The meaning of the name Said, the origin and historyname. What awaits a girl named Saeed: light character andhappy fate

Пт, 14 апр 2017 Автор: Инна

The name of a person is a unique code that foreshadows
him a certain fate. It is very important to penetrate the interpretation
your name, as it may have tips that will help
easier to survive unhappiness, more pleasure to get from joyful
events. What does the name Said mean? Worth to understand.


The meaning of the name Said

Saida – “happy”, “overjoyed”. Value
Name Said has a short form – this is Saya, Saidushka, Ida. Sign
the zodiac who patronizes such a girl is a lion. Number,
which controls the name is one. This is the beginning, easy

These girls are light on their feet, they are always ready for new ones.
discoveries and new challenges. Named Said is not responding, since
Christian tradition is no saint of the same name. At the same time the name is wide
common in Europe.

The origin and history of the name Said

Что означает имя Саида — «счастливая».
It has a Tatar origin, which is why it is not initially
too rooted in Europe. It was believed that named by that name
babies will be able to easily overcome all the vicissitudes of fate, therefore,
if girls were born in a noble family, they were often nicknamed

The origin and history of the name Said имеют довольно древние
roots, which allows us to assert its mixed origin.
Some historians insist that the name has a Turkic
происхождение и дословно означает — «озарённая».
Such children are often long-awaited and loved.

The nature and fate of Saida

Saida has a rather volitional character that can manifest
in different situations in different ways. On the one hand, having volitional
character traits and the makings of a leader, the girl will not be difficult
overcome the trials of life and stay happy.

On the other hand, it may be overly impulsive and
most push away from yourself not only the opposite sex, but also
loving her people. She is often angry at others without much
reasons, often naughty and requires special attention even
at an older age.

She is impulsive and therefore not entirely successful in business, where
you need to plan ahead and figure out every step. She doesn’t
can manage because there is no flexibility in her character
she constantly finds reasons to grieve and it affects her

As a subordinate she will show all her strengths of character and
Significantly gains in front of colleagues, since everything seizes upon
fly. It is enough for her to explain once how to perform one or another
работу и она просто схватывает на fly. She seeks constantly
learn and improve. That is why she is valuable.
employee who will be cherished.

In the team with her is not sweet. She constantly seeks
dominate and subjugate their will that leads to excessive
pressure on her subordinates. She doesn’t умеет проявлять
flexibility and selectivity. Colleagues with her are strict, because not
trust and envy saide. She seems to them a hypocritical smarty, but
experienced and wise employees see it as extremely valuable
employee. She works well with men, she is easy to find with
they are a common language and agree on the nuances of the case.

A partner can fully rely on Said, because
the common good is even ready for sacrifice. Money for her in some
kind of secondary, as she strives more for recognition and
self-realization, but also from extra profit never
will refuse.

Positive character traits Saida:

• Curiosity;

• Creativity;

• A wide range of interests;

• Ambitious.

Unfortunately, Saeed does not always hold back her emotions and not always
can make concessions and find a compromise. Sometimes her ambitions
lead to high self-esteem and high demands on
around. She often enjoys the confidence of loved ones and
pursues his personal selfish goals.

Saids born in the winter are believed to have more impulsive
and an extra-little character, Girls born in summer are more
rational and docile, they are more accustomed to trusting intuition and
rely on your own experience. Summer Saida, more creative
personality, they love to give light and emotions to people.

Saida’s love

The nature and fate of Saida предполагают, что девушка
стремиться к свободе
как физической, так и духовной. She is
not in a hurry to get married early and not in a hurry to become a mother early.
She is not inclined to obey the twists and turns of fate, she loves more
Experiment and rebuild life for themselves.

Саида любит всё гениальное, новейшее. Her
they are impressed by professions related to creativity, creativity, therefore
She is looking for a life partner with a rather non-standard worldview.
Fans of the girl is always a lot, but men with serious
intentions – on the contrary. She is всё больше склоняется к тому, что ей
suitable calm, balanced man without any ambitions.

Саида любит душой и ищет отдачи от своего спутника
. She is собственница, поэтому ревнует не только мужа,
but also son At the same time, this jealousy does not become pathological and
in some way does not prevent her from building trust
its second half. Saida’s man is always in the spotlight, he
not deprived of love and passion, on the contrary – his life is filled
happy moments.

Саида не склонна ко второму браку, только если
the first will not be an early experiment. If a man near her will
patient and loving, then she will be incredibly happy and
filled with joy. She is сможет спокойно двигаться вперёд по
жизни, поддерживая и своего спутника of life.

Саида — обладает утончённой красотой, от неё
breathes serenity and poise. This girl always finds
out of a difficult situation and never lose heart over trifles.
Having such a girlfriend you can not worry that you do not
support in difficult times. Saida always knows what she needs
close friends and tries to give it to them in advance. She is старается
provide their lives with all necessary, as she herself is happy from
the fact that everyone near her is good.

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