The kitten does not drink water: the reasons why it isis going on? The kitten does not drink water: what to do, how to properlyto teach?

Ср, 25 окт 2017 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Little kittens are virtually indistinguishable from
children. For a breastfed baby, the first few
months, water is not needed. Kittens growing around their mom-cats
also have plenty of milk and water

If the mum’s pet is already gone, watch out for his regimen.
need the owners. For this reason, many breeders are wondering:
What if the kitten does not drink water? This and other issues will be
The following material is dedicated.


The kitten does not drink water: what to do, how much water it needs

Kittens, like most other animals, can not exist
without moisture. This is due to the fact that water is involved in almost all
metabolic processes, it promotes the elimination of toxins, unnecessary
slag, is the basic component of every cell in the body.

So, if your pet eats dry food, along with
however, does not use wet food and regular food, lack of liquid
in the diet can have a detrimental effect on his health and
a life.

For some reason, almost all “dry eating” animals observed
urolithiasis disease?

This is primarily due to the quality of substandard
feed, however there is another reason:

• urine with a lack of moisture can not simply appear;

• because of this, it becomes a kind of concentrate
acquires saturation;

• In this case, we know that in all saturated solutions in
salt precipitates out;

• it is the appearance of this salt that provokes the development of the disease,
because it settles on the kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters.

Observant breeders must have noticed yellow crusts on the bottom.
cat tray, which sometimes is very difficult to withdraw. These spots
are urinary salts. Now it’s easy to understand that they all
present on your pet’s urinary organs.

Avoid this pet that eats dry
feed needs to be stably supplied with water. Veterinarians
recommend using dry feed to water ratio
proportions 1 to 3. Broth should not be perceived as moisture in a clean
the form, because it is primarily food, although it is not bad
universal option.

The kitten does not drink water: causes, water quality

As for questions regarding water quality, here you need
to approach them very scrupulously. Water quality can be determined not
only its purity and freshness, but also the presence of various
beneficial trace elements.

Boiled and distilled water can be described as
�”Dead” water. There are no useful substances in it, but with
prolonged storage it can carry a certain amount
danger, because there may be various bacteria and viruses in it.
So, in some cases, the pet may flatly refuse
use such water, as its owners are accustomed to drink
solely hers.

Fresh water from the plumbing also can not be called suitable
option, in addition to beneficial trace elements, it contains
also heavy salts, metals and many other harmful substances.

Often the best option is bottled water,
good quality drinking water. Not worth it
ignore also filtered or distilled water.

The kitten does not drink water: reasons

Next, we turn to the main reasons why the pet
refuses to drink water.

Not accustomed to water

This option is quite simple to determine. So, when used
cat water industrial wet water he will use
very little. It also happens that some pets
prefer to drink exclusively from large containers with full
ignoring the little ones.

But most often it happens that a pet is simply not
accustomed to drinking water. To do this, set a few
beautiful clean bowls near its habitat to attract
pet attention.

Dirty container

Sometimes this is the main reason. Cats are
very clean animals, and for them poorly washed capacity
may be a reason for not drinking.

Wrong place

On an instinctive level, seals have the habit of not drinking next to
a meal. Therefore it is recommended not to put the drinking bowl next to

Third-party odors

Bad smells, puddles, dirt – all these factors are unlikely to be
contribute to the awakening of animal appetite. Presence of unpleasant
�“Flavors” next to a drinking bowl can easily discourage
pet touch the bowl.

Also the persistent smell of plastic or detergent can
distract the animal from normal fluid intake.
The best option would be to use ceramic or
metal utensils.

What to do: the kitten does not drink water

So, to teach your pet to the water, you can use
The following recommendations:

• if the pet flatly refuses to drink water, and you do not know
how to make him, you can try to pour it through a syringe
without a game, putting a cannula on the root of the tongue and throwing his head back up,
so that the cat does not choke;

• maybe water is already long standing in the bowl and began to choke,
which will precisely turn away any desire to drink it from an animal. Therefore water
always keep fresh in a bowl and change it to at least 2
times a day;

• part of the seals likes to drink water only from tall glasses,
or, on the contrary, from large vessels;

• some pets may generally drink mostly running water,
Lacquer water droplets from the tap, as in this video:

If the breeders got just such an instance, it is better for him
there will be a special fountain in the pet store, a pet
he probably will like;

• you can try to attract the attention of the animal by playing
�“Iridescent” playing with him. It will leave him good
associations with water, and he will try it soon.

• cheat by freezing chicken broth: the smell of meat is sure
The cat will be interested in and he will most likely be laughed at him.

In conclusion, I would like to reassure the owners about this
situations. Do not panic ahead of time, perhaps, your favorite
replenishes its water supply elsewhere, whether it is a toilet or
flower pot. So we recommend just to watch
by him.

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