We grow strawberries without chemicals: feeding with iodinein the spring. Secrets of a big harvest: how and why to fertilizestrawberries

Пт, 24 июн 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

The most delicious and big strawberry berries are fruits grown
without the use of chemistry.

And this is not a myth!

Proper care of plantings and timely fertilization
помогают сохранить strawberries здоровой и стойкой к поражениям

So, the chemistry will not need to apply.


Подкармливаем strawberries весной: как, и когда проводим
top dressing

Strawberry care begins in early spring when snow is only
got off This spring care helps the plant to recover after
winter frosts and prepare well for the next season.

Experienced gardeners first remove covering material from planting,
remove old leaves, loosen the aisles, and only then spend
top dressing клубники.

In different regions of Russia, fertilizers need to be applied in different ways.
In southern areas, you can start from mid-April. But in the north
регионах лучше подождать и подкормить strawberries в середине мая.

ATлияет на top dressing и срок цветения plants. If fertilize
too early late varieties of strawberries, then nutrients quickly
washed out and in the period of flowering plants nothing left. But
if you delay the feeding of early varieties, then the harvest will be

Как правильно подкормить strawberries

In one season, the plant needs three basic feedings,
which is carried out with the development of the bush.

1. Первый раз strawberries подкармливают весной сразу после зимы. AT
the period of preparation for flowering.

2. ATторую подкормку клубники правильно делать сразу после сбора
harvest. This will help the plant to recover from fruiting and
replenish the supply of nutrients.

3. Last fertilized plant in mid-September. it
helps the plant to gain strength and cope with diseases and

Подкармливать strawberries весной нужно обязательно. She can not
do without additional food to give a good harvest and
resist disease.

For профилактики болезней подкормите strawberries йодом

Experienced gardeners say that ordinary iodine can warn
some diseases on strawberries, if you add a few drops with
dressing solution. Why do they do it and how correctly
подкормить strawberries?

Why iodine plant

Some drugs are not only used to treat humans,
but also used in garden beds. And iodine is no exception. is he
refers to antiseptics, and therefore, prevents the appearance
various rot and bacterial diseases.

For spraying and irrigation use 5 and 10% alcohol solution
iodine purchased in a pharmacy. Feeding strawberries with iodine early
spring to stimulate plant growth and as a preventative from
powdery mildew and gray mold.

Как приготовить раствор для top dressing клубники

Раствором йода проводят не только корневые top dressing, но и
spraying strawberries on leaf. However, for foliar fertilizing
iodine concentration should be less, which will help protect the plant
from burns.

1. ATесеннюю подкормку проводят один раз после обрезки

When the old foliage is removed, the garden should be well watered and
подкормить strawberries под корень раствором iodine. Such treatments
well affect the condition of the bush.

To prepare the solution will need 10 liters of water, where
add 15 drops of iodine. Stir with a wooden stick and water

2. Before planting young sockets, the soil must be shed with a solution

After this treatment, strawberries are not afraid of any disease.
To land in the prepared soil no earlier than through
several days.

To prepare the working solution you need to dissolve 3 drops.
iodine per 10 liters of water.

3. For the prevention of powdery mildew spraying
solution of iodine on the sheet.

For spraying prepare a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 liter
молока и 10 капель iodine. Spraying is carried out in cloudy weather.
or in the evening.

It is necessary to carry out the treatment every 10 days. Desirable
make three treatments per season.

4. Перед цветением strawberries полезно подкормить йодом.

For получения хорошего урожая весной неплохо подкормить strawberries
following solution. For 10 liters of water take 30 drops of iodine, 1
a teaspoon of boric acid and 1 cup of ash. The solution must be infused
within a few hours, mix well and feed under the bush
up to 500 ml.

It is useful to add soap to the solutions, which
acts as an adhesive and does not allow iodine ions quickly
evaporate from the surface of the sheet.

Как работает йод на клубнике, и помогают ли top dressing

Not one generation of summer residents claims that iodine is good
copes with diseases on strawberries. But we must remember that
pathogens and pathogenic fungi are not only on the leaves
plants, but also in the soil around it. Therefore, no need to carry out
только опрыскивания, а также top dressing под корень.

Only applying the solutions repeatedly can get the result.
Treatments are carried out several times a season, but not more than three.
The interval between spraying is 10 days. ATсе обработки
must end before formation berries

The use of iodine solution in combination with phytosporin will help
completely suppress the fungus.

Apply or not to use iodine on the site?

Do not forget that iodine vapor is poisonous! ATо всем нужно
observe the measure so as not to harm the plants and the soil.

  • Если на участке под strawberries отведены бедные почвы, то улучшить
    their pharmacy iodine cannot! is he не обладает всеми качествами, которые
    inherent in mineral fertilizers with iodine. it совсем другое. There
    the necessary element is contained in a form that is readily accessible to plants
    and it dissolves well in water. Iodine soil can only be enriched
    with the help of mineral fertilizers. Pharmaceutical iodine is used in
    small concentrations and only for disease control.

  • Bare slugs that harm strawberries will not go anywhere if
    обработать strawberries йодом. AT лучшем случае покинут грядку, но
    not for long To combat them use bait.

ATыращивая strawberries без химии нужно быть не менее внимательным к
treatments, otherwise you can lose the crop and damage the soil. For
the preparation of solutions need to strictly observe the concentration of iodine, not
exceeding her. We must act according to the rule: the main thing is not

ATыращиваем strawberries без химии: чем подкормить весной

Gardeners who do not wish to use chemistry on site, with
Success used for spring dressing strawberries various

1. A well-established infusion of mullein or bird
litter. Infusion bred in the ratio of 1:10 and watered planting them.
Excellent fertilizer for spring awakening and building green

2. One of the best fertilizers for strawberries prepared on the basis of
yeast and rye bread. For приготовления раствора 50 грамм
yeast and black bread rinds are mixed with 1 cup of sugar and
poured a bucket of water. It is necessary to insist the solution in a sunny place,
until the fermentation process stops. Ready infusion bred in
пропорции 1:10 и поливают strawberries. Overly do not get carried away
With this recipe, one or two additional feedings per season are sufficient.

3. Before flowering, you need to feed the plants with ashes.

ATырастить strawberries без применения химикатов возможно. Need to
learn how to properly feed the plant, understand why
подкармливать strawberries и следить за состоянием растений. ATовремя
apply preventive iodine treatments for diseases as well
make the necessary organic fertilizers.

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