Storage of honey: where, how much and in which container.Storage conditions of honey at home, the reasons that honeyfermented

Ср, 12 окт 2016 Автор: Надежда Абросимова

Honey – a product that is used for various

• When cooking pastries.

• Instead of sugar in drinks.

• As a component of cosmetics, such as scrubs,

• For the treatment of colds.

• With a massage.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to store honey at home,
so that he retains his useful qualities for a long time. Even
we are talking about a cafe, restaurant or spa all these rules and tips
do not lose their relevance.


Honey storage: product selection

The purchase of honey by an individual is carried out without
thorough chemical analysis of the products offered. therefore
It is important to be confident in the supplier. If the product is not purchased with
hands, and at the enterprise, the company must provide
documentary evidence of product quality. Lately
owners of large private apiaries also conduct laboratory analysis.
products. This allows honey to be sold to enterprises
exporting it to EU countries.

The main problem of choosing and purchasing honey in the supermarket, with
considering its subsequent storage, is the absence
the ability to make a full organoleptic analysis. AT
it includes not only a visual inspection of the substance. Required
make sure that there are no taste impurities and that the smell
set benchmark. The latter is important for varieties such as
buckwheat, heather honey and many others.

Honey storage: choose tare

Reflecting on how to store honey at home, a special
attention should be paid to the container. AT качестве емкостей издавна
used wooden kegs and clay pockets. First
used in situations where it was necessary to provide long
storage of honey at home, and the second – for preservation
product with daily use. Glass packaging was not in
go due to its higher cost. Now, on the contrary, the usual
a bottle is much cheaper than a small keg.

Before packaging the honey, the container should be decontaminated and well
washed, dried after that. The presence of liquid may become
cause the start of the fermentation process. In addition to wooden, glass and
clay containers can use plastic and metal
capacity. Both materials must be marked “for food
products. They must also be thermally treated and washed.
The next point is the tightness of the packaging.

If honey initially has an acceptable percentage of water content and
the room in which the product will be stored is not high
humidity, the fermentation process will be absent, even
if we are talking about the packaging of honey in plastic containers under the usual
cover. The presence of direct sunlight can also harm it.
therefore желательно ставить мед в темное место или использовать
opaque tara. To ensure protection from sunlight
use extra protection. You just have to put
transparent containers in cardboard boxes.

Honey storage: temperature conditions

One of the features of honey storage is the need
maintaining the temperature in the room where it stands, at a level from
+5 to +20 degrees. If it is higher or lower, the concentration
beneficial substances will decrease. Do not freeze the product
in no case. If this happens, then instead of useful ones
compounds appear carcinogens. This also applies to situations where
it heats up more than 45 degrees, it also destroys the existing ones
him beneficial substances. therefore его никогда не добавляют в очень
hot tea, milk or coffee. Required подождать, пока они
cool down a little or use a bit of water.

Хранение меда: почему продукт fermented?

There is a situation when the container for honey storage is chosen.
correctly, and the temperature regime is fully respected and visually
he was compliant with the purchase, but after a few
месяцев fermented. Why did this process even begin? Here are the wines in
Most cases lie with the manufacturer. The item sold was
increased moisture level, more than 21%. The reason for this may be
as a banal addition of water to increase the mass, and the violation
technological process. AT последнем случае откачка меда из сот
was made earlier than the process of evaporation of moisture.

However, improper storage can lead to similar
result. This applies to situations where the storage of honey
carried out in rooms with high humidity in the container with
impaired tightness. A prime example is a house standing on the beach.
large open pond. If there is no desiccant
air, then in any room there will be an increased
humidity level.

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