Storing beets in a city apartment, in the cellar,in the country. How to store beets in the winter at home

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Beetroot is one of the most popular vegetables in Russian cuisine.

Gardeners grow unpretentious vegetables in large quantities,
stocking them for the whole winter.

Fortunately, the storage of beets is not particularly difficult, but
the root crop may winter in the country house, in the cellar, in the city


How to prepare beets for storage

Beet harvesting begins in mid-September. Best to collect
root crops in dry cool weather, digging them out of the ground
shovel, and even better forks. The bottom line is not to injure.
delicate skin. After removing the vegetables from the ground, you need to carefully
shake off (do not knock or scrape the ground with a knife!) and leave on
fresh air for about four hours. If it drizzles, beets
dried in a dry room, scattered on the surface of one
by layer.

Before putting the beets in storage, it must be
handle correctly.
To do this, the remnants of the land need
gently peel off. If the skin is damaged, do not send
this copy is stored, it is better to eat immediately.

The tops should be cut, leaving thick stems with an approximate height
per centimeter. Важно именно срезать ботву, а не
unscrew it with your hands. It remains to trim the long root (if
length more than 7 centimeters) and select suitable copies. Wash
beets before laying impossible. Storage is best to take.
root crops of the average sizes without rotting signs.

Ideal storage conditions for beets

There are many ways to store beets, so it’s easy
You can choose the most convenient. Root can be sent to
wintering outdoors and indoors. In the first case, the beets
Store directly in a trench or pit excavated in the garden. In
the second is laid in a cellar or basement, stored in a box for
balcony, in the porch, cold pantry or just clean in

How to store beets in the winter? Main condition –
provide the sweet root with optimal environmental conditions.
Beets need darkness, coolness, high humidity and the influx of fresh
of air. The temperature in the room should not fall below
zero and rise above 2-3 degrees. Ideal humidity
is 90 percent.

How to store beets in the country

If the beets grew in the garden or in the country, it is easiest to leave
for wintering there. Sand can be ignited (in the oven or in the sun),
to sanitize it. After the sand has cooled, the beets
laid out on the surface of the substrate so that vegetables do not
touched each other, and covered with a layer of sand for two

There is a simpler option: add dried root vegetables to
plastic bags up to 40 kg and in open form to keep in
canopy or on a closed veranda. No bags can be tied up.
beet breathed.

In warm climates, a bortovaya method of storing crops is used,
heaping beets on the ground or in a dug hole and covering

How to store beets in the cellar

If the farm has a cellar, this is a great option for
длительного зимнего хранения свекольного harvest. Most
простой и удобный способ
— хранить корнеплоды, рассыпав их
on top of the pledged potatoes for the winter. The fact is that the potato
tubers require dry storage conditions, and beets – wet.
Potatoes will give moisture to beets, and the result will be optimal

Другой вариант — хранить урожай в слое
salt. Root crops plentifully pour it, interfering
reproduction of microbes, and thus preserve until next summer.
An excellent substitute for salt can be ash, wood chips, peat,

How to store beets in a city apartment

In the autumn, when the prices of vegetables are low, you can stock up on beets and
to those citizens who have neither a cottage, nor a cellar, nor a basement. how
store beets at home? The easiest way to place the roots
on the glassed-in balcony if the temperature there does not fall below
zero Beets can be folded in sandboxes, folding vegetables so that
so that they do not touch the sides.

If the temperature on the balcony is low, you can make insulated
boxes: sheathe them from the inside with foam plastic and additionally heat
maowatt light bulb, placing it inside the boxes.

how хранить свеклу в домашних условиях, если в квартире
no balcony at all?
You can fill the boxes with sawdust or
sand and put them in a specially prepared
roots. For the beets can be smeared with a solution of clay and
to dry In such a “fur coat” vegetables do not spoil for a long time in a room.

If the beets are not very many, you can wrap each copy in
foil or parchment and store in the refrigerator.

Useful tips

If the beets are of different sizes and overwhelms in bulk, then from above you need
spread out large roots that are poorly stored. Too
it is better not to store large copies: they are tasteless, with hard
by fibers. Very small beets, too, does not make sense to keep, because
it fades quickly and dries out.

Periodically (once every 2-3 weeks) beet must necessarily
to sort out the damage. One rotten beetroot can ruin the whole

Before laying beets in the cellar or the basement needs to be processed
premises with bleach or formalin for disinfection.

There are alternative ways to store a small beetroot.
harvest. How to store beets in the winter in this way? Clean it
grate, arrange into freezer bags and
put in the freezer.

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