Spray of the sun: the subtleties of growing chrysanthemums.How to grow chrysanthemums in a flower bed near the house or cottageplot

Чт, 26 ноя 2015 BUTвтор: Евгения Чернецкая

Growing chrysanthemums will thank the grower with bright colors,
large terry baskets and duration of flowering. Most
Chrysanthemums, common in our country, do not require greenhouse
conditions for cultivation and can decorate any area or

In addition, flowers can be planted as indoor plants and
enjoy the heat radiated by the sun
chrysanthemums when it is snowing outside.


What type of chrysanthemum to choose for growing

For its most common form, chrysanthemums are called
«златоцвет», но сегодня окрас этих цветов собран
from the whole palette of shades. The plants are represented by perennial and
annual species, have one stem or shrub, large lush
a flower or a bunch of little stars at once.

Consider the most common types

Хризантема крупноцветковая представляет
plant height 80 -120 cm. with a flower diameter up to 25 cm. (!) This
view is good for cutting, but can not bloom in the open field in
a short, cold summer and, moreover, does not tolerate wintering in
the garden.

Хризантема среднецветковая — декоративное
plant 30-70 cm high and basket diameter up to 18 cm. It
suitable for growing not only in the garden, but also for decorating the house.
This type is also used for cutting and shaping lush

Small-flowered chrysanthemum (Korean)
represents the only type of frost-resistant perennial chrysanthemums,
forms a shrub in height from 25 to 120 cm. with numerous inflorescences
diameter from 2 to 10 cm. Can grow in one place up to four years,
decorating the garden with abundant flowering until frost. Bouquet composed
of similar flowers, stands in the water for a month. In addition, from
he can take the cuttings for reproduction.

Цветение большинства видов, высаженных в
open ground in May, starts at the end of August and in September
like other plants of the Astrov family. Most of the winter
perennials cleaned for storage in a cool place, however
some gardeners share successful wintering experiences in the open
ground under the condition of creating high-quality “shelter”.

Growing chrysanthemums: the choice of planting material

What to prefer for growing: seeds, seedlings or seedlings

Семена chrysanthemum — самый дешевый способ
purchase of planting material, perfect for
annual species. Seeds after planting are closed with film and
further fed fertilizers based on biohumus for
obtaining guaranteed flowering in the fall. Seed can
to breed and perennials, but it is difficult to achieve flowering in
First year. For the result in the first autumn for
Perennial plants should use seedlings or seedlings.

Разведение chrysanthemum рассадой помогает
adjust the vegetation period of plants under climatic conditions
Central and Northern Russia: late spring and short summer.
So you can land annuals and perennials.

For получения рассады, следует прогреть почву
to room temperature with drawers 5–12 cm deep. Fine
a soil mixture consisting of greenhouse earth, humus and
peat, taken in equal proportions. Such land acquired in
trading network, passed earlier disinfection and destruction of larvae
insects, therefore, minimizes the risk of infection of seedlings. With
making soil mixture at home, do not forget
ignite it at a temperature of 120 – 130 ºС.

After receiving high-quality land for planting, it is passed
through a sieve and poured into boxes, the bottom of which is pre
covered with a drainage layer (broken brick or expanded clay,
coarse sand, etc.). Seeds of annual chrysanthemums
are embedded in the soil by 0.5 cm, and the perennial seeds are slightly
pressed against the surface of the earth and sprayed with a spray bottle.
Boxes covered with film or glass to preserve heat and
humidity. Periodically, they will need to open, moisturize and
to air The optimum temperature at which the seeds quickly
will sprout, must be maintained in the range of 23 -25 ºC.

With правильном уходе всходы должны дружно появиться через
one and a half or two weeks. The next stage of their development is accompanied by
quenching. To do this, remove the covering layer from the boxes every time
longer time, until we remove it completely. Seedling it all
time should be in a warm and bright place, should not
subject to stagnant moisture and drying out.

shoots of chrysanthemums

After the appearance of two or four true leaves, plants
dive into peat cups one by one. In order not to damage the roots,
the ground in the boxes is pre-moistened, gently lifted together
from the ground and transferred to a new place, in the same composition of the soil,
as before. After transplantation, feed with growth biostimulator
(using, for example, “epin extra”) to successfully complete
period of adaptation and resistance to diseases.

chrysanthemum seedlings

Although perennials are best transplanted in May,
chrysanthemum saplings can be purchased from gardeners in spring and autumn.
As a rule, spring seedlings do not have flowers, so when choosing
early or late flowering plants have to trust the words
seller. Autumn seedlings can have baskets, in which the florist
determine their appearance and does not risk acquiring greenhouses if disembarking
will be held in open ground.

If there are no flowers, you should pay attention to the type of leaves and

Krupnotsvetkovye late chrysanthemum has a large and dense
зеленую массу, прочные деревянистые stems. Quality seedlings
must have a radical ground, be healthy, without dryness and
rot without traces of infection.

Among the autumn seedlings should prefer those who do not have
buds, but only withered flowers, since such plants are already prepared
for wintering in the basement. Flowers with buds with appropriate
intensive care can give bloom in the winter at home

Planting by grafting and separating young shoots is applicable.
not for all species and applies only to perennials. This procedure
is to separate the shoots from the main bush when the plant
�”Comes to life” in the spring. To do this, the bush must be completely excavated. BUT
Immediately after – plant the resulting seedlings. Reproduction cuttings
also occurs in the spring and is pruning green shoots
about 15 cm long, the treatment of the lower part of the “root” and disembarking
followed by periodic watering to prevent
drying out

We grow chrysanthemums: the choice of land and soil for planting

The resulting planting material is planted in the ground in the spring after
stop the threat of frost. Growing chrysanthemums requires first
of all the heat, so we determine the place for them on the basis of this

The same requirement is also relevant in late, autumn, disembarkation.
small-flowered chrysanthemums produced no later than two weeks
before frost. In this case, the roots of the seedling are filled with compost,
deepen the root neck by 4-5 cm, spud earth and insulate
top leaves. Even if the winter will be harsh and chrysanthemum
Frosted, with proper care, including feeding and adaptogens,
they will give new shoots in the spring.

