Snapdragon or antirrinum: cultivationAncient Greek beauty on the site. Planting and care for the lion’s pharynx(a photo)

Ср, 08 июн 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

According to ancient Greek legend, the snapdragon first appeared
on the land of Hellas, near the Peloponnese.

This event was associated with the first feat of the mighty Hercules.

On behalf of the king Eurystheus, the hero went to the vicinity of the city
Nomes to kill a giant mountain lion who terrified
all surroundings.

Finding a monster and luring him out of the cave, Hercules stunned him
his club and strangled.

To the glory of this victory at the command of the goddess Flora in the Nemean mountains
bloomed snapdragon.

It was believed that the tea from the dried petals helps with
furunculosis, shortness of breath, intestinal and hepatic colic. Besides,
tincture on the leaves and flowers of antirrinum was prescribed to a person for
raising the tone and giving confidence.

Perhaps, therefore, in the language of flowers, the snapdragon always personified

The genus antirrinum belongs to the family of plantains (previously
birdworms) and includes about fifty species. Among them
there are annuals and perennials, herbaceous and semi-shrubs
plants. It grows in the Mediterranean countries.

It has been cultivated since the 16th century. Large antirrinum (A. majus) or

This is a herbaceous perennial grown here because of its low
winter hardiness as an annual.


Snapdragon: variety selection

Antirrinum forms straight branching stems, often
lignified below. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, located
below shoots opposite. Flowers are usually double-lipped, however, known
varieties with ungrown petals:

• non-meseous;

• bell-shaped;

• Penstemonovidnye;

• azaliform (terry form).



Color of petals from white to almost purple.

Generously and continuously blooms until late autumn.

Antirrinum planted in flower beds and balconies. High
varieties are cultivated in cut greenhouses. In the water, flowers
retain freshness and beauty for 7-14 days.

About eight hundred varieties of snapdragon are known, united in
fifteen garden groups. They are divided into:

• Giant – above 70 cm;

• Tall – 60-70 cm;

• Sredneroslye – 40-60 cm;

• undersized – 25-40 cm;

• Dwarf – less than 25 cm.


Grown to cut. Stem is low branchy, single. Flowers
large (there are terry) collected in large inflorescences.


The bush is compact, slightly branched. Large multi-flowered inflorescences.
Late flowering period.

Medium tall

Have many side branches. Center stem slightly higher
others. Different varieties bloom at different times.


The central stem forms many branches of lower orders
(first and second). Inflorescences are small. There are early and
medium varieties.


Forms a large number of short branches. Inflorescences are short.
Flowers небольшие.

Varieties of antirrhinum can be divided into:

• Universal;

• Shears;

• Casing.

By cutting include varieties with large flowers on long
legs. These are tall and gigantic species.

Casing antirrinums are distinguished by long flowering and
compactness of the bush.

These are all undersized and dwarfed antirrhinums.

Universal varieties include medium-grown varieties. They are bred for
cut, planted in flower beds. In these varieties successfully combined
impressive inflorescences with a compact form.

Suprem hybrids are isolated in Japan (Supreme F1) with 100%
double flower In the United States, beautiful Rocket groups have been created.
F1), Hit Parade F1 and many others. Big
The tall Tip-Top hybrids are very decorative;
Juliava’s group is very interesting (Juliwa, syn. Bright
Butterflies) with open Penstemonovidnymi (or gloxiniform)

Created single-cut shear varieties Maximum Unicaulis
(Maximum Unicaulis) and Start hybrids (Start F1). Range
undersized antirrinum replenished groups Wunderteppi
(Wunderteppich) and Kimozy (Kimosy), dwarf – Pixie (Pixie).

Snapdragon Care:

Prefers well-drained fertile soil with
neutral or slightly acid reaction.

Ground before planting the lion’s mouth dig up to a depth of 35
cm, since the root of antirrinum rod.

He loves the sun. Tolerates penumbra, but blooms not so plentifully.
Drought resistant Watering is needed only in drought. Caring for a lion’s throat
is uncomplicated.

