Training program for girls in the gymthe hall

programma-trenirovok-dlya-devushekThe proposed four-week
программа тренировок для девушек в тренажерном the hall от зарубежных
helps professionals not only reliably lose weight, but also
keep fit.

To do this, reduce the number of cardio and
focus on strength exercises to speed up metabolism and
build muscle.

If you belong to a group of cardiovascular adherents, then
often ready to do them for weight loss whenever your
weight is growing.

Yes, of course, running, cycling, elliptical trainers can
help you lose weight, especially with a lot of body weight. But in
At some point, any of the weight loss falls on the “plateau” –
weight stabilization. In this case, an increase in cardio
in fact does not lead to success, because it does not give significant
getting rid of extra pounds.

To get past the “plateau” faster, you need an “explosion” – building up
muscle mass, which can provide only strength training.
In recent publications, scientists have reported that weightlifting
also helps to speed up the metabolism, which acts in
for a long time even after the end of the workout
спортthe hall.

The main law of strength exercises

Интенсивная тренировка в the hall для девушек ведет к укреплению и
build muscle. Moreover, the more muscle you have, the
the more calories you burn, regardless of the active or passive
pastime. In other words, are you working or sitting
motionless – an increase in muscle mass leads to build-up
energy consumption for its maintenance.


Phased training program for girls in the gym
the hall

If you first noticed power loads, do not
worry What to do and how to train to build
strong foundation of strength training – tell a four-week
scheme of exercises to strengthen and build muscle.

Unlike cardio trainings, this set of workouts for
girls will take you to a new level of physical fitness
approaching the perfect figure. Great news! You only
will need to exercise twice in 7

Every week the workouts will be repeated, but will be weighed down by
an account of the options for changing the program (the number and duration
pauses for rest, the number of sets (approaches), repetitions or

In the weekly plan it is necessary to include 2 days of rest between
workouts. These days you can take your body with your loved ones.
cardio loads.

Для уточнения: кардио – это не плохо для похудения – но
not the best way for stable and long-term weight loss, but
also to keep fit. They are only good in a complex with
power load.

Where to begin?

When choosing dumbbells give preference to those with whom two
the last movements of the 12 will be given with difficulty, and the 13th you already
do not master.

Week one

At the beginning of the training program for girls provides
Exercise in the form of separate trips (sets).

For example, after performing the first set of pumping leg muscles,
rest for 30 seconds, then do the second set, again half a minute
pause rest and go to the third set. When finished, proceed to
the next exercise. In the first week we complete all the workouts.
as follows: full repetition of 12 movements during each
of the three approaches and the 30-second pause for a rest between

You may also find that the muscle load increases for
each approach, even if you save 12 repetitions for all three


Week two

На этой неделе план тренировок в тренажерном the hall для девушек
stipulates that you will continue the same format of power
workouts, but now perform 15 repetitions of each movement for
all three approaches.

Отдыхать же вам нужно будет по 15 сек между sets. Therefore, on
the second week you have to increase the intensity of training, then
There is more work for a shorter time period. That’s great
incentive to move your workouts to a new level and improve
physical form.

Week three

В этот период вас ждет круговая тренировка в тренажерном the hall!
This means that instead of using force approaches, you will perform
cycling training of two sets, completing each of them
The following exercise without a break.

In the third week, at the end of the approach of 15 repetitions immediately
move on to the following movements, without resting between them. For example, in
first day of classes, having finished doing leg presses 15 times, proceed
to deep squats (15 repetitions), and then, without a pause for
rest, we are waiting for the next exercise. Doing 2 sets a couple
Exercises (just get 4 sets), you can relax during
minutes, and then repeat the whole circle (cycle) twice.

Week four

During this period, we continue cyclic (circular) training,
performing 12 repetitions of each movement in one set. But there is
two hard changes! You must commit a total of 4
full cycle (4 sets of each exercise) without rest between
by them!

This week, proper training is about preserving
results achieved consolidating to a new level and maintaining
improved physical fitness. After you finish
the last movement of the cycle, you immediately return to the first
parts of the workout and start a new lap without pausing for

Happened? Mark in the calendar 4 weeks in advance, and you don’t
Believe how much we have become stronger, slimmer and healthier!

Наиболее частые ошибки женщин в тренажерном the hall

Try to avoid these shortcomings by planning correctly.
workouts and their behavior that will help to play sports without
problems and more effectively:

1. Training every day! Anyone who rarely or long ago engaged in
спортthe hall, нужно понимать, что мышцам, да и всему организму, после
stress needs rest and recuperation. Daily workout
do not give a chance to do it, while the person does not get stronger and
stronger. It is important to give each muscle group a rest for at least
48 hours between classes. And it is better to train each
muscle group, not more than 1 time per week:

  • Monday – chest (biceps);
  • Tuesday – feet;
  • Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday – days of rest;
  • Thursday – shoulders (triceps);
  • Friday is the back.

2. Fear of great weight. Light dumbbells, according to most
professionals do not always give a good result. Burning fat with their
using, you can still remain flabby and untrained
for fear of becoming a bodybuilder. Weight gain for dumbbells and weights
gives a woman graceful arms, slim legs, tight buttocks,
flat stomach and attractive body lines. Besides, going on
enhanced burning of calories throughout the body in active and passive

3. Lack of drinking. Water consumption during exercise is very
important. It removes toxins, helps maintain health.
joints, prevents dizziness and fainting, stimulates
metabolism and reduces fatigue!

4. Reinforced cardio to stay fit.
Excessive cardiovascular disease is harmful: with increasing levels of cortisol
muscle injury is facilitated, metabolism slows down. Enough
3-4 classes with cardio load per week for 30-40 minutes.

5. Wrong thrust of the upper unit. Often women using
only hands, pull the bar, lowering it to the level of the abdomen. Whereas
This simulator is designed to work back. Correct movement –
pull the bar a little higher than the chest, letting the body deflect slightly
back while driving.

6. Inflation of the “cubes” of the abdomen. To reduce fat
interlayer over the abdominals need to follow a healthy diet and
do cardio exercises. Training 2-3 times a week will not give
coveted “cubes” – they can only guarantee that you will
look slimmer. In addition, visually reduced fat
interlayer. 7. Девушки в спортthe hall стараются не потеть! Without
comments. Sweating, burning fat and building muscle is great! Still
when going to the gym (and not on a date) it is better not to use

8. Intensive use of perfumes and cheap deodorants.
The combination of perfume with the smell of sweat creates unbearable conditions,
for allergy sufferers as well as for other people. There where man
experiencing physical exertion, it is difficult to breathe. Therefore it is better
leave perfume scents at home.

9. Refusing to consume protein after exercise. After
stress and microtraumas of the muscle tissue that accompany any
power loads, protein shake will help restore
structure of tissues and calm the body, so do not neglect
useful drink!

10. Tilts to the side. Girls and women such movements
contraindicated, as they lead to thickening of the waist!

Now you can exercise diversely and confidently by getting
the pleasure of playing sports!

Занятия в тренажерном the hall для девушек – видео тренировка

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