The wonders of coffee wraps. Easy to lose weightenjoying the toning aroma: coffee technologywraps

Пн, 29 фев 2016 Автор: Наталия Брынских

Coffee is a wonderful product. A fragrant cup of coffee carries a lot
pleasure and vigor.

The tonic effect of coffee is known to all. Still, coffee is beautiful

It easily removes excess fluid from the body, and it eliminates
from edema.

The effect of the drink on the skin is not too beneficial. But if coffee
apply externally, he has no price! In addition to the benefits for the skin and figure it
also a wonderful spa treatment.

In more detail we will consider such miracle – procedure as coffee
wrap. First of all, this is an amazing opportunity.
to spend at home without spending money on salons, very pleasant
action Perhaps meeting with friends in the sauna, arrange a spa –
salon and spend time in pleasant conversations and have fun in
this time, and most importantly – lose weight!


Coffee wrapping: do or not do

Показаний к кофейному обертыванию достаточно,
to seriously pay attention to him:

• Cellulite. (This hated “orange peel” will

• Correction of the figure (Mark relief. Make outlines more
clear, lose weight in “difficult” places);

• Stretch marks on the body (After childbirth, or dropping considerable weight,
get rid of stretch marks);

• Engage in active sports (after strength exercises in
a significant amount of milk accumulates in the body

• Edema (when using salty or sharp foods, as well as
if the kidneys do not cope with excess fluid);

• Dry skin (you have dry skin type or your skin has become dry and
peels off after the sun or solarium);

• Acne (an age-related phenomenon or a periodic rash, in
cycle links);

• Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);

• Rheumatism;

Contraindications to the use of coffee wraps, of course
there are, but it is more contraindications to steaming, warming
body that must be held before applying the mass for
coffee wraps.

Before you start losing weight, make sure that you have
these diseases are absent.

• Tumors. (And also suspicion of any type of tumor);

• Diseases of a gynecological nature (better not
to overheat, without consulting with your doctor);

• Pregnancy and feeding period. (There may be problems with

• kidney disease;

• Cardiovascular insufficiency and hypertensive

• Venous disease, including varicose veins. (It is better
choose a cold wrap with coffee, and avoid rubbing in and other

• Allergy or skin diseases. (Coffee is not very allergenic, but
the mixture consists of some other components. Need to carefully
read the recipe or sum it up for yourself personally. Excluding allergens
and negative effect.)

• General malaise. (The reason for the ailment can be any.
It is better to first understand the nature of the disease.)

• Uncertainty about endocrine health (for example,

Coffee wrapping: preparation

• Prepare the mass for prescription. Mass is better
cook in a water bath. Determine for yourself a set of ingredients and
mixed in a container, wrap in a thick towel. If you have all
ready will be at hand, you will not have to leave the bathroom for
by weight.

• Be sure to steam the skin. Ideal if you do procedures in
bath or sauna. You can do in the shower, but then you need
warm up thoroughly beforehand or lie down
in the bathroom.

• Do not use bath foam and shower gel, because coffee
clean the skin with high quality. It is necessary to open the pores.

• Good mood. Willingness to give yourself time and
relax. Be sure that the next hour you will not be
ask for help or you do not need to go to work or
a walk.

Coffee Wrap: Recipes

There is a wide range of recipes and methods that you can
choose for yourself, depending on preferences and complexity

You need to choose for yourself the ingredients individually. AT
most recipes present honey if you have on it
allergy or you just do not want to use it, honey can
replace with cream or baby shower gel.

Consider two types of coffee wraps that promote
weight loss: hot and cold.

1 hot recipe for making coffee mixes
To combat cellulite and excretion

It will take:

Three tablespoons of medium coffee ground

Tablespoon honey

Tablespoon body cream

Red pepper on the tip of a knife

• Three tablespoons of medium coffee ground сварить в джазве или в
saucepan (Starts to boil – turn off).

• Cool until the coffee is hot, but the hand can
tolerate the temperature.

• AT емкости, которую возможно поставить на огонь, смешать
a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of body cream and red pepper
on the tip of a knife.

• Take a shower. Steam skin until red.

• AT кастрюльку с медом и перцем добавить сваренный молотый кофе
and heat the whole mass in a water bath to a temperature of 40-50

• Apply this mass locally, on the areas that are hardest
lose weight – belly, hips, riding breeches and buttocks.

• Apply a little rubbing into the skin.

• Wrap areas with food film in 2-3 layers and wrap on top
towel or warm blanket.

• Conveniently, if you prepare in advance on the sofa or bed
open blanket or bath robe.

• After 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

2 hot recipe for a mixture of coffee
To combat stretch marks and cellulite.

