The male brain is not able to understand the femaleemotions

Fri, 22 Apr 2016 Scientists confirmed the axiom that
men do not understand women. Especially when you have to “read”
женские emotions. It turned out that men do not guess women
signals are not due to laziness or selfishness. Just a male brain is good
распознаёт мужские emotions, а вот женские он расшифровать не в
forces. German researchers conducted an interesting test:
a group of volunteers, which consisted of 22 young men, were given
to look at the pictures, in which there were only eyes – 18 women and 18
male. Note that the respondents had no idea where their eyes were.
Scientists have suggested testing participants try to determine
emotions, которые выражают глаза на изображениях. For example, “horror”,
“fear”, “distrust”, “anger”. As it turned out, men are twice as good.
“считывали” emotions, выражаемые глазами других мужчин, а чувства
female eyes were often for subjects
riddle. Brain scans carried out at the time of viewing images
showed that the whole thing is in the work of a segment of the brain that is known
like the amygdala. Let us explain: this is a brain emotional center,
responsible for feelings and thoughts about the past. During the examination
male photos of tonsil stepped up and volunteers
compared the image with their sensations. It is possible that
participants in the experiment in those moments recalled moments from
собственной жизни и, опираясь на них, старались вычислить emotions
men in the pictures. But at the sight of the female eye tonsil
“fell asleep.”


Maria 05/14/2016 My father and friends knew the guys
girls with me are much better than we are nine other girls like he said
one Greek “statistics says neither how they are, but how to learn 20%
out of 100 in each studied place and bleat like boranes, we have established
statistics be-be.

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