Than to clean an acrylic bath not to damagesurface. How to clean an acrylic bath: care tips

ATт, 06 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Acrylic baths make a healthy competition to traditional
cast iron and steel tubs.

They are much lighter in weight, which is convenient for installation, they have
excellent aesthetic and operational qualities, long
keep the water warm.

However, acrylic is a capricious material, and therefore requires special


What can not be cleaned acrylic bath

Acrylic surface does not make mechanical impact. From
any abrasive particles on the surface
snow-white bath will appear scratches.

If you treat acrylic with potent chemicals,
You can spoil the acrylic base: the bath will become dull, ugly,
rough. Some unsuitable products may burn acrylic

Can not be used to clean the bath surface from
Acrylic the following substances:

• ordinary washing powder, as small solid particles
can easily scratch the bath;

• abrasive powders for cleaning kitchen surfaces;

• chlorine-containing substances (the bathroom becomes cloudy). Secondary
applying a chlorine-containing agent will corrode the surface: it will
porous, rough;

• acetone solvents. With prolonged contact with them acrylic
not just dim: acetone corrodes the surface of the bath;

• cleaning and bleaching agents with ammonia. They act like this
the same as acetone, albeit with less intensity;

• substances containing formaldehyde also harm acrylic

To clean the bath with hard brushes is impossible. Especially dangerous are sponges with
metal dusting. Such in two accounts will scratch the tender
акриловую surface.

How to clean an acrylic bath

There are certain rules for the operation of baths made from
acrylic. Proper care will allow for a long time to keep the aesthetic
attractiveness of the bathroom and prevent the appearance
lime scale, rust, cracks and scratches.

Regular maintenance of the product is very important. After
use the surface of the bathroom to wash with warm water and dry
wipe with a soft woven cloth. Very well washes the bath
ordinary laundry soap, which you just need to lather a sponge. AT
last resort you can dissolve a handful of laundry detergent and
wash the bath with foam solution.

ATажно знать, что акрил не выносит очень
high temperatures. If the house has its own system
water heating, you need to monitor the temperature of the water jet. Boiling water
will cause deformation of the bath. AT то же время достаточно горячая вода
надолго сохранит приятный блеск surface.

How to clean an acrylic bath? Soap or
a special tool for washing this kind of products must be carefully
without excessive zeal, apply to the acrylic surface with
sponge Cleaning sprays are simply sprayed with
dosing pumps.

If the contamination is small, you can wash it off after 5-7
minutes a jet of hot water. AT других случаях придется подождать
about twenty minutes, then rinse off the product thoroughly, and
wipe dry.

Such a daily and very simple evening care will always allow
keep the bath in top condition. If on the surface yet
rust, yellow spots, water stone appeared, correct the situation
can be with the help of special products of household chemicals or household

How to clean the acrylic bathroom from rust and stains

A lot has been created to care for modern acrylic baths.
Strongly acting household chemicals. They cost enough
expensive, and do not always give the desired result. AT любом случае, купив
A new tool, you must first try its properties on the inconspicuous
участке surface. This will avoid possible damage.
products, if the composition is too aggressive.

How to clean the acrylic bath, if there is no special purchase
facilities? Ugly spots that appeared on the surface of the bath,
Perfectly amenable to cleaning with toothpaste. It is necessary to apply the composition to
surface to be treated, to allow active substances to work,
then wash it off with a rag.

There are several ways to deal with rust.
stained home remedies. ATот самые

1. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of soda with soapy water (tea
spoon of soap on a glass of water), put on dirty places on
half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.

2. If the stain is fresh and did not have time to get poisonous-rusty
shade, it can be quite simply wiped off with soda gruel. It is impossible
soda grains bath surface: first you need soda
mix with soda.

3. If the rust stain is old, you can try as
means for getting rid of it food salt finely ground. Salt
must be very carefully applied to rust, then moisten the hard
side of the kitchen sponge with turpentine and rub the stain.

AT любом случае наносить на поверхность частички с острыми
faces need to be very careful. Otherwise, instead of rust will have
fight scratches.

How to clean acrylic bathroom from limescale

Quite a frequent problem for owners of acrylic baths –
lime formation. What to clean acrylic bath,
to get rid of them? Food citric acid will help. Four
packs of powder must be dissolved in a liter of water and poured into
prepared hot water bath. Leave the solution to work in
during the night.

How to clean an acrylic bath с большим количеством известковых
stains? To return the sanitary product to whiteness and shine, you can
fill the thicket with hot water, pour in a liter of table vinegar and
leave the solution in the bath overnight. In the morning pour vinegar water,
Rinse the surface with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

If none of the methods worked, you will have to buy special
liquid acrylic bath cleaner. They must have
appropriate labeling.

Stains on the acrylic surface are easier to prevent.
how to deal with them. Therefore, buying a beautiful, perfectly smooth,
белоснежную bath, нужно сделать ежедневной пятиминутный уход за
her good habit.

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