

The art of predicting the future in a teacup
much less common than the practice on the coffee grounds,
However, according to experts, at least

Plus, tea divination belongs to the safest contacts.
with the other world, in which “from there” to the inexperienced
The unwanted energetic guests are not allowed to ask the questioner
bringing trouble (as can be with mystical
handling mirrors, needles and blackboards with letters).

For this, finally, no special inventory is required, but
the process of examining the future (and less often studying the past) is extremely
is simple, it does not need to study wise works (as, for example, when
fortune telling on the runes).

All that is required is to decide what clusters look like.
tea leaves in a cup, and then find an appropriate interpretation to them
(detailed lists of marks can be found on the Internet).

The story of tea guesses has at least
Fifteen centuries, that is, everything goes with the dawn of popularity
drink. Incomparable heights in this reached in China. Traditions
tea parties in Victorian England naturally differed from
Eastern ceremonies and also gradually, marching around the world, changed
tea divination. And then we will talk about it adapted
version, however, retained a lot of the original features.

High quality leaf tea leaves, black
or green tea – there is no difference, but drinks that do not include
other plants (eg flower petals, berries).

From the dishes you need a saucer and a cup – inside is white and without a pattern. Everything
happens in a manner similar to the usual preparation of a drink –
spoon dry brewing poured into a cup and pour just
stop boiling water, cover the dishes with a saucer and wait 5-10
minutes And we note right away that tea is not supposed to be supplemented with sugar,
honey or milk.

Another important nuance is to brew a cup of tea and drink it.
should one person, but interpret the symbols – maybe

So this prediction technique is also suitable for the company. the main thing
– so that there is no rush and sharpness in anything – according to the legends,
the spirits that are attracted by the curiosity of the divisors, this is not very
love and can confuse the truth.

And here is what should be done to start divination after tea
he’ll be ready:

  1. Relax, focus on issues of interest
    и с удовольствием выпить чай
    , оставив в чашке совсем
    a little (with a tablespoon) of liquid.
  2. Grasp the handle of the dishes with your left hand and energetic,
    in circular motions in a clockwise direction shake everything up
    , добиваясь того, чтобы заварка распределилась,
    covered with porcelain, on the walls.
  3. It is important to clarify – the ability to guess how much tea to brew
    и оставлять в конце жидкости для того
    , чтобы остаточная
    the mass took the form of certain images, and not a sticky lump – all
    it will come with time. And you can practice shaking here
    so the remnants, and then proceed to tea drinking with fortune telling.

Once again, do not overdo it – guessing on the tea leaves is not a deal
runes where everything is as clear as day. Huge knowledge in this technique
attached to the predictor’s imagination. He should start with a runaway
look into the cup. Whether seen causes positive or
negative emotions? Matching first impression with total
nature of the questions articulated in the mind, you can proceed to
reading signs.

Most wonders agree that you need to move
clockwise from the handle. Side by side with her tea
talk about the past.

The entire surface of the walls is about the future in general, what is closer to
the edge of the cup is about upcoming events, and what is on the bottom is about the most
remote in the future.

Determining what tea leaves look like
easy and unique. That is, if it is a long stick – so
and be. And if it is a deer, do not try to make out in it
a vase. Pickyness to own original opinion

And sometimes you can see the big picture. For example – the house. And already in
it – the signs are smaller.

Naturally, unacceptable for a clearer image.
add water and shake the cup again – if for some
reason can not guess, it means that now is not destiny.

As for the signs of the tea leaves, they are very numerous. But
most common:

  • пышный цветок — романтические отношения с
    the opposite sex, a flash of faded feelings in marriage;
  • крыло птицы — новости (хорошие или
  • рыба — сюрприз, удачное стечение
  • фонарь — трудная ситуация, в которой с
    family and friends come in support;
  • треугольник вершиной вниз — рухнувшие
  • яйцо — возможная беременность;
  • сова — денежные потери;
  • мельница — чтобы получить желаемое, придется
    work hard perhaps to the detriment of personal time and even
  • шляпа — жизнь предоставит новые возможности,
    you just need not to miss;
  • дуга — большая ответственность, испытания на
  • вепрь — конфликтная ситуация при которой
    guessing the course of events makes you lose;
  • ключ — не стоит принимать поспешных
  • часы — чтобы ни задумал гадающий — нужно
  • корона — успех в планах, unexpected
  • собака — предстоят большие покупки для
  • параллельные линии с точками посередине
    profitable acquaintance;
  • пчела — признание обществом заслуг, качеств
  • широкая линяя сверху вниз или наискосок
    nice trip;
  • павлин — приобретение некой крупной
    property, inheritance;
  • кинжал — есть проблемы со здоровье, пока не
    made known or not taken seriously;
  • стрела — неожиданный болезненный удар, который
    reflect on things or feelings;
  • лебедь — спокойствие в жизни, согласие со
    all close;
  • лопата — гадающему важно не забывать о своих
    commitments and promises;
  • метла — завершение неблагоприятного периода в
  • змея — против гадающего плетут заговор;
  • груша — благополучие в сфере финансов, покой в

Also, it is worth noting the numbers – they predict dates for
exciting disturbing events, as well as letters – they begin
the names of people playing decisive roles in his life and plans.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: