Split hair masks at homeconditions

Mon, Apr 04, 2016. Split ends have split ends.
even visually noticeable – they are tough, hair breaks and tangles,
becomes dull and lifeless. Long hair has
the hardest of all – they inevitably stratify at the ends under the action
numerous external factors. With a length of more than 30 cm cuticle
experiencing increased stress, collapses and the internal structure
hair. It happens as if horny scales
“разлохмачиваются” — расслаиваются и отстраняются от ствола hair.
Hair can also be damaged in length. If this is noticeable and tips
немного светлее на вид – пора делать маски для секущихся hair.


The main reasons why hair splits

Causes of hair change – the presence of stress factors in the care of
hair, hair styling, long exposure to the sun,
sea ​​wind. Overdrying and loss of lubrication contribute to
perming, frequent dyeing and bleaching,
exposure to hot air from a hair dryer, the use of inappropriate
shampoos, soaps and so on. If a long time for the hair is not
looked after, did not make masks for split ends, their fragility can
cause improper wearing of pins and gum – for example, when

Split Hair Treatment

If the hair began to split – the first and most extreme help –
This is a haircut tips. But she does not guarantee that this is not
will repeat, therefore it is necessary to use medical
regenerating shampoos, including a large number
vitamin B, lecithin, chamomile, lime blossom, wheat germ.
A good effect is given by masks for split ends from medicinal
products. Comb your hair better comb with occasional teeth.
Hair tips should be lubricated with a special balm for split ends.
hair that creates a protective film and restores them
from the inside. Vegetable proteins make hair light, fill everything
breaks, and the nutrients of therapeutic agents strengthen and nourish
hair. Shaving the tips is best 1 time in 6-8 weeks, and at
very long hair – once a month. In hairdressing used
специальные «горячие» ножницы, способные запаивать кончики hair.

Split hair masks – recipes

A mixture of the mask is applied to the hair roots and throughout their length, then
the head is covered with plastic wrap and insulated with a towel
or a handkerchief. Keep from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on
recipes. Then wash off hair with shampoo, a good option is egg
shampoo. It is best to do the procedure in the evening. Dry hair
свободно, без фена, расчесать на ночь.Яичная маска для
секущихся волос
Состав: яйцо (1 шт, желток), лимонный сок
(1 tablespoon), vegetable oil (1 spoon), water (warm,
boiled – half glass). Mix all the ingredients, rub into the skin
heads. Ingredients soften the skin, moisturize and improve the structure
hair. Rinse hair thoroughly with water, then vinegar (1
ложка на литр).Персиковая маска для секущихся
Состав: персики (2 средних шт.), молоко свежее (3
spoons), oil of oregano (6 drops). Grind peach pulp, mix
with milk, then add essential oil. Apply to hair
утеплить, смывать через 30 минут.Медовая маска для
секущихся волос
Состав: лук (4 ст. ложек), мед. Grate on
fine grater the onions, mix the mush with liquid honey. For too dry
and brittle hair, you can add oil – corn, soy,
olive. Apply the product for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm
water with shampoo. Hair heals, the roots become stronger.
Маска для секущихся волос из льняного маслаСостав:
Linseed oil (1 tbsp. spoons), vodka (1 spoon). Mix well and
нанести средство на волосистую часть heads. With this
composition improves blood circulation and nutrition, primarily due to
vitamin E, which is part of flaxseed oil. Rinse off after 30
минут, с шампунем, проточной водой хорошо промыть hair.
Mask for split ends – oils and medicinal herbs +
Состав: сухие цветки ромашки, клевера, настурции (по
1 spoon), birch and nettle leaves (1 spoon each), St. John’s wort (1
spoon), vegetable oil (1 large spoon). Brew grass in
large capacity 1 liter of water, heat the vegetable oil.
Strain the grass mixture, add oil. This mask will make
hair rods elastic. Apply the mask, keep the hour, wash off
шампунем.Маска для секущихся волос из
Состав: ложка прессованных сухих дрожжей, четверть
glasses of kefir. Mix the products in a separate bowl, leave
insist that the yeast “come.” The mixture is applied to the entire length.
hair, head wrapped. Wash off after half an hour, after shampoo
промываем “уксусной” водой.Маска для секущихся волос –
сметана и хрен
Состав: корень хрена (1 шт), сметана (я
spoon), vegetable little (1 spoon). The main effect of horseradish root
– stimulation of blood flow to the follicles, which enhances growth
hair and strengthens them. Сметана и масло питают hair. Rubbed
horseradish root mixed in a ceramic bowl with the rest
компонентами и нанести на hair. Close head polyethylene and
толстым махровым полотенцем.Лечебная маска с
Состав: димексид (2 ч.л.), витамина А (3 ч.л.),
vitamin E, lemon juice (2 hl). Mix well and apply on
hair in the form of heat for 1 hour. Wash your hair with a good shampoo.
The action of Dimexidum is directed to the cellular membranes of the skin. They
become more permeable, nutrient penetration improves
substances. How to care for split ends
Влажные волосы расчесывать не рекомендуется, чтобы
Do not stretch them, do not increase the load on the roots. Thermo curlers and
Curling iron, hot hair dryer and iron – are items that negatively affect
состояние hair. Try to protect your hair from cold in winter and from
direct sunlight in the summer. If you constantly do chemical
Perm – hair will split constantly. Recommended to do
break at least for half a year. Great value is correct
nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Move actively, get enough sleep
eat more greens, nuts, vegetables and fruits, drink
plenty of clean water and a reward you will be wonderful
копна здоровых блестящих hair.

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