Treatment of Kidney Diet Table 7a

  • 1 List of products and menus for a week for a diet 7A
    • 1.1 What is possible and what is not?
    • 1.2 Weekly menus for adults
    • 1.3 Menu for the week for children

Kidney disease is a serious stress for the body, a consequence
renal failure leading to
onрушениям водно-солевого и кислотно-щелочного обменов, что
по-простому озonчает неспособность образования и выделения мочи
. To remove the patient from the disease state will help
медикаменты и соблюдение рекомендаций врача, но первостепенную
plays a role in accelerating the recovery of kidney function
лечебonя диета
и правильно выстроенное меню. In the treatment
serious kidney disease is assigned a special regimen –
Medical Table 7a by Pevzner.

This diet is indicated for acute and chronic
glomeralonephritis – pathologies of kidneys, burdened with acute renal

Most often, Diet Table 7a is prescribed 3-5 days after
exacerbations of serious kidney disease, but pre-doctors
recommend to go to fasting days in the form of special
mono-diet to facilitate the work of the kidneys.


List of products and menus for a week for a diet 7A

Therapeutic Table 7a by Pevzner differs in its menu from others.
лечебных диет серьезными протеиновыми ограничениями и
категорическим запретом on употребление соли
. Besides
protein will also have to cut daily intake of fat from
carbohydrates. The daily rate of sugar, determined by Diet 7a at
renal failure, allows you to consume up to 80 g of sugar
sand. Medical diet Table 7a with kidney disease suggests
this scheme daily KBMU:

  • caloric intake – up to 2200 Kcal;
  • proteins – up to 20 g;
  • Fat – up to 80 g;
  • carbohydrates – up to 350 g

If we are talking about renal failure, the patient will have to
control the amount drunk
 предусмотренный Диетой Стол 7а максимум — до 1
liters per day. Essential foods are excluded from the diet.
oils and extracts, as well as food rich in oxalic acid.
Compliance with all recommendations and drawing up the right menu of the Table
7a will help the body to significantly reduce the load on weakened
kidney and start to restore all its functions.

What is possible and what is not?

What is possible and what is not possible with Pevsner mode Table 7a
– permitted products:

Diet Table 7a allows patients with renal insufficiency
include bakery products in the wellness ration,
cooked without salt and protein. Also focused on the dietary menu
table for kidney disease is done on pasta and cereals are not
containing protein. Тут советуют обратить внимание on саго и

Of vegetables, the therapeutic menu for renal failure allows
add potatoes, most fresh vegetables, greens to dishes.

Первые блюда при Столе 7а следует употреблять с
, учитывая допустимую норму жидкости, и
Cook them only on vegetables.

According to Medicinal Diet 7a, for acute jade can be consumed.
маленькими порциями все сорта мясных и рыбных
products, including pork.

Пациентам, соблюдающим диетический Стол 7а, запрещают
смешивать в блюдах молочные продукты с рыбными и мясными
Лечебный режим Diets 7а при почечной недостаточности одобряет
the use of milk in small portions, as well as cream, cream
butter, cottage cheese and sour cream.

Eggs are recommended to include in the menu is limited – up to three pieces per
a week in the form of an omelet or a soft run, and do not mix them with meat and
dairy dishes at one time.

Fresh fruits and berries with Diet 7a are allowed. Sweets at
kidney disease can also be included in the diet, as long as they
were non-greasy.

Drink in the period of acute attacks of kidney disease can tea
fruit and vegetable juices, herbal decoctions and infusions.

Forbidden at Diet 7a products:

Everything that contains salt or is prepared using it,
foods high in fat, tart and spicy food – all this will have
exclude from the menu at the treatment table 7a. Heavy patient
kidney disease will have to forget about simple bread;
legumes and most other types of cereals; meat, fish and mushroom
broths; sausages; cheeses; marinades; canned food; garlic,
sorrel, spinach, radish and radish; chocolate, ice cream; sharp and
salty sauces and spices; coffee and cocoa. Subject to compliance
Diet Table 7a can be achieved as soon as possible
отступления заболеваний the kidneys.

