Watermelon diet: tasty, fast, perfect

arbuznaya-dietaDo you know why obesity is so rare
in Asian and African countries?

The reason for this is not only the poverty of the population, but also, in part,
because the inhabitants of these countries eat a large amount of watermelons.

Watermelon diet is very popular and applies to seasonal
nutrition programs because fresh watermelons are in our strip
available just a couple of months a year.

There is no single diet plan, so its concept is usually
is as follows – to lose weight, you should eat only
watermelons for several days. They are nutritious, take off well
feeling of hunger and contain low amount of calories.

Fruits are 92% water and contain 1.5% fiber. Water
helps you lose weight by limiting your appetite, flushing out the body
toxins and improving the functioning of the digestive system.

The highlight that makes watermelon so effective
weight loss tool, is that you get a lot
water during meals, and the process of chewing and swallowing helps you
get the feeling as if you ate more calories than on the

Watermelon also contains natural sugar, which will give you
the ability to curb your sweet tooth. Cellulose in his
composition contributes to the loss of extra pounds, because the presence of
fiber helps you feel satiated for more
a long period of time, and this avoids overeating.
Recent studies have found another remarkable fact. AT
watermelon lycopene content more than any other fresh fruit
or vegetable. Lycopene is a pigment that gives watermelon pulp
characteristic color, it is also an excellent antioxidant,
able to prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

Studies have shown that people who get a lot
lycopene, have a lower risk of cancer
diseases of the prostate, uterus and esophagus. In addition, watermelon is
rich source of vitamins and minerals. AT его плодах содержится
большая концентрация витаминов А, AT6 и С.


Rules for watermelon diet for weight loss:

  • Since it refers to monodiets, its optimal
    Duration should not exceed 5 days.
  • AT течение этого периода вы должны ограничивать в пище
    the amount of salt that will help get rid of excess fluid and
  • AT идеале вы должны попытаться потреблять около 1 кг. watermelon on
    every 10 kg own body weight.
  • This program is not recommended for people with kidney stones,
    diabetes or pancreatic problems.
  • If you feel discomfort after the first day, stop it and
    consult a general practitioner before proceeding. But,
    if you feel discomfort after the second day, then you can diet
    boldly follow through.
  • ATы можете потерять с помощью данной программы питания до 4 кг.
    in these 5 days. After that, you can use its lightweight
    version for another 10 days.

Menu lightweight diet watermelon:

  • Breakfast: consists of two slices of watermelon, as a liquid
    You can drink green tea or black coffee. If you ate
    breakfast around 8 am, then around 11.00 hours you can additionally
    eat two more slices of watermelon. This is the perfect way to start your own.
    day to lose weight.
  • Lunch and afternoon tea: you will surely get hungry for waiting
    lunch time For lunch, you can eat a plate of vegetable soup, a slice
    whole grain bread and 100 gr. lean meat, for example, chicken
    fillet (breast) or beef. ATторое блюдо – салат из помидоров с
    easy dressing. After 3 hours, in the afternoon you can eat
    a few slices of watermelon and drink a cup of green tea or black
  • Dinner: eat 200 gr. baked or boiled fish. Boiled
    fish is the preferred option but many people do not
    can tolerate her for mellow taste. You can also bake it, but without
    use butter. The best option would be lemon
    juice, it will give the fish a distinctive taste. Eat fish
    together with a salad at a light dressing, for example, broccoli salad
    or spinach. For an evening snack after dinner can eat
    a few slices of watermelon and drink a cup of green tea or black

AT целом, данный тип диеты является отличным инструментом для
effective weight loss!

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