Violet – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

Фandалка (Violet) – род семейства фandалковых,
numbering more than 500 species of plants. She is a perennial
or an annual herb. This delicate flower can
to decorate with your charm any room, balcony or garden. Flourishing
in early spring, he announces the end of winter. About the birthplace of these amazing
plants it is difficult to say unequivocally, since they were found throughout
world, and yet, botanists are inclined to believe that for the first time they
appeared in Australia.

When it comes to this flower, many mistakenly immediately
represent saintpaulia (Usambara violet). However, on scientific
of the classification they are not relatives, and belong not only
to different families (violet – to violet, Saintpaulia – to
Gesnerian), but even to different orders.

Violets are favorite plants of flower beds. Everybody
The famous Pansy flower also belongs to this genus.
Some species are bred because of odorous flowers (above all, it is
Viola odorata, which has countless garden varieties),
others are interesting bright flowers that have a variety of
colors, shapes and sizes (Viola tricolor, Viola altaica, Viola
lutea and others.).

These flowers can be grown in indoor conditions, and in
garden or greenhouse. They grow to a height of 30 cm and always
grow up. Their leaves, as a rule, are heart-shaped, and
flowers – asymmetric. The shape of the petals is decisive.
factor for most species. Mostly flowers of this kind have
cyan and magenta, but they can also be red,
pink, white, yellow and two-tone. Most species bloom
spring, but modern, new varieties can please fans
its lush color throughout the summer.


Violet – growing and care

In general, the care of these plants in indoor conditions is not
It is of great difficulty. They love light, but they are very afraid of direct
sun rays. The best place to grow them is
the northern side of the house, perhaps – the western or eastern. To
the plant developed evenly, the plant pot needs time from
time to turn different sides to the light.

The pots should have a diameter of 10 to 13 cm and a height of about 10 cm.
Some people think that these plants can be grown in a glass.
from yogurt. However, in such a capacity to grow a full and
a beautiful plant is impossible, and if you take a bigger pot, then flowers and
leaves of the plant will also be larger. Although in too big pots
the flower will also feel very uncomfortable.

Violets love coolness, and the best mode for them will be
temperature around 16 ° C. The higher the temperature in the room where he lives
your flower is less likely to grow it successfully. Faded
flowers should be removed to allow germination

The soil mixture should be enriched with peat moss and contain
coarse sand. You should also take care of good
drainage, which should occupy almost half of the pot. Pot,
which is used for planting must necessarily be with
hole in the bottom.

Watering should be abundant, so that the soil is always wet. But
It is also impossible to flood the plant, in order to avoid rotting of the roots.
Very good, if there is an opportunity to water it with rain water.
However, care must be taken to keep it warm. Also
the plant is very supportive of spraying, but the water is not
must contain lime, so that the leaves do not appear stains.

During active growth and after flowering it is necessary
feed complex fertilizers.

The flower will grow well, if you take care of timely
remove dead flowers. It is also necessary to ensure him good
airing the room.

Фandалка – пересадка and breeding

The plant needs to be replanted every year, but take a larger pot.
size does not follow. Changing the ground in the tank where it sat before
transplants, you just need to re-plant it there.

Flower propagated by seeds. It’s not hard to do,
and landing does not depend on the time of year. For planting seeds
sow in a flat container and water so that the soil is always
slightly moistened. They germinate from 1 to 2 weeks, after which they
give a good root for another 2 weeks and sit in
individual pots.

Violet – possible diseases and pests

If violets are kept at too high a temperature, they
may be damaged by red spider mites
need by spraying the plants with systemic insecticides.

Another disease of these colors is the black leg, which affects
stem base at seedlings and seedlings. The cause of it is
violation of temperature, as well as waterlogging. AT
affected area, the stem darkens and thin, which leads to
weakening and death of the plant. AT случае заболеванandя растенandя черной
with a foot, it is necessary to replace the soil and disinfect it with a suspension

Excessive air humidity and lack of light can cause
the occurrence of gray rot. Struggling with it by airing the room and
опрыскandванandем эупареном, полandмарцandном, фундазолом, топсandном-М,
каптаном, цandнебом.

Конечно, вырастandть фandалку дома непросто, но какой еще цветок
подарandт вам такую нежную красоту?

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