Surprises of the last days of pregnancy

Wed, Nov 23, 2016

Long weeks and months of waiting were left behind, the maternity hospital and
received exchange card. Closer the estimated date of delivery, and
impatience threatens to spill over the edge – when will
meeting with the baby? It seems to a woman that nothing happens
pregnancy seems to have stopped in time, and the baby
barricaded himself from the inside and absolutely not going to leave the body
mothers. However, the mother’s body is intensively preparing for childbirth. If a
covered in despair because of the lingering waiting times if
the expected date of birth is about to come, or even has already arrived,
and the body is silent, listen carefully to yourself.

  • Insomnia. You notice that in the last week of sleep
    became particularly sensitive, and the evening-night waking and somersault in
    the suddenly uncomfortable bed turned out to be constant companions
    recreation? Of course, rejoice about this will not work, however
    it is these changes that mean the baby is about to appear on
  • Unbearable itching. Serene sleep interferes and intensifies
    pruritus, delivering a lot of unpleasant minutes in daylight, and
    at night becoming simply unbearable. This is another sign of an ambulance.
    childbirth – thanks to a greatly increased belly and chest, the skin has become
    stretched, dry and slightly dehydrated, which is why you
    experiencing severe itching and discomfort. The bad news is
    condition cannot be relieved with creams or lotions, good –
    you stop itching immediately after delivery.
  • Tone. In some women, training bouts begin
    long before the onset of labor, and some do not notice
    no painful sensations right up to the birth. But even those
    it seems to anyone that there is not the slightest hint of an approaching birth,
    increased tone. Despite the fact that the sensations are completely
    painless, stoney belly is not difficult to notice.
  • Little confusion. All pregnancy you managed
    to deal with the frequent urge to use the toilet, but in recent days
    did you notice slight incontinence? Do not be scared or
    ashamed – this little nuisance indicates that
    baby’s head slowly sinking lower and lower, strongly crushing
    on the bladder, but before birth only a few days left.

If a вас уже посетили все признаки надвигающихся родов — пора
check your combat readiness. Passport, insurance and exchange policy
the card must not leave your handbag under any circumstances
– now childbirth can begin at any moment. Phones your
the doctor and the ambulance should be in the most visible place, and the spouse
– clearly instructed on the necessary actions in the case of
started childbirth. Do not forget that many women enter
the onset of labor is very smooth and almost imperceptible, so learn
count contractions – if you notice small ones, practically
painless bouts – be sure to note their frequency with

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