Strawberry leaves turn yellow – the crop dies!Why leaves turn yellow in strawberries: look for reasons, decide – whatdo

Ср, 06 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Уварова

Virtually any dacha – even in the northern regions –
can detect strawberry bushes. Effort spent on care, with
pays off with the unique sweet taste of homemade berries. The
more than that, it is necessary to replant the plantation only once every 4 years.
On the one hand, it is very convenient, but on the other hand, the plantation for this
time accumulates diseases that damage crop.


Possible reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in strawberries

There are plenty of reasons why the strawberry leaves turn yellow. On this
years of illness, vitamin deficiencies and
minerals, improper care and watering, improper location
beds and much more. And, most importantly, with such a problem
faced not only by newcomers in the cultivation of strawberries, but also experienced

Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the source
problems why strawberries turn yellow leaves and start
immediate restoration work on the plant

Improper planting strawberry beds

As one of the common options, the wrong
the location of the beds also affects the future fate of the family
herbaceous. In order to prevent further
errors during landing, you should identify the key errors that
allowed gardeners:

1. The location of the beds on too open a place is unacceptable
especially if most of the daytime beds are under
direct sunlight. In order not to burn the seedlings, you need to
the time of greatest solar activity to cover it. As
covering material can be used non-woven fabric or
polyethylene film.

2. The ideal time for planting strawberries of almost all varieties.
– towards the end of July. Thus, strawberries take root for
the cold months, its roots will grow stronger and will be able to calmly
survive the frost

3. The surrounding location of other cultivated plants. So,
for example, the proximity of raspberries and tulips to strawberries
increases the likelihood of their common pest –
raspberry-strawberry weevil.

4. Strawberry bushes give poor yield or do not take root in
sour and salty soil.

5. Strawberries can not be transplanted to the soil, where it is
settled family solanaceous and Compositae. But the soil
after cereals, radish, garlic and parsley is perfect for
new arrangement of strawberry beds.

6. Too close arrangement of strawberry bushes has
negative consequence – the roots need freedom and nutrition. For
plantation to bring maximum yield
bushes are necessary at an equidistant distance.

Strawberry leaves turn yellow: lack of watering and top dressing

Lack of feeding

Another reason why the strawberry leaves turned yellow may be
become a shortage of vitamins and beneficial elements. Magnesium hunger –
The most common cause of yellowing leaves. Magnesium is included
part of chlorophyll and takes part in plant photosynthesis. Him
the disadvantage is primarily manifested in strawberry bushes on
acid soils (soils not rich in humus). With magnesium hunger,
plant leaves between the veins acquire a characteristic brown,
yellow or purple color. Strawberry sheets are gradually covered.
stained, indicating that plant cells gradually
die off. This is typical of strawberry bushes whose seedlings are not
The first year is in a certain place. In order to prevent
вымирания, необходимо сdo following:

Сернокислый магний. It is added to the soil as
diluted solution or served dry under loosening. For
complete ridding of strawberry bushes from magnesium hunger
A weekly repetition of the procedure will be required.

Азотный голод — не менее распространённая
cause. Symptoms are the same – yellowed leaves up to
lemon color. The solution is – ammonium nitrate or nitrogen
top dressing. In addition to the high nitrogen content, nitrate contains
ammonia, which in the spring scares off insect pests,
and may beetles.

Неинфекционный хлороз возникает в весенний
a period when the earth has time to warm up by the sun where
slower than air. The leaves begin to turn yellow, lose their color to
pale yellow. This is due to the fact that those still in
unheated ground roots are not able to work in full force,
therefore, the supply of moisture and nutrients is slow. For
In order not to lose seedlings, it is recommended to water strawberry
bushes with warm water and spray solutions containing

Ксантоз — не менее распространённая болезнь и
most often occurs in warmer seasons. Transferred
disease from diseased plants to healthy ones not by using sap or seeds.
The infection is spread in two ways:

1. Pentatrichopus fraguefolii Cock. In other words – aphid.

2. Planting material in which the seedlings were located before planting
into the soil.

The most susceptible to this disease varieties of strawberries:
Marshall, Beauty Zagorye, Royal Soverein, Roshchinskaya.

For того, чтобы избежать заражения плантации, необходимо
destroy the insect eggs in the soil in early spring.

For этого можно воспользоваться 1,5%-ным нитрафеном, который
sprayed on the leaves and under the strawberry root
bush. Systematic spraying stops one month before picking

Lack of watering

Lack of watering имеет негативное влияние на здоровый рост
strawberries. Like any plant, strawberries need watering, because
together with water the roots get the necessary vitamins and minerals. For
what frequency of watering is necessary for seedlings, it is necessary
build on the region.

Strawberry plantations in the southern regions require more frequent
watering, rather than in the north.
The main thing to remember is the rule: not
pour strawberries. Excess water does not allow the plant faster
grow and bear fruit, only increase the likelihood of infection
various soil-borne diseases.

Strawberry leaves turn yellow: strawberry pests

In case the answer to the question why strawberry leaves turn yellow,
never found, should go deeper into the “root” of the problem. BUT,
rather, look under the sheet. Unfortunately, with the onset of warm
seasons, wake up plants and pests – insects that
not just ruining by devouring the roots, stalks and leaves, but also
transfer infection to healthy bushes.

The arrangement of strawberry seedlings near the raspberry bushes raises
вероятность появления общего врага — малинно-земляничного
. This beetle, no longer than 5 mm, once on
strawberry buds appear buds, lays their larvae in them.
The larva eats the bud from the inside, and after – goes into the soil
pupate. For того, чтобы избежать этой проблемы, необходимо

Spray the solution “Fitoverm” or other analogues 3 times:
before picking strawberries in buds, after raspberry bushes
buds began to appear and a few days later again.

Слюнявка-пенница — борьба с этим
strawberry strawberry pest gardeners the same – hot shower
solution of potassium permanganate will wash away the pest and repel any desire
settle on a strawberry plantation.

Борьба с паутинным клещом, который
located under the leaf, similar – hot water with diluted
potassium permanganate. Потому как если этого не сdo, клещ высосет из
leaf juice, which will lead to yellowing, coagulability and full
withering away the latter.

Что do, если не выявлены причины, почему желтеют листья

Causeless strawberry bushes, like any other plant, do not
will become yellowish and fade.

All that is needed for healthy growth of strawberries, ensuring
proper care.

For борьбы не только с вредителями, но и с недостатком полезных
elements in the soil, will help top dressing on the basis of whey,
iodine or potassium permanganate.

The solution based on potassium permanganate and at all fights with large
the number of pests not only on the surface of the leaf, but also in
soil, saturates the soil with useful elements and provides a gardener
good harvest

Compliance with the rules of planting, watering time, timely
feeding and ensuring sufficient light will provide
plantation healthy harvest.

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