Stress – what is it and how to deal with it?Is it possible to cope with the manifestations of stress, whygo to a psychologist?

Сб, 21 апр 2018 Автор: Инна

In our rather difficult time, many people are so loaded
problems, troubles adversity, that they just have no time
enjoy life. A person who does not feel joy from life
pleasure – dooms itself to stress. Stress – like with him


Stress – like with him бороться, основные сведения

Let’s deal with what is stress? Doctors believe
that stress is the reaction of the body to any
extreme factor, a situation that is difficult to resolve. AT
stressful situations in the body produces a huge amount
adrenaline. This hormone stimulates the survival function in humans,
at the same time, its oversupply can provoke various kinds
psychological abnormalities.

Main stressful situations:

– Change of work;

– Living place;

– Unrequited love;

– The death of someone from the family;

– Difficulties in the financial sector;

– Lack of enough sleep;

– Lack of mode;

– Improper, poor nutrition, starvation.

The list can be continued indefinitely. ATажно также разделять
stressful situations that arise in a person’s life because
directly associated with it and not directly related to it

That is, you may be experiencing a financial crisis because of your
personal actions, or because someone intervened in the course of your
work, someone prevents you from performing your work duties in
to the fullest. AT любом случае — стресса не избежать.

It is also important to divide stressful situations into objective and
subjective. If you have a loved one died, and you are experiencing
stress – the cause of its occurrence is objective. But,
if you quarrel with your lover and wind yourself up,
concentrate on negative thoughts – cause of stress

Stress – like with him бороться, если проблему для себя создаёт сам
person? AT данной ситуации нужно не бороться, а выявить, по какой
The reason there was a similar reaction. ATозможно, человек склонен к
self-blame, self-humiliation, self-blame, and does not want it
recognize or does not want to deal with it, fight.

Stress – like with him бороться, зона комфорта

Adrenaline addiction has been studied by doctors for quite some time. They
established the fact that regular adrenaline overshoot
blood leads to habituation of a person to his increased normal in
blood. Then, when a person stops being under stress
situations – his body will not have enough adrenaline and man
will look for situations for himself to return to the zone

What are we talking about now? About those situations when a woman herself for
herself comes up with problems when she very often feels
offended and humiliated. When, she constantly complains, laments
a life. Yes, she is in a stressful situation, but the situation
is subjective, it could well be avoided.

ATыход из зоны комфорта для многих — это весьма сложная задача, с
which they can not cope. They всё больше углубляются
in their stress, they are constantly looking for reasons for suffering and feelings.
If they don’t find these reasons, they start looking for other methods for
выброса adrenaline.

Stress – like with him бороться, основные признаки

The main signs that your body is under stress –

– Cardiopalmus;

– Excessive sweating;

– cold in limbs;

– Dizziness;

– Nausea;

– Constipation;

– stuttering;

— ATнезапные слёзы.

These are the main symptoms of what you are experiencing stressful
the situation. How to respond to them? ATажно понимать, что от симптомов
you can get rid of when you realize that it is with you
going on. It so happens that a person cannot control his
emotions and constantly immersed in stress.

Some already have so irreparable consequences on the physical
the level that health is suffering is insane. Starts sleeping problems,
with excitability. A person is constantly under stress
tensions, the desire to get out of the vicious circle, free.

If you have a rather difficult job, this does not mean that
you will be constantly under stress. ATы можете
suffer from insomnia and not because of experienced stress, but because
hormonal changes, changing the biological rhythm of the body. ATсё
individually, but if you have experienced a rather difficult period in your life
and after that you started having health problems – in your life
there is stress and its effects.

Stress – like with him бороться самостоятельно

Stress does not always work; sometimes it’s just
need to survive. It can be a loss of a loved one,
and about the big financial crisis. If you
have lost a loved one and are constantly depressed,
anxiety, not happy life, here already has a place
absolutely not stress.

We can talk about neurosis or even psychosis. How to cope with
such a situation yourself?

— ATажно be aware of yourself here and now;

– Do not drip in the past – close the door to him;

– Do not wait for help and support;

– Make plans for the future, even if everything seems to be
is lost

– Do not want anything – sleep;

– I want to escape from everything – take a walk;

– Eat more fruit;

– Be more often in the sun.

It would seem that this is the most simple and easy to implement recommendations.
There is nothing special about them, but do you do them? Yes maybe
global problems at work, but they are not forever. ATозможно, вам
you have to change jobs, but isn’t it for the better? Not worth it
try to change something without changing yourself. It is not effective.

If you постоянно хандрите и не понимаете, что с этим поделать —
we are already talking about depression. Yes, it could cause stress, but with
stressful situation you most likely said goodbye to you long ago and now
trying to fight his echoes. Is it worth doing?
Think well before you start dripping again.
the past.

Learn to forgive and let go – it’s pretty easy to learn.
if you understand that stress harms the body and reduces
a life. Do more sports, bring your body to tone
increase self-esteem.

If you постоянно находись в напряжении — начните выполнять
relaxing practices. Allow yourself to relax and receive
the pleasure of life. Do not hurry anywhere, give yourself at least a day
a week for a holiday, when you can not think about anything.

Stress – like with him бороться, когда пора обратиться к
to the psychologist

К to the psychologist стоит обратиться тогда, когда все вышеперечисленные
methods do not work when you constantly get stuck in problems, or
break on others without a reason. If you начинаете неадекватно
respond to others and are constantly discouraged.

Stress – like with him бороться, если ты совсем один. Man on
no one really needs to help solve his psychological
Problems. If you очень хотите новую машину и у вас это не
it turns out – it means you are doing something wrong, it does not mean that
need to live tense and nervous. The psychologist may prescribe
one hundred treatments, the most effective is to learn how to manage fears,
phobias blocking installations and thus avoid

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