We study vitamins for hair growth: how theywork? What vitamins for hair growth are needed and how are they?take

Сб, 27 май 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

To grow hair quickly and be strong,
блестящими, густыми, необходимо периодически take специальные
vitamins for hair growth.

They will trigger biochemical processes in the body, thanks to which
Curls will look perfect, as with a magazine cover.


When you need vitamins for hair growth

Bad hair can grow for many reasons, including
medical nature. In this case it is necessary
consult with your doctor not to miss the development
some disease. The problem may be caused by cutaneous
infection, and then treatment will be required. Need to consult
for a start with a trichologist, and if this is not possible, then turn to
to the therapist. Doctors will tell you what vitamins are necessary for growth
hair in a particular case.

However, most often the growth of hair rods is slowed down by other
reasons not related to health. This is usually
banal vitamin deficiency caused by poor nutrition or some kind
stiff unbalanced diet, poor curl care or
sudden change in temperature. If a girl walks in the cold season
without a hat, hair is under constant stress,

You can roughly assume what vitamins are not
grabs the body, according to the following features:

• slow growth of hair rods – lack of vitamin B9,
or folic acid;

• Early gray hair – low in vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid;

• foci of visible alopecia appeared – vitamin B12 is needed, or

Of course, it’s good when you have the opportunity to go to the doctor, hand over
tests for the lack of certain vitamins, get a clear
рекомендацию, что и в каких количествах/формах take. But if
there is no such possibility, you can buy in a pharmacy a good one
pharmaceutical complex. Work on the creation of such drugs
specialists, carefully selecting compounds that are effective
work for a large group of people. Drink these drugs
can be according to the general scheme, having carefully studied the instructions for
take vitamins for hair growth. The result will certainly be.

What are the vitamins for hair growth?

To accelerate hair growth, you need to give the body what it is
asks. That is, it will compensate for the shortage of the most important substances involved in
biochemical processes. Here is a list of vitamins for hair growth,
without which one cannot count on the result.

Токоферол (вит. Е) действует как
antioxidant substance, prevents early aging of the body,
protects hair rods from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation,
provides complete nutrition to the follicle, strengthening roots and speeding up
Hair Growth.

Биотин (вит. Р) номализует процессы
cellular metabolism makes hair grow faster and day by day
getting thicker.

Фолиевая кислота (вит. В9) улучшает процессы
cellular metabolism, stimulating the growth of new hair rods, making
hair is stronger and stronger.

Ретинол (вит.А) обеспечивает синтез кератина
– the main building material for the hair shaft,
strengthens the hair structure.

Витамины группы В делают волосы крепче,
stronger, make the curls shine and grow faster, normalize
the work of hair follicles.

Аскорбиновая кислота (вит. С) нормализует
blood circulation, provides the right nutrition to the follicles, stimulates
the formation of new cells.

Витамин F защищает кожу головы от сухости,
normalizes the work of the follicle, aligns the structure of the hair
rods, helping them grow better.

Витамин D благотворно воздействует на
луковицы, обеспечивает нормальный Hair Growth.

Independently select one or more vitamins for
solving the problem of poor hair growth is not possible for an ordinary person.
Even knowing what vitamins are necessary for hair growth, much
easier to buy ready-made vitamin-mineral complex, which quickly
restore imbalance of substances and cause hair to grow faster.

The best pharmacy vitamins for hair growth

Vitamin complexes marked “beauty” – these are the ones
drugs that need attention. They are both
improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, which is why they are called
�”Beauty vitamins”.

The pharmacist will advise on the composition, in which, besides
vitamins themselves, should include healthy hair
minerals. Accelerate the growth of hair rods zinc, iron, calcium,
selenium, magnesium, silicon, sulfur. Read the contents carefully if
You were offered a new or unfamiliar complex.

Form of release of vitamins – tablets or capsules. Here is a list
most popular tools.


