Types of arrows for the eyes: how topaint

If you still do not know how to draw arrows on
eyes, then this master class is for you. We will consider what
types of shooters are and in what cases they are appropriate.

You will need eyeliners to create makeup with arrows.
different shades, an eyeliner brush, basic shades in brown and
peach shades. Forget also that the skin of the face and eyelid,
Before applying makeup you need to process and bring cleanliness.
Work very well on the area of ​​dark circles under your eyes so that they
did not aggravate the situation.

Особое внимание уделите: если у вас жирное веко
or you know in advance that it will be hot and you will sweat, then it
Be sure to fix the base under the shadows.


Option number 1: for every day

This type of shooter fits every woman and is performed very
easy. You can use both resistant pencils and
liner The arrow begins with the external iris of the eye and repeats
bend of the lower eyelid. That is, the tail of the arrow and the line of the lower eyelid
will go in parallel. It is gradually expanding. Then a little
feather the arrow no further than the pupil, achieve smooth
transition. If you draw an arrow with a pencil, then duplicate it

Such an arrow adjusts the eye and is suitable for everyday
make up.

All arrows draw with an open eye, looking in the mirror. By
at least we set the form in this way, and paint on it as
will be convenient. If you have an eyelid with folds, then draw
arrow, then with half-closed eye, shade the middle part.

Option number 2: classic arrows

If you like more saturated makeup, then the arrow will suit you.
throughout the ciliary row. It is painted as the previous one,
only extend it to the inner corner of the eye. Note,
that for everyday makeup, the elongation to the corner should be
as thin as possible and only then gradually expand from

Such arrows are appropriate in any eye makeup, as they do
the ciliary row is thicker, and the makeup is saturated.

Option number 3: retro – arrows

If you deviate from the standard thickness of the arrow,
The next option is retro arrows. In this case, there is no
restrictions and thickness may be completely different, depending
from the image and ideas.

Есть несколько вариантов, как наpaint такую стрелку. First of
them is that you draw a regular arrow around
ciliary row. Then on top of this arrow we draw a new one, thereby
thickening the previous one. Strictly repeat the shape, and the tail will be
go further than the bottom. If you correctly draw the bottom
the arrow, then the tail of the new will look towards
the temple.

Второй вариант, как наpaint стрелки, это прорисовка той
the thickness that you need along the contour. We draw the necessary form
and shading.

Arrows of this kind can be thicker, it all depends on whether
What do you need makeup?

In order to look more open, it is better to set off
lower and upper eyelid natural colors of the shadows. Lower eyelid
decorate with brown, slightly bringing up the arrow. Top decorate
peach shade, starting with the fold.

Option number 4: colored arrows

Byмимо того, что стрелки могут быть стандартных оттенков, они
can also be colored. Colored are painted the same way
as the first version of the retro-shooter. First paint the black arrow
and after it dries, apply a colored pigment above. You can even
several layers. Just in this version you can see by how much
lengthened upper arrow. Stain the crease if

Option number 5: feather arrow

Byследний вариант относится к каждодневному, но, изменив
intensity and color, such makeup can easily go into

First, apply a natural shade of cream shadow. Lighten up
eyebrow area and nook. Brown color draw an arrow on
upper eyelid, and then stew a little with a small brush.
Byлучается лёгкая дымка, которая уместна для дневного make up.

As you can see, there are many types of arrows, and only
you choose what image you want to try on today.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: