that already on the way from the wedding the newlyweds started on
raised voices sort things out.

At the table

Passing between young people was also undesirable and led to
infidelity and scandals, no wonder relatives were close to
bride and groom and made sure that no stranger came to them

With great care, the couple should have been at the wedding table.
take food: it could also be made a slander.

The best option was considered complete abstinence from the meal.


In the big move in Russia were the so-called lining.

Damage induced on wedding gifts, dowry, wedding
rings, some kind of conspiracy, including hair, were thrown
These items on the road, on which the young will go to the temple.

Given this probability, the road before their passage
swept up.

The pad in the form of a needle, which was stuck into the threshold, was also popular.
home of the groom, so the newlywed brought the wife to his house on

Under the bed

In some localities, this method was also common.
aiming defacement like tossing a bed under a young land with
graves baby. It was believed that in this case, born
spouses the child will soon leave this world. It is clear that relatives
made sure that no outsider came even close
to the bedchildren entered into marriage.

Defects are most often led by sorcerers who want to or
revenge for disrespectful treatment, or simply out of malignancy.
Such people tried to appease, they were invited to the wedding and
rendered all honors.

Protective rituals

The coastal and protective rituals were varied. Besides
the above, there was, for example, the custom of hiding under
marital bed poker, firewood or frying pan. Guard from
magical effects considered rowan or juniper branches,
which went around the bed, and then inserted into the wall.

Responsible for the wedding protection was a friend or, as now
say the toastmaster. This is usually a famous person in the area or
relative of the bride or groom. He read conspiracies against corruption and
he had a whip with him, which he struck at the place where they would sit
the newlyweds, as well as the door of the groom’s house and the marriage bed.

However, it also happened that no measures helped
constantly cursing or family every now and then comprehended misfortunes. Such
cases turned again to the sorcerers, but to those that could
remove damage or told young people how to do it.

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