Slimming products “Dr. Slim” – satietyno calories

�“Dr. Slim” is a unique case when our Russian
The nutritionist has launched his own line of slimming products. Neither
one domestic doctor has not yet managed to do what was possible
Samara nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg.

Together with the local research institute of dietetics and diet therapy, he developed
a series of protein shakes, low-calorie cereals and soups to reduce
weight. He put his name on them and established production in Samara.


Under the trademark “Doctor Slim” low-calorie are produced
protein shakes, soups and cereals, which Michael Ginzburg advises
use during the day before meals and replace them with several

To lose weight, you need to reduce caloric intake, while not
depriving the body of nutrients and preventing states
hunger. All Dr. Slim products are aimed precisely at solving this
tasks. �“A person who is losing weight must remain full” – thinks so
nutritionist Ginzburg. Therefore, its products contain a minimum of calories,
but at the same time provide a state of satiety, because they are enriched
easily digestible nutrients.

The composition of the products natural ingredients – proteins (milk and
vegetable), sugar or fructose, cereal flakes, milk powder,
dried meat, dried vegetables, natural thickeners. Use
�”Dr. Slim” for weight loss can be both pregnant and lactating
Women, and children in age from year. Instant dishes for
slimming is easy to prepare, you can take them with you to work or
just a snack when there is no opportunity to fully and
low calorie lunch.


Slimming Cocktails Dr. Slim

Tests that were conducted in Samara showed that if
a person drinks a Dr. Slim cocktail fifteen minutes before meals,
then after that eats up a third less. Cocktails are saturated, therefore
they can be used before meals to reduce appetite (after taking
wait 15 minutes), you can replace them with one or two meals in
day. For example, drink a cocktail instead of a late dinner. Or at
breakfast along with a light vegetable salad. Can be used
cocktails as a low-calorie snack.

Each Dr. Slim cocktail contains about 45-55 kcal per serving.
At the same time, the drinks are very nutritious. They are made on the basis of
milk and vegetable proteins, fructose, dietary fiber with
the addition of vitamin-mineral complex.

There are four types of cocktails – “Dr. Slim”, “Energetic Slim”,
�Slim Online, Slim Anti-Edge. The amount of protein in them is the same –
6 g per serving. Cocktails “Energetic Slim” have more
pronounced saturating effect due to higher content
carbohydrates – 7.5 grams per glass (it is carbohydrates that help us win
hunger). �”Slim Online” and “Anti-Age” contain additional food
the fibers. They further contribute to saturation, and, moreover, as
any fiber, cleanse the body, slow down the aging process. On
multiple flavors of choice – banana, cream, strawberry, peach with
cream, chocolate, raspberry with cream.

Slimming pads

One portion (180 g) of porridge contains about 200 Kcal, each of
which brings the body exclusively benefit, and not delayed
in the form of fat on the sides and hips. There are sweet cereals, with fruit
fillers and porridge with meat. On выбор — рисовая с абрикосом,
rice platter, rice apple apricot, rice with mushrooms and meat,
buckwheat with meat, rice with meat.

Soups Dr. Slim

Hot liquid food saturates well, without extra calories.
Neitherзкокалорийные супчики с мясом и овощами станут правильной заменой
sandwich and tea with sweets as a snack. A portion
small, which prevents stretching of the stomach and helps with
time to learn to do less. Packing
soup you can take with you to work, and snacking at a time
when your colleagues are chewing sweet tea cookies.

How to use Dr. Slim products to lose weight?

In each packing of “Doctor Slim” detailed is put
instructions with the recommendations of the Michael Ginzburg. Nutritionist
professes a diet without fat. That is, it permits to eat both bread and
pasta – carbohydrates, as long as all this is served without butter and

The recommendations contain a meal plan with food.
�”Dr. Slim.” There is a smooth weight loss program, in which
up to 2 kilograms per month and a combined program is lost
weight loss, under which you can reset to 4-6
kilograms per month. What is considered a very good result,
which will persist for a long time.

Меню на день: Завтрак: Коктейль или низкокалорийная каша ДС,
a cup of savory coffee

Lunch: Cocktail DS

Lunch: Light vegetable salad with lemon juice. Slice of bread with
bran, unsweetened tea, it is possible to use sweetener. Before
lunch, you can eat half a cocktail Dr. Slim

Snack: Porridge, soup or cocktail Dr. Slim

Dinner: Any foods low in fat, such as
cod with potatoes, bran bread, tea. Before ужином можно
eat half a serving of any Dr. Slim product.

On ночь, если необходимо, можно съесть овощной salad, a piece
bread with bran, a portion of any product Dr. Slim.

Where does all this buy?

You can buy Dr. Slim products in some pharmacies, from
official distributors that are in most large
cities. You can order products on the official website of Michael
Ginzburg with delivery by mail to any city in Russia or by courier
Moscow and St. Petersburg. The order form on his website is extremely inconvenient and
to overcome it you have to spend a lot of calories.

As mentioned earlier, cereals, soups and cocktails should
used as food substitutes. But! Let them be part of your
daily menu, but do not replace them with all the food. Make a diet of
vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, dairy products,
wholegrain cereals, legumes And some meals replace
продуктами �”Dr. Slim.” They are very convenient to take to work, on the road
– where there is no opportunity to fully eat without harm
health and shape.

These products can also be used by people with disabilities.
weight or to recover from diseases. Then the regimen
will be different. If fat people should drink cocktails instead
common meals, dystrophy and weakened people
must complement your diet with cocktails. If we lose weight, we drink
instead. If we gain weight, we drink in addition to abundant

In this clip, nutritionist Michael Ginzburg shows how
cook some nutritious and non-nutritious meals from the usual

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