We grow strawberries in every corner of the country:the best varieties with a description and photo. Tips for choosing a large-fruitedstrawberries

Пт, 15 июн 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Grow garden strawberries at the dacha can
anywhere in the country. Today, many hardy varieties are bred,
which are planted in open ground or greenhouses

Among summer residents, remontant varieties that bear fruit are popular.
twice a season, and large-fruited. These are the most fruitful varieties.
садовой strawberries, о них и поговорим.


Лучшие высокоурожайные сорта садовой strawberries

Increasingly, gardeners prefer to grow berries not only for
personal use, but also for sale. Come to the rescue
high-yielding varieties that allow you to enjoy the taste
strawberries и немного заработать. According to the most gardeners
продуктивными считаются следующие разновидности strawberries:

• “Honey”;

• Elsanta;

• “Asia”.

Всем известный сорт «Хоней» не теряет
popularity for many years, and it is not by chance. Strawberries caught on
Moscow region and other regions of Russia, as enough
unpretentious, resistant to major diseases, long retains
presentation, easy to transport.

The culture of early ripening, fruiting begins as early as
May Berry large, dense, brilliant, dessert taste. Sort
versatile, suitable for processing and fresh

In cold regions of the country, flower stalks can freeze slightly, therefore
in the spring of planting covered with agrofiber or other material. Sort
high-yielding, from a bush for a season collect a pound of berries.

Европейский сорт «Эльсанта» плодоносит средними
in size berries dessert flavor. Regular strawberries
sugary, juicy. The berries are easily removed, do not crumple,
transportable. The culture is hardy, calmly tolerates frost
to -27 ° C. Productivity is stable, up to 18 centners / Ha.

Заслуживает внимания и новый сорт «Азия» от
Italian breeders. This is a mid-season hybrid with
attractive berries that keep their presentation for a long time.
Вкус strawberries довольно необычный, винно-ягодный. Productivity with
one bush is up to kg of berries.

Grow a variety everywhere, but in regions with cold climates
landing cover for the winter. Shelter is removed after the threat of return
frosts. Of the benefits noted that the strawberry does not degenerate, not
becomes smaller. •

Раннеспелые лучшие сорта садовой strawberries для Подмосковья

In the Moscow region can grow almost any variety
strawberries. We suggest paying attention to the most

• “Merchant”;

• “Elvira”;

• “Fireworks”.

Sort «Купчиха» с необычной по форме ягодой
gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness and special
to taste. Berry oblong with several ribs, juicy, with
выраженным ароматом strawberries. Productivity withорта составляет до 300
c from one bush.

Высокоурожайный голландский сорт «Эльвира»
valued for resistance to many fungal diseases and
pests. Fruits large, juicy berries of bright red color.
Strawberries dense, transportable.

Земляника «Фейерверк» славится крупными
ruby red berries that do not shrink to the last harvest
harvest. Berries are dense, do not crumple during transportation, juicy,
sugary. Sort хорошо переносит морозы, устойчив к заболеваниям и
not affected by strawberry mite. Productivity withоставляет до
one and a half kg per m2.

Late strawberries for the South: the best varieties with a description and photo

Late berries are always in price, so breeders are working on
breeding new productive varieties. Today is worth
обратить внимание на следующие разновидности strawberries:

• “Masha”;

• “Venta”;

• Borovitskaya.

Sort «Машенька» российской селекции по вкусовым
qualities and productivity are not inferior to foreign varieties
strawberries. Bushes are winter-hardy, high-yielding, resist well
diseases. The berries are large, fan-shaped, dark red.
Мякоть плотная, кисло-сладкая с приятным ароматом strawberries. Sort
transportable, unpretentious, universal destination.
Productivity with куста составляет до 800-1000 гр.

Прибалтийский сорт «Вента» средне-позднего
gestation period refers to the elite. Berry ribbed, very
large, high in sugars. Sort хорошо переносит
hot summer, freezing, rarely gets sick and is not affected by ticks.

Не утратил популярность отечественный сорт
, который славится своей зимостойкостью,
yield and self-fertility. Berries of dessert taste, dense,
very large, double. Shrubs resistant to fungal diseases
and rot, rarely affected by pests. Fruits are transportable,
lezhki. The average yield of up to one kg per bush.

Посадка strawberries на Урале и в Сибири: лучшие крупноплодные и
sweet varieties

Не каждый сорт strawberries приживется в суровом климате Урала и
Siberia. We offer a selection of hardy varieties, among
which deserve special attention varieties:

• “Vima Zanta”;

• “Pandora”;

• Roxana.

Sort голландской селекции «Вима Занта»
refers to the early ripe and highly productive. Novelty Revealed
good results in условиях Siberia. Bushes are very winter-hardy,
unpretentious, resistant to diseases, reproduce easily. Berries
правильной формы, блестящие, красного цвета, transportable.
Yield up to one kg from a bush, fruits can be stored
a few days, while not losing the presentation.

Позднеспелый сорт «Пандора» отличается высокой
winter hardiness and stable fruiting. Not collected from the bush
less than a pound of large red berries. Strawberries pleasant taste, with
sour and pronounced strawberry aroma, transportable.

Sort «Роксана» культивируют только в тепличных
conditions. Berries удлиненные, конусовидные, сочные,
transportable. In the early years, the harvest is good, gradually
strawberries are shallow and require transplantation. Fruiting sprawling
продолжается до frosts. Harvest is preserved on bushes to three
weeks, does not spoil.

Подборка лучших ремонтантных сортов strawberries садовой

Rehabilitative strawberry allows you to enjoy the berries to the
frosts, while taking up little space and does not require much
care. Of the popular varieties stand out a few of the best:

• “Monterey”;

• San Andreas;

• “Crimean Remontant”.

Sort «Монтерей» американской селекции
characterized by high yield, keeping quality of fruits,
transportability Berries крупная, сочная. Sort со средней
winter hardiness, in a harsh climate is grown only in film
shelters or greenhouses.

Sort «Сан-Андреас» дает до четырех волн
fruiting, not afraid of changes in temperature, in regions with
winters in cold climates only under cover. Shrubs resistant to
болезням и pests.

Лучшим из ремонтантных сортов strawberries садовой считается
«Крымская ремонтантная» продолжительного
fruiting The first wave of fruiting begins in May, the last
berries are removed before frost. Fruits are large, dark, juicy
pulp and pronounced strawberry flavor. Berries не мельчают на
throughout the season. Shrubs high yielding, resistant to
diseases and pests, tolerate frost well.

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