Sun treatments for hair with sunfloweroiled

It’s no news that sunflower oil has
many valuable properties in addition to its taste. Him
used in medicine and cosmetology for quite some time and incredibly

рецепты масок с подсолнечным oiled, фото

Along with other vegetable oils, sunflower can also
help us tidy up the hair. Especially after a long
the effects of heat and frost, curls and dyeing, the negative impact
polluted environment and just blow-dry.

Why is this possible?


The composition and beneficial properties of sunflower oil

In the composition of sunflower oil is:

  • vitamins A, B, D, E;
  • palmitic, linoleic, oleic acid;
  • carbohydrates and proteins.

The capabilities of sunflower oil are known for certain:

  • healing of minor injuries to the scalp;
  • hair structure restoration;
  • regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthening and activation of hair follicles;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the skin;
  • prevention of hair drying;
  • hair growth stimulation;
  • quality nutrition;
  • intensive cleansing from contamination;
  • protection of curls from temperature extremes;
  • giving hair elasticity, softness and shine.

подсолнечное масло для волос, фото

Recipes for hair masks based on sunflower oil

  • To get rid of dandruff, prepare such a remedy. Two
    tablespoons decoction of chamomile, calendula or other medicinal
    herbs, one spoon of our butter, one egg white and 3 drops
    essential oil at your discretion. Mix well and apply
    on freshly washed hair. After 20 minutes rinse the balm
    water and finally the remaining herbal decoction.
  • For long hair, which split at the tips. In 200 gram
    jar or glass of thick glass pour 50 g of sunflower
    oils. In the water bath it needs a little warm up. Collect hair
    together and braid the braid so that all ends are
    about the same level. Place the lower edge of the braid in the oil and
    Try to fix your hair in this position. Leave
    all you need at least an hour, after which the hair is necessary
    rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Stimulate hair to accelerate growth will help mask from the mixture
    two spoons of sunflower oil, one spoon of natural honey and
    shredded bulbs of medium size. Mask need to gently rub
    into the scalp to cause blood flow to the hair follicles.
    Hold for half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is also recommended
    for thin and sparse hair.
  • To protect the hair during the cold season. Freshly squeezed juice
    lemon 2 tablespoons combine with 5 spoons of sunflower oil.
    The mixture must be well whipped to get a homogeneous mass.
    Rub gently into the hair along the entire length, and after 30 minutes wash
    head in the usual way. After this procedure, your hair will be
    more obedient and will cease to electrify.
  • Strengthen hair and accelerate growth will help mask of alcohol
    настойки перца и подсолнечного oils. Ingredients are mixed
    equally and rubbed into the hair roots. To distribute the remains on hair
    and leave for 45 minutes.
  • The mixture works in a similar way, where instead of pepper vodka is used
    ordinary vodka or brandy.
  • Один сырой желток смешать с нагретым постным oiled. Enough
    one tablespoon. Mask distribute all strands and withstand
    about half an hour. Power to fragile hair is guaranteed.
  • Damaged hair needs enhanced treatment. Mix 2
    spoons of our butter with a spoon of fish oil. Slightly heat the composition and
    to distribute through the hair, including the basal part and the scalp.
    You can leave the tool for several hours. Instead of fish oil
    Omega-3 pharmacy oil is allowed. Such a mask is also capable of
    stop hair loss.
  • To restore the natural shine and obedience of curls fit three
    The following recipe. Per 100 g of sunflower oil, take 40 g of fresh
    lemon juice. On the hair to keep 30 minutes. It also helps
    dandruff and electrifying hair.
  • At 40 g butter and 20 g lemon juice add one yolk.
    A twenty-minute procedure will support the nourishment of the hair.
  • Heat 100 ml of sunflower oil in a water bath, in which
    crushed orange peel covered. Put aside and through
    day apply to the scalp gently rubbing composition.
  • From premature hair loss, try a course
    such masks. Sunflower oil, onion juice, liquid soap and
    homemade honey Just take equally, mix and apply on the scalp
    and hair. Rinse thoroughly after 2 hours.
  • The same composition, but without soap, will more actively influence the roots.
  • You can simply combine the two parts of sunflower oil and one
    part of liquid honey. Hold for 20 minutes. Mask nourishes hair from
    the roots and to the ends, restoring normal balance
  • To enhance the activity of the mask can be to the previous composition
    add a few drops of essential oils of lavender, geranium and
  • The healing power of medicinal plants will greatly enhance
    the healing effect of oil procedures. Take 50 g inflorescences
    гибискуса и залить их 100 мл подсолнечного oils. During the day
    it is necessary to insist the composition, after which it can be applied on
    radical part of the hair and on scalp. Rinse after 30 minutes
    head You can leave on all night, then the effect will be more
  • By the same principle, you can prepare a mask with crushed
    burdock root.
  • Two yolks, a teaspoon of calendula tincture on alcohol and 40 g
    sunflower oil mix and apply for half an hour on curls throughout
  • Two spoons of our oil, chamomile or calendula decoction, one
    yolk and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice mix and apply on
    strands. Hold for 20 minutes.
  • Oil shakes are always very effective. Butter
    sunflower can be mixed with almost all other
    vegetable oils. Their beneficial properties, combined, will accelerate
    hair restoration. These masks are left on time from 20 minutes.
    up to 2 hours.

How to carry out the procedure

There is a common opinion that refined or
unrefined oil use. Proved to be substantial
there is no difference.

Masks are recommended 1-2 times a week. Course can
last up to three months, then two months should be given to hair

For the best effect, wrap your head in plastic and warm
towel for the time specified in the recipe.

Sunflower oil is very affordable and incredibly useful, with
caution is used only for those who are inclined to
oily hair and scalp.

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