The puppy constantly itches: parasites, allergies,a disease or something else? Why is a little puppy constantlyitches and what to do

Пт, 27 апр 2018 Автор: ATалерия

Often the pet owner regularly processes
dog from parasites, but the puppy is constantly itching, regardless of
efforts made. The reasons why a well-groomed puppy is constantly
itching, in veterinary medicine known for a long time.

Experts recommend – finding an itch in a dog, first
find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. The reason is like
harmless and serious, indicating the development of dangerous
pathology. Ways to eliminate itching in veterinary medicine are well known. AT
As a preventive measure, you must look at your pet’s skin.
every day to identify problems in a timely manner.


Causes of puppy itch

Puppy skin can not only itch, but also peel off. Pet
starts to itch and lick, sometimes he even whines.
The reason for this behavior is the following negative

• The presence of parasites (fleas or ticks).

• An allergic reaction, accompanied by irritation and

• Disease, ringworm and other skin diseases.

• Excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands.

• Immune diseases, oncological tumors and other

AT отдельных случаях причины жжения и зуда владелец может
define yourself, but it’s much safer to ask for
consultation to the vet.

Parasites have a puppy

If the puppy is constantly scratching, then with high probability
him fleas. Somewhat less often a dog suffers from ticks, lice or
biting lice (in the latter case, the pet has the withers the most
and tail). If fleas managed to be removed, it does not guarantee that with
parasites coped forever. Larvae of parasites for quite some time
stored on the skin, bedding and other surfaces.

If a pet is bitten by a tick it is life threatening,
redness and suppuration is formed, causing nervous disease
system. Mite can live on the skin for a long time, its activation occurs
while reducing the immunity of the animal. If a puppy has itchy ears, it’s
may indicate ear mite. Pet так
he is intensively combing his ears, that wounds can form on them.
Tick ​​treatment is carried out comprehensively, with mandatory
using antibacterial drugs. Lack of therapy
deadly as self-medication.

Allergic puppy itching

The most vulnerable place for allergies on the body of the dog – back near
tail. Causes of allergies are very different.

• Flea bites and other parasites.

• Irritants inhaled with air.

• Abrupt food change, inappropriate feed.

• Reaction to vaccination.

• Vegetable pollen.

• Feathers, down.

• Household dust.

• Medical drug.

If on examination the vet replaces red spots on the skin
dogs, it may indicate an allergy. When allergies
only found in areas of the neck, the material may be to blame
from which the collar is made. Long-haired puppies suffer from
allergic manifestations more often than short-haired breeds. With
If necessary, the hair on the affected skin is cut off. AT
for the rest, allergy treatment in dogs is not much different from therapy
similar disease in humans. AT первую очередь придется избавить
animal from contact with the allergen.

Puppy skin diseases

The most common skin diseases in dogs are dermatitis and eczema, but
встречаются и другие кожные pathology. Dermatitis often affects
rocks that have folds in the skin. ATозбудитель скапливается в кожных
folds, tissue inflamed, itching begins, when combing
accompanied by pain. With грибковом поражении кроме зуда
observed hair loss.

Before prescribing a treatment, the veterinarian will find out which pathogen
led to the development of the disease. After this is assigned
drug therapy using special shampoos and
pills. Skin diseases are not fatal (if not bring
disease to the extreme), but greatly reduce the quality of life

Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands in a puppy

The main symptom of excess fat production by the skin glands is
greasy tail. This phenomenon is most common in cats.
Some representatives of the dogs are also subject to this symptom.
An animal with hyperfunctioning glands loves to constantly lick in the area
tail, to this pet pushes unpleasant and severe itching.

For the time being such actions bring relief, the puppy becomes
playful and fun, but through time bouts of painful itching
are repeated. The treatment consists in bathing the dog with
special tools. After several such water procedures
the problem usually disappears. ATажно не пересушить кожу слишком сильно —
This may cause dandruff, which also causes

Stress puppy

Animals are not so different from humans, their nervous
The system is also subject to stress. Puppy psyche is unstable when
he begins to get nervous for various reasons, it leads to
increased secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands. Dermatitis, greasy tail,
many dog ​​diseases are the result of stress that a dog
experiences when not enough attentive and sensitive host.

Especially destructive on the psyche of the dog acts a constant
the fear felt by the child separated from the mother. ATладельцу
animal need help pet cope with emotional
problems, ridding him of fears. ATажно обеспечить в доме
calm, friendly atmosphere. Consultation with an experienced veterinarian
will tell you if you need to give the dog some sedatives
drugs, or you can do without drugs.

The presence of a puppy with oncology itching is unlikely, usually cancerous
tumors occur in adulthood, but sometimes occur
sad exceptions. Treat cancer, immune diseases and other
serious pathologies are difficult, veterinary qualifications and thorough
following the instructions from the owner – a pledge of recovery

Whatever the root cause, why the puppy is constantly scratching,
important is attentive attitude of the owner to the animal and timely
Call for help in a veterinary clinic.

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