The most effective exercises for losing weight.Elementary exercises for losing weight at home

Вт, 21 июн 2016 Автор: Вита Куренкова

Every person wants to have a healthy and toned body.

Very often in the fight against excess weight much attention is paid
the main problem areas, namely, the stomach and thighs.

However, the arms and shoulders also require special attention.

Exercises for slimming arms can be different, in
depending on each specific situation.

Sometimes this is a general reinforcing occupation, and in some cases,
for example, after abrupt weight loss, due to intense


The need and value of exercises in losing weight

It is a mistake to assume that if you go on a diet, even on the most
hard, then soon begin to notice how they will lose weight
Your hands. This process is inevitable, due and expected result.
You will not get.

Anyone wants to end up with beautiful and toned arms, with
thin wrist and graceful shoulders. This whole picture with a simple
sluggish skin and loose muscles will ruin your weight loss.

Only thanks to a certain complex of physical loads you
be able to bring your hands in perfect condition. Not worth it
forget that fatty tissue in a given area is one of
the worst burned. Therefore, before the start of classes you need to be
ready for the fact that a really effective result comes slowly
and gradually.

The effectiveness of exercises for losing weight is achieved only
with their integrated approach. There will never be a result when
exhausting doing any one exercise. Besides
with proper weight loss, fat is burned evenly throughout the body,
therefore it is recommended during exercises aimed at the hands,
additionally perform general exercise.

To tighten the skin and strengthen muscles, as well as improve metabolism
and to prevent the emergence of adipose tissue can only
продуктивные load. Wanting to get good results
It is necessary to put maximum effort and patience.

Basic exercises for losing weight at home

Before starting any active workouts aimed at
another area, requires a preliminary warm-up, to wake up
muscles and joints before exertion. No exception are
exercises for slimming hands.

An approximate warm-up before exercise on the hands and

  • Spread your arms to the side to perform circular movements with your hands
    10 times first ode, then the other way. Then shake
    them a few seconds.

  • Arms spread to the sides to perform several flexion and
    extensor exercises in the elbows, with the direction of the brush to

  • Alternately with each hand to perform circular movements first
    forward, then back. Enough for three circles in each direction.

  • Perform several circular movements with your shoulders, forward and

  • In the position of the legs shoulder-width apart, arms lowered and relaxed,
    lift and lower the shoulders while shaking the whole hand.
    This exercise takes about 10 seconds.

  • Swing straight arms with your arms apart.
    counterweight, then put in front of him in the form of “scissors”.

By preparing your arms and shoulders for the upcoming training session, you can
go to the main complex of exercises.

In case you want to tighten and strengthen your hands, which
do not have significant problems, you can perform simple daily
classes at home, for example, in the form of morning exercises. These exercises
at home will help bring your hands in proper condition,
and continue to support the results achieved.

The most elementary and simple that everyone can do
represented by the following list:

1. Отжимание от пола.

Starting position: the emphasis hands to the floor, stretching his legs putting them
on the toe, the body at this moment should represent a straight line.
Next, bend your elbows, lowering the whole body to the floor, while
trying to keep your body level, then straighten your arms again,
rising from the floor.

This exercise is considered to be the most effective not only when
slimming arms, but also to work on the press, chest, buttocks.
The number of pushups perfect depends on individual
possibilities, the main condition: that the exercise was performed
qualitatively, followed by gradual quantitative

2. Отжимание от пола с возвышенными ногами.

Similar to the above exercise, only legs
placed not on the floor, but on any elevation (sofa, chair and
etc.). This exercise is hard but more effective than
The first is performed first whenever possible, ideally 15 times per
an approach. It is worth moving to it if you are easy to perform.
enough simple push-ups (about 25 times).

3. Отжимание от дивана с ногами на полу.

This exercise is usually used by those who have excess
weight, it is lighter. It is carried out with the support of hands on
fixed elevation, for example, on a sofa. Ideally perform
20-30 push ups.

4. Прыжки на скакалке.

For many it will be a discovery that hands lose weight from jumping, but
it is from the daily jumps from rope where active
hands are involved, good results are achieved in a few months
results. Jump while you need about 10 minutes a day.

5. Сдавливание мнимой сферы.

Arms are bred to the sides and bend in the elbows, palms should
be at chest level. At this point, begin to allegedly squeeze
a kind of sphere or ball, strongly straining at the same time arms and chest.
The exercise is performed for about half a minute in a couple of approaches.

6. Пружина.

