Tar for hair: recipes of masks and the review of medicalfunds


  • Hair tar treatment
  • Pharmacy products
  • Birch tar hair masks
  • Tar shampoo recipe
  • Tar water for dry hair
  • Wrap for hair against excessive fat

Деготь для волос. Маски для волос с дегтемIf one spoon
This substance can change the quality of a whole barrel of honey.
imagine the power in it. It’s about common tar, thick,
dark, oily, foul-smelling mass, which the peasants
greased horse-drawn wheels or canvas boots. And apply it
for the health of the human body? Imagine, yes.


Medicinal properties of tar

From time immemorial comes the knowledge of the miraculous properties of tar.
It happens two types – coal and birch.

With the help of the tar, at all times with success healed various
skin diseases – dry seborrhea, weeping eczema, and even difficult
treatable psoriasis.

AT наше время популярность fundsа не уменьшилась, скорее
opposite. Unless they began to apply it wisely – as part of ointments,
creams, shampoos and balms.

Care and treatment of hair and scalp with
помощью упомянутых funds. Used tar for hair in
certain formulations and proportions, although it is proven that natural
the origin of raw materials excludes harm to health. AT
In exceptional cases, allergic reactions may occur.
form of itching and redness of the skin. AT таком случае от fundsа лучше

Есть один сильный аргумент против применения дегтярных funds –
it is a persistent odor for most people. Frequent
application, of course, leads to the “accumulation” of tar spirit. But,
if you do from time to time, for example, hair masks with tar,
then thoroughly rinse and ventilate the hair, will only
a hint of birch tar.

Аптечные fundsа с дегтем

Современные аптечные и косметические fundsа синтезируются с
taking into account the specifics of the raw materials and for the most part include perfumes and
other active ingredients.

So, shampoo-balsam line “Revivor” with zinc and tar is easy
it is washed away and practically does not leave a smell, and thanks to the incoming
It contains extracts of birch leaves and buds, castor oil and
rosemary gives good results with seborrhea and itchy skin

AT аптеках можно купить недорогие шампуни с березовым дегтем,
extract of burdock root and panthenol. Many generally prefer
pure tar soap. ATолосы не сразу привыкают к такому
extreme appeal and at first make an impression not
washed, however, after 4-5th washing, the skin and hair are rearranged and
get a healthy look.

Homemade masks with tar

AT домашних условиях применять деготь для волос проще простого.
Unless, of course, available in the pharmaceutical tar. It can
add to any mask in any concentration, from several
drops to a teaspoon. The longer such a mask is maintained on
hair is better.

  • Dandruff and itch will relieve hair masks with tar: pharmacy
    birch tar mixed with castor or burdock oil 1: 2 and 2-3
    tablespoons of alcohol. Carefully rubbing into the scalp,
    cover with a polyethylene cap, wrap up with a towel, hold it
    less than two hours and rinse. Can be even simpler: dilute in warm
    воде ложку дегтя и интенсивно втереть в кожу heads. Similar
    the procedure literally revives the hair, they begin to grow rapidly
    and become thicker due to new hair.
  • Unfortunately, there are problems much more serious than dandruff and
    itchiness For the treatment of eczema and psoriasis on the scalp
    traditional medicine recommends using tar in pure
    the form.
  • With focal hair loss and excessive seborrhea tar
    diluted with alcohol or glycerin in equal proportions and applied to
    problem areas with a special brush for painting. With
    This is not recommended to wash off the tar, just remove the excess
    fundsа ватными дисками. On the second day, you can wash your head,
    the third – again a mask, and so in a day to complete

Tar shampoo

Tar shampoo

За основу подобного fundsа лучше брать шампуни на натуральной
based with herbal extracts. Most useful for hair
nettle and burdock are considered. Synthetic and silicone shampoos are not
suitable for the reason that it is difficult to predict their reaction when
contact with tar.

AT стеклянную или керамическую емкость влейте 100 миллилитров
shampoo (this is about half a glass). This is also worth adding
about 2 tablespoons of birch tar (freely sold in a pharmacy).
You need to mix the mass until it becomes completely
homogeneous. With желании, вы можете добавить к шампуню до 15 капель
your favorite essential oil that will serve as an extra
nutrition for hair. This component will also help a bit.
Disguise the sharp smell of tar.

If you did everything right, then the consistency of the shampoo is completely
will change. It will not resemble a gel, as it was originally, but
ordinary dense liquid. If this effect is not achieved
then try to use some other shampoo as a base.
Of course, gel the mass should not be thrown away at all, but bear in mind
that it is much harder to wash out the hair. A liquid tar shampoo
no problem is removed from the curls.

Tar shampoo используется практически так же, как и
normal, but with one feature: you need to spend about 2
minute head massage so that the tar is better absorbed into the skin. Washed away
composition of ordinary water. But if you doubt that the tar is gone
completely, you can also use regular shampoo. To complete
the procedure is the application of conditioner or balm.

The tar will help get rid of dandruff and return hair health!

The tar will help get rid of dandruff and return hair

Tar water

Unfortunately, pure tar is too aggressive and can
dry the scalp and hair. Therefore, it is advisable
apply tar water. So, for dry hair is perfect
fundsо, состоящее из 50 миллилитров такой воды, стакана кефира и
two eggs. This is not just a great mask for strengthening curls, but
also a full-fledged natural substitute for synthetic shampoo.
После того, как смоете fundsо с волос, обязательно ополосните
head herbal decoction.


Increased oily hair is an unpleasant problem, which
gives the girls a lot of uncomfortable feelings. Deal with
excessive secretion of sebum can be with tar
wraps. This procedure also has a tonic
act. Warm burdock oil lubricate the scalp and hair,
wrap in polyethylene and wrap a warm towel. In a few
hours, wash your hair only with water and tar
soap (do not use shampoo). Only use allowed
balm to moisten the tips.

beauty славянских девушек всегда ассоциировалась с густой
long braid. We can safely say that this is largely a merit
birch tar, which beauties widely used in the care of

And what about barrels of honey and a fly in the ointment? Something in any
Masked these two natural products do not occur together. Is and in
complete incompatibility? Perhaps worth a try.
Maybe it will be possible to overcome the steady stereotype and its true worth.
оценить чудо-fundsо, приготовленное самой природой…

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