
Recently, such a form has become increasingly popular.
gymnastics, like stretching. Many about him probably not at all
heard, and someone heard from friends or read on the Internet, but not
everyone knows what it really is. In this article, we
We will introduce you to stretching, talking about what it is,
what are its features and benefits, as well as demonstrate it



  • What is it and how did it come about?
  • Stretching benefits
  • Stretching lessons for beginners
  • Stretching видео-упражнения


What is it and how did it come about?

What is stretching? Stretching – это вид гимнастики, который
includes a set of exercises for muscle elasticity, flexibility
body and as a result – weight loss.

Best of all, a person rests after hard physical labor,
for which the whole muscular system of his body is adapted.
However, modern civilization has created completely different conditions.
life for many people, the nature of labor has become more intellectual,
and physical activity has decreased significantly.

Having survived the stress and bustle of the working day in the office, the employee
experiencing significant difficulties in the possibility of relaxation.
Alcohol and other relaxing agents when they are visible and
almost instant effectiveness yet bring health
perceptible harm, and after a while enough young people,
being in full dawn of forces, begin to feel problems in
performing the simplest movements associated with turns, bends and
other gestures.

Stretching, about which we
in more detail we will tell further. When did they come up with stretching? AT
the fifties of the twentieth century, when rapidly developed
industry and science, as well as bodybuilding techniques, appeared
Stretching, a method supported by physicians and physiologists
mobility of the musculoskeletal system, combined with techniques
relaxation, having a psycho-energetic nature.

This set of exercises quickly gained popularity with
athletes who quickly figured out that the occupation of this new species
physical culture significantly improves their condition, the ability
recuperate and expand physical activity.

The English word “Stretching” means “stretching.” The essence of the method
is that the set of exercises includes all those movements
which modern man commits in his everyday life
seldom. The idea itself is simple, but its development has caused rather
rapid expansion of stretching and its scientific justification.

Stretching benefits

Those who have never heard of this amazing system
allows, besides gaining lightness of movements, to achieve other
nice effects such as:

  • Weight normalization;
  • Figure correction;
  • Improvement of all functions of the organs of the body;
  • You should think about starting a regular practice.

Stretching для начинающих не покажется сложным. ATо-первых, нужно
clearly understand what you have to work on. Women often
concerned about the state of his figure. Indeed, all women
The figures are divided into three main types:

  • �”An Apple”;
  • �”Pear”;
  • Body type of male type.

As is clear from this schematic notation, fat deposits
concentrated in these cases in the middle of the torso, its lower and
the upper part, respectively.

AT зависимости от того, на что нужно делать упор, и подбирается
set of exercises. However, one should not understand such a narrow
specialization, as monotonous monotony of the movements performed.
ATедь такой подход сделает стретчинг для похудения занятием скучным
and tedious, while it should bring the joy of movement
and positive emotions, because without this any person
engaged in stretching, quickly throw it, and success and
the effectiveness of training depends not so much on their intensity,
how much of regularity and methodic.

Упражнения стретчинга

Stretching lessons for beginners

The practical benefit of stretching is not only in its
efficiency and rapid effect, felt literally after four
of the week, but also in its availability and ability to practice it at home.
Due to this, stretching is becoming increasingly popular.

AT своём развитие, эта оздоровительная методика видоизменяется и
being improved. There are new types of exercises that occur on
the intersection of stretching and other forms of art physical and spiritual
perfection, for example, yoga.

This combination creates new opportunities for positive
effects on the work of vital human organs, for example
circulatory and lymphatic systems, and successfully combat
stress load.

Like any physical methods, stretching has its own characteristics.
when performing which must be considered before
how to use it. To summarize the essence of the advice and
recommendations for those who decided to seriously engage in stretching,
then they are as follows:

  • Before starting classes, you need to consult a specialist,
    an experienced instructor, even if the stretching will be performed in
    home conditions;
  • Stretching exercises optimally hold, maintaining
    recommended postures from 10 to 30 seconds;
  • Do not stand the pain in the case occurrence of discomfort
    should immediately stop and seek advice from
    a specialist;
  • Pay special attention to the correct breathing, inhale the air in
    beginning, and exhale at the end of the exercise, and in slow motion;
  • ATнимательно отслеживайте самочувствие, концентрируйтесь на
    sensations and body reactions if you feel discomfort or
    tired, then you need to stop;
  • Improper exercise can be harmful or
    injure, so avoid unstable or risky
    poses and excessive loads at the beginning;
  • ATнимательно контролируйте интенсивность нагрузок и их
    duration When starting classes, you should not over-exert, and
    engage more often than three times a week, about half an hour.
    Gradually, as you get used to new types of loads,
    intensity can be increased, but smoothly, and, as they say, “without

Stretching видео-упражнения

The most common way to get to know yourself
this type of bodybuilding in our time has become with the help of video courses,
which are posted in large quantities on the Internet. Videos,
submitted to users on the network, will vividly introduce you to
this course.

The first video will tell you about how to do stretching.
houses. AT ролике будут даны советы начинающим, комплекс простых
exercise. AT данном ролике инструктор даст несколько уроков и
recommendations on the implementation of the basic stretching exercises.

Another video about stretching, which are more complex
exercises for stretching the body, as well as the method of their implementation. AT
In this case, the video will bring great benefits, and stretching
will bring great joy and bring great benefits.

It should be remembered about the advice of professionals who strongly
It is recommended to consult with a doctor beforehand and
trainer, and then begin regular classes.

You should also remember that stretching is not
cure for all diseases and figure problems, it’s just
sport, allowing to prolong the youth of the body and the sense of beauty
well-being. We recommend using this complex
exercise and effect, both physical and moral – will not force
wait a long time. Take care of your body and believe in yourself!

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