The effect of this drug is based on the combination of many
vitamins and minerals. Especially in this complex folic and
ascorbic acid, biotin and tocopherol. In addition, there is
экстракты эхинацеи и лопуха, minerals. The reception is strengthened
follicles, alopecia stops. If you need to grow quickly
hair, you can drink away the course of these vitamins. However, there is a side
effect: in some people after taking the capsules begins


The drug includes brewer’s yeast – one of the most effective for
hair growth substances. Yeast contains many amino acids, minerals and
of vitamins of group B. The growth rate of hair rods in the background
taking these vitamins increases, blood flow improves
bulbs, hair starts to shine and stop falling out.


The drug is based on brewer’s yeast with the addition of sulfur.
Contains most of the B vitamins, calcium and silicon.
Stimulates active growth of hair follicles, strengthens nails,
stops hair thinning.


This complex is also based on useful beer hair
yeast, contains iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin group B.
Visibly improves the appearance and condition of the hair. On reception
the curls are already shiny in the first month,
strong, thicker, grow well.


This complex combines the benefits of brewer’s yeast, vegetable
extracts and zinc. Vitamin composition affects both the roots and
hair rods themselves. As a result, hair grows fast, shine,
become smooth and elastic.


This complex includes retinol, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin,
calcium. Improves blood microcirculation, prevents loss
hair and accelerates their growth, eliminates dandruff. With the wrong
admission or individual intolerance of components
cause a strong negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.

Mertz beauty

The basis of this drug is folic acid and retinol. Besides
In addition, calcium and zinc are included. The complex helps to return
shine brilliance and strength, hair becomes healthy and grow

Ladys formula

In this line of vitamins a lot of drugs for hair growth
A special formulation is suitable for hair, skin and nails.
It contains a lot of vitamin B6, a plant extract of magnesium,
silicon. Quickly improves hair condition, effective against
baldness and stunted growth.


The drug contains a high concentration of “vitamins”
Beauty “- retinol and tocopherol. Capsule with liquid oil
раствором можно take внутрь или наносить прямо на волосы. They
become more elastic, healthy, accelerate hair growth

Alphabet Cosmetics

The successful combination of thirteen vitamins and ten minerals
fill weakened, tired, damaged hair with energy and
by force. Daily intake is divided into three times, which allows correct
combine different vitamin groups, increasing
the effectiveness of the drug.


Along with vitamins, the drug contains amino acids, vegetable
extracts, trace elements. Quickly restores structure
hair rods, gives the curls a healthy shine, allows
quickly grow hair.

Как take витамины для роста волос

A very important moment of vitamin therapy is to strictly observe the frequency
reception and do not increase in excess of the course of treatment. Therefore very
внимательно читайте инструкции к препаратам, изучите, как take
vitamins for hair growth. Manufacturers include ampoules
capsules and tablets a different amount of basic vitamins and necessarily
prescribes a regimen.

Depending on the content of a substance relative to
his daily allowance can be recommended once, twice
or three times the drug. Do not exceed the dosage. More
того, нельзя одновременно take какие-то другие витаминные

The course of vitamin therapy depends on the initial state of the hair.

Standard layout:

• 1-2 months of admission;

• 4-month break;

• repeat the intensive course with a break;

• supporting course 1-2 times a year.

Uncontrolled intake of vitamins, unauthorized increase in the dose or
the duration of the intake can cause the hair to begin
not to grow, but to fall out. This is usually due to an excess of retinol.
Simultaneously, drowsiness, dryness and itching of the skin will appear,

If the body exceeds the rate of B vitamins,
tachycardia, nausea, insomnia. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis
there are also headaches, inflammation of the kidneys and pancreas
glands, reduced vision and capillary permeability. Permanent
excess of tocopherol is manifested in diarrhea and visual
disorders, excess vitamin D threatens with osteoporosis.

How to get hair growth vitamins from food

To accelerate hair growth, you can include in your diet.
некоторые продукты, богатые �”Beauty vitamins”. Eat the liver
orange and green vegetables and fruits, nuts, meat, sea fish and
seafood, eggs and cheese. Do not be afraid to sometimes use cream
oil has a lot of retinol in it. Add bananas to your meal plan,
bean, bran, cabbage, including sea. Brew yourself
wild rose, nettle, green tea.

Combine vitamins with proper hair care.
Often let them dry without a hairdryer, protect from frost and
sun rays. The complex of measures will quickly return the wonderful hair
healthy looking and make them grow fast.

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