The trend of the season – purple skirt and blouse!

Just a few years ago, the purple color in the clothes was
quite rare. To meet him in the wardrobe of fashionistas was enough
difficult, and, then, only among those who were not afraid to appear
extravagant. If we recall the European countries, there
purple was considered an indicator of belonging to the royal family
persons and was a symbol of aristocracy, spirituality and

Everyone knows that purple, in essence, is a mixture of blue and
red, and they in turn symbolize water and fire.
Energetically, this color is strong enough, and therefore capable of
Awaken sexuality and fantasy. Perhaps that’s why
purple is not the first season remains popular among
fashion designers, fashion houses and their fans.

With a beautiful purple skirt, the jacket on
several tones are darker, and tights are perfect for the blouse
same color and flirty purple scarf.

At the same time, everyone who follows the development of fashion needs
realize that the purple color is not suitable for everyone. BUT
therefore it is worth being careful when choosing shades. BUT вот рыжеволосым
girls, it is generally worth considering whether to make a purchase. If you
still decided to buy a purple blouse or skirt and this color you
really fit, it is well worth thinking about what to wear
purple skirt.



Being quite saturated color, purple likes
contrasts. Red, yellow, black, white, turquoise and green –
Each of these colors can be easily combined with purple clothing.
It also looks good with gray and black, which give it
nobility and elegance. Combination with denim and silver
shade suitable for those who want to create an image of a young, a little
frivolous girl. The color also looks good next to
elements made in his native palette – purple, pink and
fuchsia color.

С чем носить фиолетовую юбку? No matter what
the cut has a skirt, pencil, mini, midi, or the floor if you choose the top
A few shades darker or lighter can be carried to the office.
Short tops of bold and bright colors, plain turtlenecks and
T-shirts lay on the body, black shirt, or a translucent blouse –
All this can be safely worn with a purple skirt. Combining
with bright accessories and complementing a variety of shoes.

Purple skirt will be an equal replacement for the classic skirt
black color. It is only important to choose the right accessories and
top of the wardrobe. If you choose a dark shade
purple, you can easily create a casual outfit.
At the same time in order to get a stylish outfit to hike on
The party only needs to replace one item with a brighter one.
Skirt can be worn with classic shirts, jackets and blouses
neutral shades. There are practically no restrictions on shoes, but
warm time give preference to natural materials, and in
winter – brown, matte and reddish shades.

BUT что с блузкой?

Now you need to deal with the question of what to wear purple
a blouse? After all, if you pick up the upper part of the dress to the purple skirt
simply enough, then the purple blouse to choose the appropriate
bottom some will be quite difficult. However, even such a complex
the situation can be overcome by knowing some subtleties and tricks.

Purple blouse will look good with gold color
bottom. Therefore, women of fashion do not lose, buying golden sandals
or any decorations of that color. Also suitable multicolored bottom
if the color combination is not too catchy.

С чем носить фиолетовую блузку? BUTксессуары к блузке
pick up is simple enough. Prefer pink handbags,
silver jewelery, leather belts, and purple hues
scarves and scarves.

The strict style silk blouse will be perfectly complemented by knitted
kerchiefs and ties. And it all depends on the style, and then you can
create both strict and business outfits, and youth. If your
the blouse has a drawing of white color, then all accessories should be
matched to the tone. White can be shoes, bags, scarves or even
jewelry, pinned in the hair. In everyday life blouse
purple can also be worn with jeans of any style and
colors. At the same time, this image will be quite youth and stylish.

Chiffon and translucent blouses are at their peak today.
popularity And both designers and
fashionistas, constantly reporting that it is not just elegant, but also
subtle. In addition, this blouse is ideal for strict
office style, and for going to a nightclub.

In fact, it’s not so important which violet shade you choose.
and with what shades and styles you will combine it. After all
The main thing is that the end result of a diligently created image
you liked it. Delivering joy and pleasure from the looks,
who throw the men around you. And one more thing about
definitely worth mentioning is makeup. After all именно он станет
finishing touch and correct accents, emphasizing
individuality and uniqueness of the woman.

Photos of successful combinations of purple skirts and blouses

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