The benefits of fresh figs. What are the healingDoes this exotic fruit have properties?

Пн, 11 июн 2018 Автор: Ксения Сенина

In Russia, not everyone is familiar with figs, therefore
many bypass in the store side of this unfamiliar and mystical
fetus. In fact, it has been known for a long time under various
Names: fig tree, toffee, fig, bodhi. About him
incredible use was already spoken in ancient Greece, where his
used to treat most known ailments, and export
This product from the country was strictly punished.


History and geography of figs origin

Fig fruits grow on deciduous tree of the Ficus family of the family
Mulberry in a subtropical climate. Believed to be pretty
ancient cultural plant known to man: it was grown in
Arabia, Egypt, Phenicia and Syria. In India, she is worshiped on
over many centuries and is considered a sacred plant.

There are many facts in history that have become part of

1. According to legend, this is Cleopatra’s favorite treat, which died from
Snake bite, crawled out of the basket with figs.

2. In ancient Rome, the wolf fed Rem and Romulus under the bush
wine berries.

3. Buddha comprehended the mysteries of being under the fig tree.

4. In the Bible, the leaves of this plant served Adam and Eve as clothing.
after exile.

5. Alexander the Great always carried with him a bag of dried
figs to recuperate after the battle.

Today, this culture is widespread in the Mediterranean,
Caucasus and the Black Sea coast.

How to choose figs

Fig fruits are pear-shaped with a thin skin from
yellow green to bright purple depending on the variety.
Fresh fruits are juicy and sweet aroma, inside them
a lot of small seeds.

A good fruit must be heavy, so check its quality.
possible by weighing. The peel should be smooth without dents.
At the same time the fig should not be too hard, it is easy to crush,
while he quickly returns to its original form. According to
professionals quality of figs is estimated by the number of seeds in it
— чем их больше, тем лучше fetus.

Figs are extremely hard to store and transport, fruits
dry quickly and deteriorate. Ideal to eat it for 6 hours
after ripping off, the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3

To avoid food poisoning, you need to make sure that
fruits are fresh and ripe. In the immature fig contains poisonous
milky sap. If fig has a sour smell, it is spoiled, have it
can not.

Wash fresh figs thoroughly before eating.
and peel it off. Or you can cut the fruit in half and eat
his spoon

Calorie and composition of fresh figs

Fresh figs contain only 50 kcal per 100 grams,
canned – about 70 kcal, in the same dried fig is much
calorie – 250 kcal.

The use of wine berries lies in its rich composition of vitamins and
minerals. It includes:

• essential vitamins for the body to work properly –
A (retinol), B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine);

• vitamin B9 or folic acid, which improves blood quality and
especially necessary in early pregnancy for full
fetal development;

• vitamin B1 or thiamine, which is actively involved in

• vitamin PP or nicotinic acid, a beneficial effect on
cardiovascular and nervous systems;

• vitamin C or ascorbic acid, the lack of which
leads to fatigue;

• skin vitamin – B5 (pantothenic acid);

• beta-carotene – “the elixir of youth”;

• Calcium – a pledge of healthy bones and teeth;

• iron is a source of energy;

• phosphorus, responsible for the strength of bone tissue;

• potassium, which provides normal vital activity of the heart
systems and soft tissues of the whole organism;

• sodium, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

The daily rate of fresh figs – 5-10 fruits per day, dried –

The benefits of fresh figs

The fig is a real storehouse of useful elements, it possesses
enormous amount of healing properties known since ancient times

1. A large percentage of potassium makes figs extremely valuable for people with
diseases of the heart and blood vessels. He is advised to eat daily for
prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

2. Vitamins of group B, A, C and PP are good for maintaining beauty.
skin, hair and nails. Not in vain in folk medicine exists
many recipes for face masks and hair based on this

3. Figs oxygenates blood.

4. Fig – an excellent remedy for anemia. Doctors first
It is recommended when lowering hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.
In addition, it is recommended for women during menstruation for
prevention and replenishment of iron deficiency and pain relief

5. In eastern countries, figs are included in the diet not only in
being pregnant, but also in preparation for it. It is believed that
It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive function.

