The main mistakes made during the repair

Tue, Aug 19, 2014

They say that repair is like a fire, but worse. Venturing
repair, you need to be clearly aware that you are starting a difficult, often
expensive, and certainly a nervous process, the quality of which, to
Unfortunately, it does not always depend on you. Inviting brigade
workers, we make a lot of mistakes, fraught with protracted work,
loss of tremendous time, physical and mental strength. To
avoid all this, it is enough to observe a few simple ones
the rules. What kind? Read in this article.

In pursuit of cheap craftsmen

It is always a pleasure to receive, on recommendation, coordinates
masters. And here he appeared and, smiling sweetly, assures you that the repair
it will be of high quality, short and cheaper than
competitors shamelessly pricing prices. Do not get fooled by such
promises. After all, before you or altruist or hack.
Using the services of such a “master”, you will become a foreman on
own construction site, not having the opportunity for a minute
uncontrollably leave the wonderworker.

True professionals know the value of their time, and the real
the value of their labor.

It is important to invite a foreman whom you are good at.
do you understand

Already at the first meeting with the brigadier, pay close
attention to how well and clearly he formulates his thoughts,
can he clearly tell how will work. In
if the foreman is positioning himself as a universal wagon,
able to any kind of work, it is worth seriously alert. Also
as in the case if the master allows himself to communicate with you
arrogant, fascinated by a sense of their own professionalism.

It always makes sense to conduct improvised casting foremen.
When communicating, pay attention to what questions they ask you,
whether they go into details, if they clarify the information received.

The worker is not your friend, but a hired worker

Do not be overly friendly with the workers, even if repairs are made.
urgently needed and invited masters – the only thing you
could afford Sometimes friendliness is confused with weakness.
Therefore, it is often workers talking about family and financial
troubles, “put pressure on pity,” in anticipation of understanding and concessions. Not
philosophically perceive phrases like: “You know, but here everything is more complicated
it turned out … “. Skipping past replicas of your ears, you risk
stay cracked in the bathroom about which no one bothers you
to report.

Never forget that the masters do not work on voluntary
beginnings. They get money from you for which they themselves
agreed You pay for quality. So make it clear to your
contractors that there is some kind of subordination to the relationship with
customer, which would not be bad and comply.

Notдооцененность составления плана квартиры

At the start of repair work, many underestimate the importance of creating
plan of the apartment. But he extremely clears the course of work, makes
communication with workers is more substantive.

Experts recommend to draw a detailed apartment plan
(focusing on the plan BTI). Make three copies: one with the scheme
electricians, the second – kitchen and plumbing, the third – finishing work.
Discuss all this with the foreman of the workers’ brigade, clarify all points
after clarifying all the details, ask to sign each copy,
giving workers a copy.

With this plan, you can not only control
what is happening, but also, if necessary, present to the workers

The importance of concluding a contract

In the contract you need to reflect literally everything: the volume and terms
performance of work, payroll schedule, types and sizes
штрафов, возможность уборки после ремонта и пр. Also неплохо было
would indicate who buys the materials – you or the workers. Clarifying
this moment, you will avoid the need to urgently go to the store for
cement or glue.

Not тяните с покупкой чистовых материалов

Already in the initial stages of work, it makes sense to acquire fair
materials. After all, at the last moment it may turn out that those wallpapers
which you picked up long ago out of production or their delivery
take a few weeks. Remember that a simple worker will have to
to pay. And not only money, but also a good attitude.

Check the purchase of materials

Clearly monitor all purchases of materials. Not забывайте
regularly check with the workers if they need everything for work
have Neglecting this point, you might have to once
late in the evening go for a pair of laminate boards that are yours
craftsmen did not buy because of incorrect calculations.

Think about the neighbors

Not забывайте сообщать рабочим, до какого часа они могут пилить и
knock. In general, noisy work is regulated by law, but
you can always ignore this. However, remember that the neighbors
have the right to call the police, forgetting about your long-standing good ones

Fully in control

Not пренебрегайте посещением объекта ремонта хотя бы раз в 2-3
of the day Delve into everything that happens, even when it comes to hidden
works. Each subsequent stage is better to start by completing and adopting

Getting to the next stage of work, once again talk to
foreman details of the progress of repair. If there are comments – say,
reflect this on the plan, if necessary, look into
signed contract.

Look carefully at the joints, corners, slots, etc. Everything has
meaning, because in the future you will live here.

Keep track of cleanliness

It is better to immediately warn that you are a pedant who is painful.
refers to the mess. Not надейтесь на то, что кто-то будет аккуратно
treat your property. Keep clean and tidy.
Not разрешайте прислонять что-либо к только что окрашенным
surfaces or sawing something on a new tile. Even if an electrician
claims he is a professional with 20 years of experience and for all
vouch that you are serious about the presence of bare wires.

Not позволяйте рабочим курить в своей квартире. Let go on
stairwell or the street.

Who pays, that and orders music

Sound immediately that the final payment will be at least 10%
of the total amount of repair, which, however, no one will receive, until
work will not be accepted. Not нужно вносить крупный аванс. For all
ask for checks and pay in stages (this should be specified in the contract).
If you pay, do it on time.

Not следует принимать объект в последний день, впопыхах. If you
tired, delay payment on the day, because so you can more clearly
see all the possible flaws. Otherwise, no complaints
no one will listen to you: the master will simply stop coming to

If you find a hack, boldly declare it and force
to redo Speak intelligibly, arguing your position.

Remember that when repairing it is necessary to respect not only the workers,
who “agreed” to work for your money, but also
yourself Be demanding but fair. Any repair
someday ends. From competent planning, availability of the system
systematic testing, interest and involvement in
the process depends directly on the time of entry into the apartment, where, finally,
everything will look like you have long dreamed of.

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