Weekly menus for adults

Следует помнить, что меню Diets 7а предусматривает свои
особенности приготовления
блюд, которые существенно
different from other Pevzner treatment tables. For example, meat
and the fish who keep Table 7a can boil, bake and even lightly
fry. It’s not necessary to cook the food, you can cook
eating whole chunks. With kidney disease, you can cook porridge,
pilaf, including sweet, puddings, meatballs and meatballs. Food can
to be of any temperature – there are no prohibitions under Diet 7a. Day menu
in the treatment of renal failure, it is better to divide by 5-6
receptions. Doctors recommend adding vitamin 7a to the Table 7a diet

For adults, diet 7a for kidney disease – menu on


  • саго молочonя со свежими ягодами, чай;
  • бессолевой хлеб с медом, onстой шиповника;
  • vegetable broth with sour cream, mashed pork chop, summer
  • cottage cheese soufflé with pumpkin;
  • рыбonя запеканка из кукурузной муки, овощи.


  • паровой омлет с помидорами, бессолевой хлеб с маслом, onстой
  • rice pudding with raisins;
  • крем-суп из картофеля, моркови и лука, гречка on воде, кнели
  • sweet pilaf with raisins and prunes;
  • запеченonя рыба в фольге с картошкой.


  • grated apple with carrots and honey, berry juice 1: 1 with water;
  • cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • суп из саго с овощами, картофельonя запеканка с мясом, салат из
    seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal fruit jelly, dry biscuits;
  • Baked zucchini with fillet, vegetable patties.


  • soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese rubbed with strawberries and black currants,
    green tea;
  • cranberry mousse;
  • тыквенный суп-пюре, телятиon в томатном соусе, паста из твердых
    wheat varieties;
  • broth hips with berries;
  • buckwheat with fish cakes, seasonal vegetables.


  • milk soup with sago and fresh apricots, tea;
  • strawberry jelly;
  • decoction of vegetable, steam fillet with potatoes, cauliflower,
    tomatoes, carrots;
  • фруктовый salad;
  • pasta from durum wheat with seafood, summer


  • steam omelette, corn biscuits, milk;
  • apple-carrot balls in walnuts;
  • beetroot soup, fried potatoes, steam cutlets;
  • cottage cheese mousse with pureed fruit;
  • stew with potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, tomato and


  • cottage cheese noodles, tea;
  • baked apple;
  • vegetable marrow soup, vegetable pie, summer salad;
  • compote of dried fruit, biscuit;
  • boiled rice with fish dumplings.

Такое меню on неделю для взрослых страдающих почечной
deficiency meets all the requirements of strict medical
Diets Стол 7а, и поможет справиться с недугом.

Меню on неделю для детей

Диета Стол 7а onзonчается в период обострения гломералонефрита
не только взрослым, но и детям onчиonя с трех лет. The only thing
the difference is the period of adherence to Table 7a for a child with kidney disease
not as long as for an adult – up to one week, then
малыша переводят on менее строгий режим лечебного питания.

На период Diets 7а следует полностью исключить из рациоon
ребенка соль, onваристые бульоны, давать пить меньше жидкости.
The remaining recommendations are subject to the Table 7a for kids
identical to the advice for adults. First of all, this dietary
режим призван on время «дать передышку» почкам заболевшего


  • cottage cheese pudding, tea;
  • vegetable decoction with noodles, mashed with turkey dumplings, tomato
    the juice;
  • baked apple;
  • rice balls, steam fish.


  • steam omelette with tomatoes, orange juice 1: 1 with water;
  • rice soup with carrots and onions, zucchini and turkey fillet in
    the oven;
  • fruit puree;
  • pasta with minced meat and onions.


  • рисовая каша on молоке, чай с молоком;
  • cream soup of potatoes and pumpkin, french fries in the oven, fish
    кнели on пару;
  • фруктовый salad;
  • vegetable stew with chicken.


  • rice pudding with fruit, pear compote;
  • soup with sago and vegetables, pumpkin and mashed potatoes, soufflé
    chicken breast;
  • fruit jelly, biscuit;
  • Light beef goulash, tomato salad with sour cream.


  • творожonя запеканка с абрикосами, чай;
  • свекольник, постный плов, овощи on пару;
  • baked apple;
  • пирог из вермишели с фаршем, морковный salad.


  • яйцо всмятку, печеonя тыква с молоком;
  • суп с паровыми кнелями из кролика, рис, овощonя onрезка;
  • cottage cheese soufflé;
  • potato salad, chicken cutlets.


  • тыквенный пудинг, морковно-яблочный the juice;
  • кабачковый крем-суп с сухариками, фаршированные яйца, onрезка
    из seasonal vegetables;
  • berry mousse;
  • seafood pasta, dietary vinaigrette.

Детское меню Diets 7а on неделю предусматривает все рекомендации
doctors, and helps kids to quickly deal with diseases
the kidneys.

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