Кроме тепла на plot, где chrysanthemumа высажена, есть и другие
Important requirements: no stagnant water, good natural
light exposure, protection from the wind. With недостатке прямого
sunlight (less than five hours a day), the stems do not get stronger and
stretch, shorten the flowering period.

With выборе почвы следует остановиться на нейтральных или
slightly acidic, nutrient-rich, free of
fresh manure. It is preferable to plant chrysanthemums with
using loose biohumus mixture or humus. It does not follow
forget about the structure of the root system, it is located in the upper
soil layers, which dictates the rules of moisture: the roots dry up
quickly, but also “do not tolerate” excess water.

Landing technique

Seedlings or seedlings should be planted in a permanent place in
trench or hole, maintaining a distance of 30 to 50 cm in
spacing or individual plants depending on their variety. For
further increase in root mass can be made during planting
solution “Kornevina” (diluted according to the scheme: 1 gram per 1 liter

After planting and moderate watering should cover the green mass
special material (suitable lutrasil) for a comfortable
the period of adaptation and minimizing the risk of falling into

planting chrysanthemum seedlings

Seeds can be sown in a permanent place or for further
transplants (only under favorable conditions, otherwise
preferably seedlings).

In addition, small-flowered chrysanthemums multiply by division
bush. For этого следует весной выкопать из земли куст и отделить
young shoots to a new place. In general, should not be planted
chrysanthemums for one place for more than two or three years.

Chrysanthemum care

Amateur gardeners often prefer chrysanthemum over flowers
due to the lack of difficulty in caring for them. Plants need
frequent watering, but without stagnant water. They need
биогумнусные и азотные подкормки, но без
the onset of glut, otherwise the green mass will be much, and
flowers – a little. Watering chrysanthemums should be at the root, avoiding
moisture on the surface of leaves and stems.

After going through the adaptation period, young and strong shoots,
имеющие восьмой лист, следует отщипнуть для
the formation of new branches. Extra shoots should be pinned for
formation of a beautiful globular shape or completely removed by transplanting
them to a new place where they can easily take root. Under high chrysanthemum
следует ставить удобные подпорки для удержания bush.

For the entire growing season, three or more must be produced.
top dressings expressed in alternation of mineral and nitrogen fertilizers
(ammonia nitrogen, for example). In the period of budding recommended
suspend the use of nitrogenous supplements in order not to increase
the growth of green to the detriment of the development of baskets. Of mineral
удобрений идеально подойдут калийно-фосфорные
. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil in the form of
solutions using them after rain or watering.

Withменение при выращивании chrysanthemum фосфорных fertilizer from
calculating 50 gr. on 1 sq.m. can increase the duration and abundance
flowering Potash supplements will give the plant healthy greens and
correct beautiful inflorescence. Sulfate should be used
potassium or high-quality natural ash containing all the necessary
composition of trace elements.

Preparation of natural nitrogenous fertilizer is possible,
mullein, but in this case it is important not to use fresh manure or
chicken litter Preparing a concentrated composition by dilution
in water of mass 2: 1 (water: manure). With подкорке этот состав
diluted with water 10: 1 (water: fertilizer) and introduced under the root of
calculating the “1 liter – one bush.”

Chrysanthemums respond well to the use of growth stimulants, to
example, “Zircon”, “Bud”, “Appin”, they should be used in exact
according to the instruction.

Также хорошо растения реагируют на срезание старых
, проводить которое необходимо для удаления избытка
moisture among dense plantations or when infected.

Fight against diseases and pests when growing

With заражении почвы, лишней увлажненности, слабого иммунитета,
несоблюдения правил агротехники при посадке и уходе chrysanthemumы
can get various fungal and viral infections.
Withведем примеры наиболее распространенных.

Мучнистая роса поражает стебли, литья и цветы,
вертициллезное увядание проникает через корни,
вызывая отмирание всего растения, крапчатая
повреждает листья, серая гниль
вызывает гниение, аспермия дает деформированные

speckled mosaic

Лечение chrysanthemum от грибковых заболеваний
should be carried out using the following drugs: oxychloride
copper to combat septoria, rust and gray rot, Bordeaux
powdery mildew and gray rot, and the copper-soap composition and
colloidal sulfur will help to cope with rust. Viral
diseases can not be cured at home, therefore
diseased plants should be excavated and burned.

Зараженные нематодами растения также следует
remove from the site, and to prevent the occurrence of these insects
the land should be treated before planting with formalin, and the plants themselves
– phosphamide solution.

Следует проверять посадки на наличие тли,
which is easy to identify by folded leaves and their presence on
stalk. If you remove the affected areas is not possible
without damaging the whole plant, they should be treated with aktellik
or actor with a solution of soap

For борьбы со слизнями и улитками пригодится
wood ash, which powders the ground after watering. Soap or
shampoo helps to cope with meadow bugs that cause
wilting flowers and dying leaves.

In each of the cases we have considered, you should take
preventive measures to prevent diseases strengthen
plant immunity and thin them out. With борьбе с насекомыми,
используя препараты «Ратибор», «Фитоверм», «BUTктеллик», «BUTктара»,
�”Iskra” and others, we should not forget about their harm to fruit and vegetables

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