Slimming Recipe by Mila Jovovich

Famous actress and model Mila Jovovich first encountered
the problem of overweight after pregnancy. But after five
months from the unwanted kilos there was not a trace left – Mila returned
his figure old harmony. How did she do it?

Мила Йовович

�”For the months before the birth, I gained more than thirty kilograms”,
– the star shares memories. – “Every morning I ate three
a bagel with butter, a jar of peanut butter, jelly and a few
boxes of donuts for dinner … and she did not notice how my scales became
show 92 kilograms! ”

As time went on, Mila had a daughter, and with it came a sentence.
star in the new film “Perfect Gateway” (“Perfect Portal”).
Jovovich didn’t even think about completing a movie career – a challenge
was thrown. It was required at all costs to get rid of excess
kilograms and return the old figure. Behind the help of a movie star
turned to simulators and the famous Hollywood nutritionist and
coach Harvey Pasternak. This specialist has become widely known.
the public after releasing the book Five Factors. By his
theory, the day a person must break the food into five blocks: three
full meals and two snacks. In this case, the daily diet
must contain all the elements necessary for the body: protein,
complex sugars, fiber, unsaturated fats and a large amount
water. Pasternak applied the same methodology to Mila Jovovich.

The first meal: cereal porridge and green tea.

First appetizer: 1 serving of low fat cheese, an apple,
mineral water.

Second meal: chicken salad (white meat) and vegetables,
лепешка, замешанная на воде, mineral water.

The second snack: turkey meat cooked in a double boiler with
овощами, mineral water.

The third meal: salmon (or other red fish) from
steamers, rice brown rice, green tea.

Impressions from the diet and intense workouts at Mila
Jovovich remained not the most positive – and this despite the sparing
diet �”At some point I only ate oatmeal, salmon and
artichokes. It was pretty hard for me. Gain weight was where
easier, ”Mila recalls. – “At first, I was in no hurry to get rid of
overweight, but then engaged in a fitness center just before
fall. “

However, the persistence of a movie star was rewarded. Five
months of diet and exercise in the gym did the trick: extra
thirty kilos was gone. Today is Mila Jovovich with triumph
Returned to the screen and thinking about another child.

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