Snapdragon: feeding

The food area for antirrinums ranges from 15X15 to 30X30 cm
depending on the variety.

For nutrients, snapdragon is not very demanding. But
To get beautiful high-quality flowers, you need fertilizing.
Especially needed nitrogen, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to calcium
stems gain stability and strength. This is important when
growing antirrynuma to cut.

The first feeding is carried out a week after planting seedlings
snapdragon in the ground. Fertilize before watering.


Conducted if necessary. With enough rain
watered only with dressing at the root.


Supports are required for high shear varieties. In industrial
production colors use a special grid with cells 10X10

The most common method of breeding snapdragon –
seed, however, is possible and grafting.

Snapdragon: landing

Growing through seedlings


In the southern regions, antirrinum sowing is carried out immediately into the ground. AT
the middle lane is grown through seedlings.

Landing snapdragon spend in March. 85-110 days after
the emergence of seedlings antirrinum blooms.

The container is filled with a disinfected substrate. Take the garden
ground with perlite or sand.

Snapdragon does not like sour soil, so the peat in this mixture
not. Disinfect the substrate by steaming or watering with fungicides.
You can use “Maxim” or Previkur. Surface slightly
tamped down.

For convenience, the seeds are mixed with sand, as they are very
small. Sow superficially, not planting in the soil and not falling asleep. Then
sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with glass, transparent
cover or package.


Condensate is removed every day, airing crops. The earth
watered from a spray bottle only when the surface dries
layer of earth.

The optimum temperature conditions for germination are + 20– + 22 ° C.
Approximately in half a month shoots make their way. Small plants
need light, but not direct sun. The lid is removed a week after
the appearance of the bulk of seedlings.


Snapdragon: picking and further care

AT фазе двух-трех настоящих листьев рассаду антирринума пикируют
in pots 9X9 cm (or other containers).

After picking

Six to eight days later, seedlings are watered.
complex fertilizer (according to the instructions). When the seedlings grow up
up to about 8 cm, antirrhinum pinch over the 4-5th sheet for
better tillering.

Seedlings do not tolerate excess moisture. From waterlogging they can
get sick with “black leg”.

At the first signs of a disease, diseased plants gently
clean the tweezers, the soil and the remaining shoots are treated
fungicides or biological preparations (phytosporin – 10 drops per 1 l
water). The surface of the earth sprinkled with fine calcined sand.
Reduce watering.

AT апреле — мае рассаду начинают закаливать. For this
The temperature is lowered to 15-17 degrees, the room is ventilated.

When the outside temperature warms up to ten degrees
and above, seedlings can be taken out on the balcony or courtyard, shielded from
direct sunlight.

ATысаженная рассада зацветает обычно в июне, и при надлежащем
Careful abundant flowering of snapdragon can last very
long to frosts.

Reproduction cuttings

Diluted antirrinum and cuttings. Uterine plants,
overwintered indoors, in spring they are germinated. Rooted young
sprigs in the sand.

Collecting your seeds

The fruit of the snapdragon – multi-seeded box. Seeds ripen
unfriendly around mid-September, two months after
start flowering.


ATызревшие семена черные, блестящие, напоминают маковые. They need
gently shake out into paper envelopes, dry, fold into
plastic bag and keep until spring in the refrigerator. Seedlings
may lose the varietal characteristics of the parents. Too hard
isolate plants and prevent their cross-pollination.

Львиный зев: вредители и болезни (a photo)


• downy mildew;

• Fusarium;

• rust;

• Verticilliasis;

• root rot.

They are especially overcome in wet weather.


For the prevention of diseases, snapdragon is treated with a solution
�”Alirina” or other fungicides

Diseased plants are removed and destroyed, and the remaining plants


• tracks;

• aphids;

• thrips;

• miners.

Thrips begin to harm in the opening phase of the buds. Once every three
day you need to inspect the plants to identify pests and diseases
and take action on time.

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