The best varieties of onion sets for growing inRussia. Photos of the best varieties of onion sets of different periodsripening

Чт, 10 май 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Onions are widely used in cooking. This is culture
cold climate zone, but it adapts well to
any climate. It is grown all over the world. Planted onion sets
the southern climate is very early – in the second half of March, and in the cold
the climate a little later when the soil temperature does not exceed + 10 °


Classification of varieties of onion sets

In Russia, the climate is ideal for growing onions. Sevok
planted in open ground in early to mid-April. Exists
more than 500 varieties of onion sets, the best of which yield up to 8 kg of crop
with 1 landing.

By taste, onion varieties are divided into three

• salad;

• semi-sharp;

• sharp.

Salad and semi-onions are consumed fresh or pickled
form, and the sharp – is subjected to heat treatment and used to
cooking various hot dishes.

On the coloring and content of nutrients onions

• on white varieties;

• yellow;

• of red color.

White onions, as a rule, belong to the group of sharp varieties. is he
contains the greatest amount of phytoncides, so its taste is bitter
and burning. Fresh white onions contain a huge amount
compounds that improve digestion, however, when thermal
processing it loses its beneficial properties.

Yellow onions contain large amounts of saccharides, therefore
they are well caramelized when passaged. Until recently
yellow onions were cultivated solely as an annual culture,
but breeders bred varieties of yellow onion sets in the late twentieth

Red onions contain a large amount of
anthocyanins – pigments that ensure the normal operation
of cardio-vascular system. Red onions are rich in sulfur and magnesium.

По срокам ripening сорта лука-севка принято разделять на три
main groups:

• early;

• mid-season;

• late varieties.

Early onions ripen in 90-105 days after planting in the open
грунт в условиях средней полосы Russia. All early varieties include
to the acute category. is heи обладают хорошей транспортабельностью и
perfectly stored.

Mid-season onion varieties are ready for collection in 100-115 days. is heи
differ from spicy varieties with a high content of juice. Scales have
peninsula bulbs loose. Due to the fact that they have loose flesh,
their shelf life is limited.

Late varieties of onion sets ripen in 110-120 days. Varieties of
This group is usually salad and very large. is heи дают
the greatest harvest, but their bulbs need to be stored in the refrigerator. Their
the scales are thin and the taste is sweet, so late onion varieties are most often
are affected by thrips.

Onion sets are usually planted in spring, but breeders have bred and
varieties for podzimnogo growing. Such a bow does not form a shooter and
does not freeze. Crop harvested in June.

The best varieties of onion sets for spring planting

Сорт �”Semko Golden F1″ — один из лучших
сортов желтого лука раннего срока ripening. Onions are harvested through
three months after sowing in open ground. The taste of onion is very sharp,
scales of golden color. The flesh is dense, it produces little

Dignity of the variety – adaptability to any climatic
conditions. Его выращивают по всей территории Russia. Bow planted
spring, well kept until next season. �”Semko Golden F1″
it can also be planted before winter, but then it can only be stored
30 days.

Yield varieties average. From 1 area of ​​landing collect up to 4.5
kg of onions. Bulb shape unusual, elongated. Because of this variety and
got that name. The average bulb weight is 80 g.

It is important to know that sevok is imported only from Holland. AT
Russian planting material of this variety is not grown.

The best varieties of onion sets: photo varieties “Semko golden
F1 “

Белый лук «Snowball» отлично подходит для
spring planting. This is a variety of Dutch selection. His term
ripening — 100-115 дней. Spicy onions with a sweet taste. is he
perfect for making salad. His flesh and husk
white color.

The advantages of the variety include large-fruited. Average weight
bulbs makes 120 g, and maximum – 160 g. Productivity from 1
– up to 6 kg. The variety is suitable for growing in central Russia and
its northern areas. Onions are stored for 4-6 months.

White bow for spring planting “Snowball” photo

Сорт «Red Karmen» относится к лучшим сортам
onion sets for its sweet savory taste. Juice does not burn mucous
the shell of the mouth.

The variety is medium ripening, ripens in 110-115 days. Flesh white with
pink stripes between scales. Husks maroon or
bright red depending on the landing site.

Dignity of a grade – high resistance to fungal
diseases. Average weight лука составляет 120 г, а максимальный —
180 g. Shelf life – 60-90 days. For podzimny planting onions
does not fit.

Sort onions “Red Karmen” photo

The best varieties of onion sets for dim winter cultivation

To the best varieties of onion sets for podzimny planting can
include Senchuy. A variety of Japanese selection, has a golden husk
and scales. ATысаживают лук в late August-early September. Collection
The harvest begins in May and ends in June.

The main advantage of the variety is a good yield even when sowing
in poor soil and unpretentiousness in the care.
«Senchuy» — универсальный сорт, подходит как для
cooking salads, and for heat treatment.

Bulb shape rounded. Its weight, on average, is 80 g, and
the mass of the largest bulbs – 120 g. Productivity – 4 kg with 1 at
sowing in poor soil and up to 8 kg in fertile soil.

One of the best varieties of winter onions “Senchuy”

Лук «Troy» относится к группе полуострых
varieties. Husk brown with a slight wax coating, scales
white Onion neck medium thickness. Store up to three bulbs

Достоинство сорта — ранний срок ripening. Crop harvested
when the onion leaves turn yellow and lie on the ground. Variety is not affected

The shape of the bulb is round. Its average weight is 110 g. C 1
planting areas collect 4.5-5.5 kg of crop.

The best varieties of onion sets: photo varieties “Troy”

Dutch variety of winter red onions “Electric” acquired
very popular in Russia due to high cold resistance. AT
unlike other onion salad varieties, it can be grown in
middle lane.

Husk color is saturated purple. The flesh is red with pink
shade. Between scales onion color is bright pink. Onion sets
planted in the second half of October, and the crop is harvested in

Productivity varieties high. With 1 landing area you can collect up to
7 kg of onions. Its average weight is 180 g, and the largest
луковицы могут достигать веса в 250 г. AT отличие от других салатных
varieties, “Electric” can be stored in a dry place until
half a year.

Salad onion “Electric” variety photo

Сорт «Турбо» — улучшенный «Штутгартен Ризен».
is he формирует луковицы гораздо большего размера и имеет повышенную
устойчивость к грибковым diseases.

Onions mid-season universal purpose. is he относится к
категории полуострых varieties. Forms a crop in 105 days after
planting sevka in open ground in the middle lane during the spring
planting, and when planting under the winter harvest is collected in late May.
Подходит для выращивания во всех регионах Russia. Average weight репки
– 120 g, yield from 1 landing area – up to 8 kg.

The best varieties of onion sets: photo varieties “Turbo”

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