The norm of calories per day for a woman

  • 1 Daily calorie intake for women
    • 1.1 The rate of carbohydrates per day
    • 1.2 How to calculate the daily rate of fat, protein and
  • 2 Calories per day for weight gain

Wanting to bring a figure in order, women are forced to turn to
nutritionists to draw up a program of self-torture
strict diets or count calories daily.

The daily rate of calories depends on the height and weight of the woman, as well as
from her health condition. In this article, we consider what
The daily rate of calories for a woman and how to properly
to calculate.


Daily calorie intake for women

In drawing up the daily calorie intake for
losing weight, you should consider factors such as:

  • Level of physical activity;
  • Age;
  • Goals

On average, a woman needs daily allowance of 2000 kcal, 40% of them –
these are carbohydrates. Now a lot of weight loss diets, excluding
products containing these substances from the diet. But such
ограничительное питание не должно стать постоянным, ведь это
the only power source for brain cells. Also not worth it
neglect cereals, especially for breakfast, as they are rich
fiber that helps clean the intestines and provides
feeling of fullness for a long period of time.

В основе расчета калорийности блюд на день лежит возраст
women. Рассмотрим средние показатели:

  • up to 16-17 years old – 2 600 kcal;
  • from 20 to 30 years – 2 000 – 2 300 kcal;
  • from 30 to 50 years – 1 800-2 000 kcal;
  • after 50 years – 1,600 kcal.

Pregnant and lactating breasts require from 3,200 to 3,400
kilocalories per day.

The most accurate indicator of calories can be obtained if
calculate body mass index.

The rate of carbohydrates per day

The following nutrients are a source of energy and strength for each
person They contain more than half the number of calories
необходимого в день (о том, сколько калорий нужно употреблять в
день чтобы похудеть, читайте здесь: )
. They also contribute
normalize the workings of the human central nervous system and increase
brain activity.

but do not exceed the rate of consumption per day. Out of harm
it is known that with their unlimited use, on the body
fat folds are formed, which is very difficult to get rid of.
Therefore, eat carbohydrate-containing foods in moderation.

The use of these substances for the purpose of weight loss is recommended in
in the morning, because at this time the metabolism occurs with
top speed. Their daily rate depends on the level
physical activity.

Mostly eaten between 300 and 500 grams.

  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals: oat, barley, rice, wheat and corn;
  • durum macaroni;
  • beans, lentils and peas;
  • potatoes and corn.

When losing weight, women should include at least
один из этих продуктов, так как отсутствие вышеуказанных
beneficial substances contributes to obesity, diabetes, caries
and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Conclusion: the rate of carbohydrates per day – 500 grams of any
the above product or combination thereof.

Как рассчитать суточную норму жиров, белков и carbohydrates?

Суточная норма белков, жиров и углеводов для
average woman with normal weight and physical
активностью составляет 25% белков, 25% жиров и 50%

Aspiring to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates
and increase protein intake, fats are reduced to a minimum. With
weight gain – the opposite.

Суточная норма для похудения рассчитывается с
using the following math actions:

  • multiply by 1.8;
  • weight multiply by 9.6;
  • add the results;
  • add 655 to the figure;
  • from the resulting number should subtract the resulting figure at
    multiplying the number of years by 4.7.

To maintain weight, it is necessary to consume calories,
appropriate to your age and lifestyle. In 1 gram
Fat contains 9 kilocalories, in protein and carbohydrate – 4 kcal each. Knowing
the above figures, women without problems
сможет рассчитать суточную норму жиров, белков и

With расчете суточной нормы для похудения женщин, учитываются
factors such as:

  • floor;
  • age;
  • level of physical fitness.

The daily intake of Fats, Proteins and Carbohydrates can be clearly seen
thanks to the photo below.

Calorie intake per day for weight gain

Rarely women who are more willing to gain weight than
seeking to lose weight. Consider what usually contributes to such
turn of events and what is the daily calorie intake for

The root cause of dramatic weight loss on a large number
kilograms can become frequent stressful situations that violate
appetite. Also, women lose a lot of strength and weight during prolonged
severe illness. To restore energy and nerve cells,
required to choose a special healthy food.

The calculation of the daily caloric content of dishes is as follows
 количество килограммов умножается на 30 и
добавляется 500. К примеру, если женщина весит 50 кг, то ее
The daily rate of calories is 50 * 30 + 500 = 2000 kcal.

For rapid weight gain, you should eat 5-6 times a day. day,
every 3 hours. It is also necessary to drink up to three liters of clean
water without gas.

With желании набрать вес, женщинам к употреблению
The following products are recommended:

  • Жиры: орехи, семечки, морская рыба, сливочное
  • Белки: морепродукты, яйца, пшено, молочные
    buckwheat and pearl barley products;

Углеводы: овощи, фрукты, финики, изюм,
potato, pumpkin, rice

Исходя из вышеперечисленных рекомендаций, меню на
для женщин выглядит следующим образом:

  • Завтрак: пшенная каша с черносливом и
    weak black tea;
  • Обед: тушеные овощи с брынзой и кефиром;
  • Ужин: салат из огурцов и помидоров, отварной
    rice, yogurt.

Daily allowance for weight loss and weight gain
should include in the diet only fresh foods and dishes without spices,
stimulating the nervous system.

Without fail, exclude alcoholic beverages from the menu and
products containing alcohol. Also reconsider your attitude towards
high-calorie bakery products, especially puff
test. These ingredients not only contribute to weight gain.
body, but also significantly impair health.

This photo will help you to visually see the dialing system.

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