6. Many scientists talk about the benefits of fresh figs for
oncology prevention. A large amount of antioxidants in its
composition helps to reduce the risk of cancerous

7. Due to the diuretic effect, fig is shown at
kidney disease.

8. Figs helps the digestive tract, has a small laxative
property and anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestion and
helps to normalize the metabolic process.

9. Fig has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Known
many popular recipes based on it for the treatment of colds, coughs and
even bronchial asthma.

10. Figs assists in removing physical fatigue,
contributes to the normal activity of the entire nervous system and even
helps to get out of depression.

11. It is also useful for men: the berry strengthens
reproductive function and cares for urogenital purity

12. The pulp of fresh fruit is used as
wound healing agent.

In pharmacies, you can find several therapeutic drugs and
cosmetics for various purposes based on figs. Besides
Moreover, in folk medicine, its use is also quite common.

Harm of fresh figs

Despite all the listed beneficial properties,
contraindications to the use of figs is still there.

1. Some breastfeeding young mothers eat vigorously
Fig for lactation. However, during this period, especially
monitor the rate of its consumption, so as not to cause allergic
the reaction.

2. The fig is strictly forbidden to diabetics because of the content
fructose and glucose.

3. Abuse of this product is not recommended for people
suffering from acute gastric diseases (gastritis,

4. Figs thins blood, therefore, with poor clotting
use it very carefully.

5. With gout, a high content of oxalic acid in figs.
may aggravate the problem.

6. In obesity, figs are categorically contraindicated.

7. In cases of pancreatic diseases, use of the product with
so high sugar content is not recommended.

Dried figs

Fresh figs have a short shelf life, so for
widely used it is dried and canned, making
the beneficial properties of the fruit persist for several years.
Good dried fruit is chosen on matte beige and greyish
shade. White patina is not considered a bad sign – such a fig
will have the sweetest taste. After buying dried fruit
should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and you can also soak on
a few minutes in cold water.

Do not forget that the calorie content of fresh figs is much lower
dried In order not to gain extra weight, you need to normalize
eating these dried fruits.

Keep dried figs should be in a closed container in a cool
dark place. So the product will not lose its benefits within 2-3
months. Acceptable shelf life under the right conditions – up to
half a year. When stored in the freezer, the shelf life is increased to
years, but you need to keep in mind that in the process of defrosting is lost
часть полезных свойств этого product.

Figs in cooking

The use of figs in cooking is very common, especially in
Eastern cuisine. If the hostess skillfully introduces her to various dishes,
this is considered an indicator of her high skills.

Figs in combination with other products – great stuffing
for buns, pies and other pastries. In some national
Figs bread is popular in kitchens. Jam is made from it, jam and
jams, added to gingerbread, marmalade and sweets. For blanks it
most often combined with nuts, peaches or oranges.

For desserts, figs are combined with cottage cheese, fruit or honey.

Fig is added to salads and cereals, and also combined with meat and
a bird. It is used both for stuffing, and for sauces,
ideally suited to meat dishes.

They make homemade wine, tinctures and other beverages.

Both fresh and dried figs are good when combined with dry wine,
ham, ham and various cheeses (Parmesan, mozzarella, Roquefort,
and etc.). It is especially popular for filing in addition to
salty-hot taste of blue mold. Figs – a frequent visitor
gourmet cheese plates.

Unusual recipes from professional chefs based on
Wine berries, which can easily surprise guests:

• baked fresh figs stuffed with cheese
mascarpone, nuts and honey;

• rum caramelized fruit added to natural

• fig salad, prosciutto and mint sprigs;

• jamon rolls stuffed with figs, arugula and soft

• salad of spinach, blue cheese and wine berries;

• tart stuffed with figs with cheese and blue cheese

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