This exercise is performed in two versions:

– Legs shoulder-width apart, arms lowered and heavily compressed in
fists. Then one hand rises alternately to the top, making
at the same time two springy movements with each hand in different

– Legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent in front of you in elbows,
located at chest level, fingers pointing at each other,
palms down. First turn the body in one direction.
spring elbows in different directions three times, folding blades.
Then also turn in the other direction, making a similar
movement elbows.

In both cases, the exercise is performed for about two minutes.

Dumbbells – home sports equipment for effective
exercises in slimming arms and shoulders

The effectiveness of exercises for slimming hands increases with
using dumbbells. This sports equipment allows
reduce the time to achieve visible results. Via
dumbbells Your hands will take the desired relief, expressed in
more or less.

For exercises, you must purchase 2 dumbbells with an average weight
one to two kilograms, they should also be comfortable in
capture. You can alternatively use plastic bottles,
pre-filling them, however, it is not very convenient.

Basic exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

1. Starting position – legs shoulder-width apart, arms lowered from
dumbbells down. Stretch your arms forward to chest level, then
pull apart and drop down. Repeats 20 times.

2. Hands down, palms with dumbbells turn forward,
we press our elbows to the sides of the body and raise our arms with dumbbells to
shoulders. Exercise is repeated 15-20 times.

3. Lying on the floor on his stomach, holding dumbbells in his hands at this time,
lift the legs and chest, hands we plant behind the back, it turns out the deflection
corps with the formation of the so-called “boat. We hold in such
position about half a minute. Confronted with difficulty
exercise can be shortened, followed by

4. Taking the starting position: legs shoulder-width apart, one hand on
belt, another with dumbbells pull up. Legs are bent a little
knees, in this position, breathing in the arm with the dumbbells bend in
elbow, forming a right angle, exhale exhale again up.
Alternately on each arm load 15 times.

5. With legs apart shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees,
The body is lowered slightly forward, while keeping your back even. In such
position on the exhale, arms with dumbbells drop down, while inhaling
rise to the stomach bending at the elbows. A couple of approaches are being made.
about 25 times.

6. Standing hands down, in the palms of a dumbbell, at the expense of time – we breed
arms to the side, on the count of two – lift up, on the count of three – again
to the sides, on the count of four – drop to the bottom. Repeats 10 times.

7. Leaning against the wall, legs apart shoulder-width apart, slightly
bent at the knees, hands with dumbbells lowered to the bottom. Of such
positions stretch arms forward and hold for about five seconds, then
we omit. Exercise repeat 15 times.

The gym is a place of intense and most effective
exercises for slimming hands and their general strengthening

If you think that at home alone you will be hard
deal with the problems of your hands, or think specifically in
The above exercises are not enough for your situation, then
A way out of this situation can be – a gym.

In modern sports centers you can get all
necessary information from coaches, or personally engage with
individual instructor. In this case, you will be presented
an effective comprehensive training plan appropriate and appropriate
specifically for you.

Also, gyms, unlike at home, are equipped with everything
necessary sports equipment that allows you to increase
the effectiveness of exercises for slimming hands. Competent and correct
classes using various simulators and projectiles will not take long
wait for the desired results.

However, choosing classes in the gym, you should be
ready for regular and regular workouts that require
considerable stamina.

Important additions to slimming and tightening exercises

By completing certain additional measures and actions, you can
achieve the most significant results in the goal. The
more some of them are just necessary when burning
fat in various areas.

First, you need to balance nutrition. Not necessary
to go on a strict diet, it is unable to give a good result.
Put your diet in order, enrich it with vitamins and
useful trace elements, try to use more
vegetable and protein foods, eliminate easily digestible carbohydrates
(sweets, baking, soda), try to drink more liquid,
especially at the time of physical exertion.

Secondly, swimming lessons are highly recommended. It
leads to a general strengthening of the muscles of the whole body, and those involved in
first of all, the arms and shoulders begin to transform into the most
short time. The main thing here is not to overdo it, and engage
only preventive purposes – for health.

Third, some cosmetology and health
procedures, in certain cases, allow to achieve good
results in losing weight hands. A special place here is occupied by various
types of massage aimed at problem areas. Also actively
fat burning wraps and masks are used;
hardware procedures.

The effectiveness of exercises for losing weight will be achieved
only with an integrated approach to this problem. To receive
the desired results must be patient and strictly
fulfill all your goals. It is advisable to make
a plan that combines all the necessary
actions. Only then can you be proud in a couple of months
with their strong and tightened hands.

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