Tinctures for weight loss: to drink or not to drink!?

nastoyki-dlya-pohudeniya-pit-ili-ne-pitThan just not
test your body people who want to lose weight, this and
all sorts of diets, and very exhausting sports training, and
herbal teas, and pills, and much more. No wonder they say that
for victory all means are good!

Recently, another one is rapidly gaining popularity.
method of losing weight – using tinctures. And more and more often
find in a pharmacy slimming girl for such an interesting occupation as
the choice of the “right” grass collection.

There are a lot of different tinctures, but in this article we
Consider only the most effective and common options.


Tincture winterizer for weight loss: herbal exotic

Such a funny and kind name the plant received thanks to
its long flowering period, which lasts from August and
until the first frost. To date
there are several types of it, but in the context of this article we
interests only wintering ordinary.

It contains an impressive amount of useful ingredients: it is
triterpenoids, ursolic acid, taraxerol, arbutin, phenols,
flavonoids, resins, organic acids, gums, aliphatic
hydrocarbons and mucus. Tannins in its composition well
increase vitality and improve immunity.

Wintergreen tincture is actively produced in pharmacology and
used for edema, diseases of the urogenital system, gastritis,
gout, diabetes and obesity. She is able to dull
feeling of hunger, remove excess fluid from the body,
restore metabolic processes and clean the intestinal tract from
slags. In addition, experts found that regular
the use of this drink greatly accelerates the process
splitting lipid deposits (i.e. fat).

It does not matter if you take the tincture or the dry composition of the winterhouse, its
must be taken no more than 2 – 3 months.

The recipe for tincturing wintergreen:

You will need: 1 tbsp. spoon of dry grass and 250 ml of purified
water. Pour water into a winter house and put on a slow fire,
bring to a boil, then leave for another 10 minutes to infuse,
then cool the broth and take one tablespoon three times
per day 30 minutes before meals.

Infusion is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactating
moms and people with thrombosis.

Pineapple tincture for weight loss: a tasty solution

Among a large number of different tinctures I want to highlight
pineapple, because this fruit is truly amazing.
Possessing such a delicious sweet taste, it is absolutely not
contains sugar, besides, it is nutritious and low-calorie,
useful, tasty and just unique. And still pineapple is capable
encourage splitting of fat accumulations in the body, at the same time
cleansing the intestines from toxins.

Pineapple tincture will help get rid of more than 3 kilograms,
it does not need to adhere to any special diet
nutrition, it just needs to be right and balanced.

Pineapple tincture recipe:

You will need: one large ripe fruit and 0.5 liters of normal
vodka. Next, you need to wash the pineapple with a brush, cut with
it leaves and twist along with the peel in a meat grinder.

Pour the mixture into the vodka, cover tightly with a lid and
put in the fridge for a week. At the expiration of the tincture
ready! Take one tablespoon 20 minutes before each
food intake. The effect of losing weight will be more pronounced if you drink
pineapple tincture is also before bedtime.


Tincture of ginger for weight loss: a proven guard

Due to its richest composition, ginger is able
comprehensively affect the human body: it helps
digest heavy foods, improves blood circulation, reduces
inflammatory processes, improves the work of blood vessels (therefore
favorable for atherosclerosis), and on cold days it protects against
a cold.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat bronchial
asthma, improve potency in men, with headaches and tooth pain in
as an anesthetic, with radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
And finally, ginger is simply indispensable for various violations with
side of the metabolism when the blood is too high cholesterol
density, and fat mass exceeds the permissible norms. In response he
able to accelerate fat metabolism, which in turn leads to
weight loss.

Ginger tincture recipe:

Take ginger root, wash it well and clean it.
peel. Then cut into thin slices and fill with vodka such
To ensure that the liquid completely covers it, cover and
leave in a warm place, so he insisted, for two weeks.
Do not forget to stir the tincture from time to time, so that it does not

At the expiration of the tincture of ginger must be drained,
add lemon juice and honey to taste, take one spoon
twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening, on hungry

There is also a slightly simplified cooking method. For
You can chop the ginger root and pour boiling water over it.
thermos In an hour or two the drink can already be safely taken, only
pre-filtering it. Drink in small portions over
all day With a lot of weight to this recipe, you can add more
a couple of garlic cloves, which will increase the effect of losing weight.

Ginger is contraindicated in people with intestinal problems when
gallstone disease, allergies, pregnant and lactating

Garlic tincture for weight loss: on the verge of foul

The secret of the unsurpassed effectiveness of garlic revealed the doctor
medical sciences from Jerusalem named David Mirelman. The thing is
that this vegetable is rich in a special substance called allicin,
which literally “eats” all disease-causing
bacteria and viruses that are in the human body, and neutralize
free molecules are the source of these infections.

Garlic is used as a cold prevention.
diseases, he copes with dysentery and problems
bile duct rich in healthy vitamins, carbohydrates, fat
oils, microelements, magnesium, selenium, zinc, germanium,
calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. Also contains in its composition such
important substances like glycoside allyn, lysozyme and phytoncids.

In addition, garlic is able to normalize the metabolism, which
It is very important for losing weight, and also clears blood vessels, improves eyesight,
dilutes the blood, while removing thrombosis, and even reduces
manifestation of cellulite.


The recipe for making garlic tincture:

You will need: 300 – 350 gr. peeled garlic finely-finely
chop or squeeze in a garlic dish. Then the mush is placed in
glassware, stir with a wooden spoon, cover
a cover and a towel so that it is present. After several
hours it is necessary to conduct an audit: remove the most liquid mass, and
leave a thick dish.

Next, the liquid part is placed in another dish and poured there.
half a liter of pure water and 200 gr. Medical 70% alcohol. Jar
close the tight lid and put in a cool place, covered
her dark cloth or paper (but not in the fridge). By
after ten days the garlic tincture needs to be drained through
Marlechka, and the resulting liquid is again removed to a dark place yet
for a few days.

Take 5 drops to one tablespoon of water not more than 3
раз в день во время food intake. It is recommended to drink cold
milk in the amount of 50 ml (not more).

People with kidney and gastrointestinal problems can
use a prescription only after consulting a doctor and putting
some laboratory tests.

Byлезный совет: по мнению тибетских целителей, настойку лучше
just cook on garlic, harvested in the autumn, as it is in this
period he has the most maximum power. Course should
repeat once for 3 – 4 years.

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