The king of nuts – macadamia: benefits and featuresuse. Why women are so important to include in the dietaussie nut?

Ср, 30 май 2018 Автор: Анна Кедрова

Macadamia – exotic walnut, healthy properties
which means a lot for therapeutic diets and just healthy
power supply. And it is scientifically confirmed that one piece of macadamia nuts, not
less useful than pine nut or forest nut, taken in volume
three times four.


How are the composition and benefits of macadamia

Macadamia is discovered late in Australia – only in the middle
XIX century, and today is cultivated in many countries with tropical and
subtropical climate, including New Zealand, Hawaii and

But the specifics of cultivating nut plantations and the difficulty of assembling and
recycling, made macadamia the most expensive nut in
the world.

True, high taste qualities (macadamia is reminiscent of hazelnuts,
but with a more pronounced oily sweetness) and exclusively
useful properties are well worth it.

Recommended standard in the use of macadamia, is considered 9-12 pieces
nuts a day.

Large round kernels of macadamia are used in ordinary for
nuts in ways.

Eat fresh, add to desserts and pastries, the second and first
dishes, crushed and sprinkled with salads and pasta. Chefs Leading
the world insist that heat treatment (as a rule – fast
roasting) more fully reveal the richness of nutty taste and aroma.

Exquisite delicacy is fried macadamia, in
chocolate coating or caramel. And still made from nuts
valuable edible oil.

Macadamia knowingly bears the name of the king of nuts – among them this
the species has the highest calorific value – about 723 kcal per 100 g, and
also a unique set of fats.

Evaluation of other important elements, results in a percentage

– 70% fat;

– 14% carbohydrates;

– 8% of proteins.

Most of the fats are represented in macadamia monounsaturated
fatty acids, which are not only not harmful, but even beneficial –
their presence in the diet contributes to increased strength and
elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which is significant
part of the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Also, only macadamia, unlike most other nuts,
provides saturation of the body with omega-3 fatty acids and
Omega-6 in the optimal, mutually balancing balance.

But cholesterol in macadamia is not a drop.

Due to its high fat content, macadamia should be stored in
the fridge so that the nutty taste does not spoil from the rancid

Macadamia nuts are rich in vitamins:

– E – as a powerful antioxidant, struggling with premature
aging of the body, and also protects and strengthens muscles,
provides tissues with fast regeneration, promotes the synthesis
hormones and proteins, as well as normalizes blood clotting (which
among other things, important for the prevention of blood clots);

– B (most of this group) – essential for health
nervous system, which is expressed, in particular, in improving the state
with chronic fatigue and depression, improvement
memory and increased concentration. Also, these vitamins
required for the body to produce the most vital energy and
normalization of blood sugar levels.

Minerals in macadamia are represented in most
its calcium, zinc, iron, manganese and magnesium.

And thanks to the high copper content, these nuts, provided
Inclusion in the diet of foods rich in iron, actively contribute
normal flow of enzymatic reactions in the body.

Still in nuts contain starch, sugars, flavonoids.

Nutty food insoluble and soluble dietary fiber
�”Capture” and transport slags from the body, toxic
substances and radionuclides, moreover, with such activity that macadamia
recommend to use for people living and working in
adverse, polluted environmental conditions.

It is also worth noting that macadamia nut proteins for
vegetarian menus are able to replace meat almost flawlessly
and at least the worst quality suitable for the synthesis of protein
�”Building” material in the body.

The whole complex of biologically active substances gives macadamia
exceptional benefits for the menu shown after heavy
diseases, diet to strengthen the immune system and restore
metabolic disorders.

How else is the use of macadamia

When used moderately, macadamia nuts are good for
losing weight because:

– due to fat and fiber well and for a long time satisfy hunger;

– accelerate the metabolism, including lipid (fat).

Plus, with these nuts after fitness training, less hurt

Macadamia increases the absorption of nutrients from other
products, and also improves their transportation throughout the body.

In addition, regular consumption of macadamia contributes to:

– improve liver function;

– normal functioning of the pancreas;

– correct transmission of nerve impulses between cells;

– health (more precisely, saturation with collagen) connective

– Prevention of eye diseases (and improvement of twilight

– getting rid of headaches pains (including those caused by nerves

What is useful to know about the benefits of macadamia turned into butter

Macadamia nut cold pressed oil is
clean squeeze their benefits, and you can start a description of this product with
energy value – 844 kcal per 100 g, in terms of
one tablespoon will be 145 kcal, for one teaspoon – 40

Velvety, slightly tart taste of this golden butter
great in dressing green salads and sauces, but no less valuable
its property to preserve flavor and beneficial qualities after
exposure to high temperatures so that the oil from macadamia nuts
can be safely used for dishes from vegetables, meat and seafood –
fried, stewed and baked, as well as for sweet pastries.

The pearl of macadamia oil is palmitic acid and although
an overabundance of this complex substance in the body is harmful, its
the amount of macadamia is only beneficial, which is expressed in
renewing brain cells and preventing heart disease.

Also, thanks to macadamia oil:

– normal heart rate;

– increases the strength of bone tissue;

– localized and negated inflammatory processes;

– painful manifestations of arthritis and joints are reduced
mobility returns.

What is the harm of macadamia

In addition to the theoretical probability of causing allergies
(however, this applies to all nuts), the main harm macadamia
lies in its high calorie content.

If you get carried away by the king of nuts – you will not do without a set of extra

For this reason, macadamia is contraindicated (more precisely, it is allowed in
minuscule amounts) in low-fat diets.

Not always good and high content in these nuts.
phosphorus – it can aggravate the condition in case of kidney diseases.

Harmful macadamia to people prone to diminished
blood pressure.

Also, in order to avoid harm from macadamia, it is recommended that
refuse a nut with inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and
with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (especially – with gastritis and

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