This is not love: Mondays teach us to fightthe blues

Wed, 17 Sep 2014

The most unloved days of the week are consultants
helping to solve urgent issues

We do not like Mondays. Mondays do not like us. Actually
where to get light feelings at the beginning of the work week? And between
By the way, Mondays are offended. Sit, rubbed tears on cheeks and
They will not understand in any way what we, the unfortunate ones, do not love? what
let’s try to explain. And Mondays will tell us how
renew positive feelings.

So, we do not like the first day of the week because:

1. Мы: вместо кофе в постели нас ждет
coffee, knocked over the keyboard.

Понедельники: Ну, это классический случай. Let’s say by
secret: pouring coffee on the keyboard is unpleasant on any day of the week.
But since you were unlucky on the first weekday, it’s just
pour yourself some more coffee. Yes, yes, seriously. Wipe the stained table
discard the wet sample report you were working on
the last two months, and while the sysadmin picks in search of a new
keyboard, drink a cup or two. Chat together with the mean
giggling colleagues – at the same time discourage them. Consider it
small continuation of the weekend.

2. Мы: потому что вместо утреннего секса
we are waiting for the rape of the brain chief.

Понедельники: вот это вы зря. We mean sex. What for
deny yourself the pleasure at the beginning of the week? Quick throw your
gloomy fees at work, 20-minute search for tights, 50-minute
make-up and other boring things. Wake up with your soul mate
half an hour earlier and pamper each other. And you can make up and on
work. All the same, coffee is spilled, the report is spoiled, and the sysadmin is looking for

Oh yeah – about the boss. Let him read this article. British
scientists have proven that the despotism of the leader arises from
not enough sex. Well, you already guessed it.

3. Мы: потому что снова придется два
hours to listen as secretary Alla and sysadmin Sasha fun
booze over the weekend, embedding in a variety of adventures.

Понедельники: лучший способ отвлечь рассказчика от
историй типа «Вот нажрался я в субботу, и…» — занять его
by deed. How to do it? Read point one. Yes Yes. Sasha then
will be busy searching for a keyboard (imagine what it is with
hangover?). And what to do with Allochka? Send her to the boss. WITH
highlighted second paragraph of this article. Well, you understand …

4. Мы: потому что в понедельник
you turn into a bird – you sit all day and nibble.

Понедельники: ах, вот из-за чего был пролит кофе, и нет
теперь покоя сисадмину WITHашеньке… А если серьезно — специалисты
advise in such cases, light exercise. therefore
бодренько покидаем офис и бежим помогать WITHеменычу разгружать
cinder block. Hour work – and drowsiness as never happened!

5. Мы: потому что на выходных были
shish kebab, wine, friends, music, laughter, and on Monday one solid
yogurt, coffee, colleagues and the chief’s cry.

Понедельники: ну, про кофе все понятно. WITHпособов бороться
with a dramatic change in the situation mass. Be original. Take that
for example, to work the remaining 2-3 pieces of kebab. Heat them up
for lunch in the microwave and enjoy the smell of delicious smoke,
which will float around the office. WITHразу вспомнятся выходные, и настроение
will improve. Well, how to deal with colleagues and screaming boss, you
already know.

By the way, the barbecue is not necessary, you only need it for
creating an atmosphere. Отдайте его WITHашеньке, когда он, наконец-то,
установит новую keyboard


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