Slimming по группе крови

For many years, American researchers have been engaged in
studying the problem, what is the relationship between speed
digestion of food components in the digestive system
man, from his blood type.

Slimming по группе крови

They found that people with a certain blood group
corresponds to its own special, inherent only to her, enzymatic
digestive tract activity in relation to incoming food.
Its cleavage products in a certain way affect
human immune system, suppress or, conversely, extremely
intensify its work, which can lead to the development of dangerous
diseases. If to say shorter – not all food is equally useful.
And it depends only on the characteristics of your body, and
more precisely – from the blood group.

Blood type, as a certain type of marker, can suggest
what path will be predominantly in the person’s body
the splitting of each type of food. AND,
accordingly, what will happen in the body is whether the accumulation
subcutaneous fat in problem areas of the body or it will break down with
energy, water and carbon dioxide?

Researchers have compiled for the owners of each blood type
list of those products that must be present in
their diet, as well as neutral and harmful for the person
food ingredients.

People with the first group of blood benefit from eating meat, but without
fats, seafood and lean fish, be sure to use
variety of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to limit the use
rye bread and cereals. They are contraindicated: marinated corn
food and cabbage.

Those who have the second blood group, shown vegetarianism,
therefore, it is best for them to include vegetables and fruits in their diets, as well as
cereals. You need to avoid drinking milk, sugar and fish, and
Completely exclude from the diet of cabbage, corn.

The owners of the third blood group need a very balanced
a diet that may include meat, but not birds,
sour milk, as well as cereals, with the exception of buckwheat. Desirable
Do not eat seafood and pork.

If a person has a fourth blood group, he may include in his
diet rabbit meat or lamb, fish and dairy products, soy
and some olive oil, and give up buckwheat and corn, and
also from pepper and olives.

Thus, as a result of a survey of several thousand
patients found that the blood type may indicate
certain structural features of the digestive and immune systems
person People with different blood groups can be traced clearly.
the relationship between what they eat and their weight and
health condition. What is useful and necessary for some
other is toxic and promotes rapid and non-toxic
controlled weight gain.

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