It will take:

Three tablespoons of medium coffee ground

Tablespoon honey

Tablespoon cream

Red pepper half a teaspoon

Mumiyo (in pharmacy sold in tablets)

• The recipe is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but as here
red pepper is much larger – there should be no wounds on the skin and
allergies and rubbed into the skin mass is not necessary. Just impose.

• After you wrap the mass applied to the skin, the food
film, you should wear home clothes and lie down under warm blankets.
Feeling – hot in the sauna, and a little bit hot. LITTLE! If a
sensations unpleasant – wash away. So this option is not suitable personally.

• After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the mass and rub the mummy into the skin
(previously, two tablets diluted in olive or flax

• We put on home clothes. Mummy will be absorbed into the skin along with
oil through time. Do not immediately put on good things. Butter
absorbed within two hours.

3 hot mix recipe for coffee
For deep warming, skin cleansing and
losing weight

It will take:

Five to six tablespoons of ground coffee

Tablespoon honey

Paraffin for wrapping (sold in a pharmacy and used
countless times because it has no direct contact with
skin. Necessary thing in the household. Useful for treatment

• ATарите кофе, сливаете жидкость.

• Add honey to the thick, rub.

• Prepare paraffin wax. The most convenient – sheet from the oven (you can
make a special) lubricate with sunflower oil, put
paraffin and warm in the oven to a soft state. Better to do it
before going to the shower.

• After you apply the mass to the desired areas and wrap
film, make sure that the paraffin does not have liquid areas, it should
be not transparent.

• ATозьмите пленку, расстелите на столе в несколько слоев.
Turn the leaf with paraffin on the film. He will be like a layer.
Put a film on top of it as well.

• And impose this layer on the right areas.

• More convenient if you have helpers. You can arrange a spa –
Weekend salon and with a friend to pamper each other given

• With paraffin and good mood relies lie down under
blanket within forty minutes.

• After – remove paraffin. Remove before next time, wash off

4 cold recipe for a mixture of coffee
Scrub and the fight against cellulite.

It will take:

Three tablespoons of medium coffee ground (не вареный)

Tablespoon honey.

Orange oil – 2-3 drops.

• Apply a mixture of not cooked coffee, honey and
orange oil. Scrub the skin thoroughly. Feeling – up
goose bumps and slight numbness of the skin of the hands.

• Hold on the skin for five to eight minutes and rinse.

Coffee wrapping: sequence of actions

• ATсегда готовьте массу для использования непосредственно перед
procedure. Do not cook in reserve.

• Приготовьте пищевую пленку для coffee wraps.

• Stir the skin thoroughly in the sauna or bath. AT ванной нужно
lie down for about 20 minutes.

• Apply the composition following the recipe and technique.

• Wrap the seats with food film wrap.

• Secure a blanket or towel for deep
warming up.

• ATремя, указанное в рецепте проведите в покое, в удобном

• Flush through the time prescribed in the recipe.

Coffee wrapping: professional advice:

• Especially, pay attention to the inner thighs,
buttocks, waist and breeches. The procedure is carried out better before
depilation or shaving process because the skin is injured after
the composition of the depilator, and the process will not be so pleasant. Sensations
should only be good.

• Do not forget about the hands! Especially, you need to pay attention to
the inner part of the forearm, where the skin is soft and flabby. Outdoor
treat the side of the forearm and shoulders carefully as the skin
it is rather rough and most often prone to acne and various
kind of inflammation. Coffee wrap, even without deep
rubbing in will significantly lose weight and gain relief in the area

• Do not feel sorry for the waist and buttocks area. Pounding thighs too
carefully, in circular motions. Here you need to spare the mass of coffee and
forces. Cellulite does not like massage, rubbing and scrubbing,
since it is a subcutaneous phenomenon. ATтирание улучшит метаболизм и
speed up weight loss.

• Use low-cost, ground ground coffee. Here is not
expensive varieties are required.

• Harvest after you, or your home, drink coffee
in a clean jar. AT нужный момент можно просто смешать с остальными
ingredients and use.

If a использовать кофейное обертывание для похудения, тонуса
your body result not long in coming. Each session – step to
youth and skin elasticity.

Effects after coffee wrapping:

  • Clean and well-groomed skin.
  • Reduced swelling.
  • A noticeable reduction in cellulite.
  • Skin tone.
  • Weight loss due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Soothing aromatherapy.
  • Healthy skin color.

Never deprive yourself of being happy and

Take time and opportunities. Every step, every movement,
what you have done for yourself and for your own good will be noted and appreciated

Happy you – happy people around you. Love yourself and your
body. What gives pleasure is not expensive, but expensive
worth it!

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