Ukrainian singers secretly touringOf Russia

Thu, Sep 11, 2014

More recently, Ukrainian singers could not even imagine
представить, что концертная деятельность на территории Of Russia может
to threaten them with the termination of a career in their homeland. It is known that in such
situations turned out to be Ani Lorak, Taisiya Povaliy, the duet “Potap and Nastya
Kamensky. The rest of the Ukrainian stars prefer not
spread about their political views
saving patriotism just in case.

And, nevertheless, Ukrainian artists are well aware that
заработать денег можно только в Of Russia. In this regard, they
in every way they try to hide their touring schedule. Previously on
pages on the Internet they posted information about the upcoming
concerts. Now it is not in sight. The only exception is
performances by Sofia Rotaru.

Узнать, где на территории Of Russia выступает тот или иной
Ukrainian artist is simply impossible. They began to hide behind
neutral titles: Svetlana Loboda – “Ex-VIA-Gra”, “Quest
Pistols ”- Russian group, Sofia Rotaru – People’s Artist
Soviet Union.

Moreover, according to the statement of the head of a certain Ukrainian group
�”Valentin Stryklo”, in the homeland the team does not use
popular, and if not for the fees that guys get in
Of Russia, группу можно было бы распускать.

In Ukraine, singers are offered only participation in charitable
concerts that does not bring performers any income, but
hence, the joy of performance.

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