Slag-free diet before colonoscopy – menu anddiet

  • 1 What is a slab-free diet useful for?
    • 1.1 The essence and focus of the diet
    • 1.2 Permitted Products
    • 1.3 Ration and daily menu
  • 2 Recommendations

The science of nutrition today can offer a lot of different diets.
Many of them are designed specifically for weight loss, and some
necessary for medicinal purposes. This article will be dedicated to
slag-free diet, which is appointed in those and in other


How useful slab-free diet?

From the very name “Beshlakovaya” one can understand that a similar look
питания подразумевает избавление человеческого организма от
вредных отложений, шлаков и токсинов

A slab-free diet is used for:

  • weight loss;
  • prophylactic cleansing of the digestive tract, treating some of its
  • preparing the stomach or intestines for surgery;
  • as well as various studies (ultrasound, colonoscopy).

Many women claim that within 2-3 days after due
their compliance with the slag-free diet their well-being significantly
улучшилось, а спустя неделю им удавалось сбросить до 5 кг
избыточной массы тела
, а также избавиться от надоедливого

Most of the patients noted a surge of strength, normalization
stool, improvement of skin, hair and nails.

The essence and focus of the diet

Суть бесшлаковой диеты заключается в запрете на
eating harmful, heavy foods. With this in
ежедневный diet питания необходимо включать лишь легкие, быстро
digestible foods.

In the case of the surgical intervention of the dietless menu
позволяет очистить желудок и кишечник от застоявшихся
остатков пищи
. Such manipulations are necessary in order
so that during or after surgery the patient does not start vomiting,
which very often accompanies the process of introducing and excreting
man from anesthesia.

This kind of examination, like ultrasound or colonoscopy also require
careful emptying the digestive tract.

A slag-free diet menu prescribed by a doctor before a colonoscopy,
помогает очищать кишечник от застоявшихся каловых
, предотвратить излишнее газообразование и обеспечить
maximum eye contact.

Depending on what purpose is pursued, the menu is slab-free.
diets can be dramatically different. For example, for weight loss you can
simply adhere to the principles of good nutrition –
eat raw and boiled vegetables, cereals, dairy and
allowed meat products.

But before the colonoscopy of the intestine is necessary
observe a more stringent diet.

Permitted Products

Here is a complete list of foods you can
Include in the daily menu of a slab-free diet:

  • Groats – buckwheat, lentils, brown rice, wheat sprouts,
  • Vegetables – zucchini, turnips, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes
    (preferably in boiled form).
  • Greens – dill, parsley, green salad.
  • Sour milk and dairy products with a low percentage of fat –
    up to 2.5%.
  • Fruits – apples, pears, pineapples, bananas, peaches and
  • Gourds – watermelon, melon.
  • Low-fat varieties of marine fish.
  • Lean meat and poultry.
  • Drinks – karkade, green and chamomile tea, fruit and
    berry fruit drinks, juices, jelly, extracts of hypericum, lemon, mineral
    water without gas and salt.

As for the method of preparation of all products included in
меню бесшлаковой диеты, то их можно только лишь варить или
готовить на пару
, при этом, термообработка овощей и
fruit should be minimal.

Бесшлаковая диета может продолжаться от 3 дней до
. The maximum term of its application should
limited to two weeks. The number of days of compliance
regime depends only on the person himself or his treating
the doctor.

Due to the fact that this method of nutrition can cause
strong feeling of hunger, many patients can not stand longer than 3
days Именно потому для трехдневного воздержания
developed a stricter menu.

Slag-free diet before colonoscopy – what can
there is?

Those patients who will undergo a colonoscopy procedure
кишечника, в обязательном порядке необходимо подготовить и
очистить кишечник
. Начинать воздержание стоит уже
3-5 days before the desired date.

A couple of days before the colonoscopy should be included in the power mode
oil laxatives, and in the evening before the study is necessary
refuse dinner and put a cleansing enema

A slag-free diet before colonoscopy involves
исключение из dietа питания больного следующих

  • Any meat.
  • Black bread.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Greenery.
  • Legumes
  • Porridges – millet, oatmeal, barley.
  • Nuts
  • Sweets.
  • Bakery products.

It is recommended to include in the daily menu light
broths, low-fat sea fish, white bread, fruit and low-fat
dairy products.

A slag-free diet before bowel colonoscopy recommends
sure to include dairy products in the evening
прием пищи
. With that, this reception should be carried out
until 18:00.

Diet and menu for every day

Approximate version of the 3-day non-slag diet menu
(breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner):

Day 1

  1. mineral water at room temperature;
  2. 1 apple;
  3. 2 bananas, mineral water;
  4.  300-400 g of berries;

Day 2

  1. 1 банан и минеральная water;
  2. 1 apple, 150-200 g of berries;
  3. 2 pears;

Day 3

  1. 1 яблоко, минеральная water;
  2. 2 pears;
  3.  350-400 g of berries;

A three-day diet-less menu implies a very
ascetic food. При воздержании дольше трех дней в diet
You can include a greater variety of products.

Бесшлаковая диета перед колоноскопией — меню на 7
days (breakfast, lunch, dinner):


  1. 200 g fresh cabbage, mineral water;
  2. light vegetable soup, boiled rice;
  3. lettuce leaves, steamed fish.


  1.  1 apple, fresh orange;
  2. 150-200 g of boiled beef or veal, spring salad from
    vegetables, juice;
  3.  A bowl of low-fat cottage cheese, mineral water.


  1. 200 g of fruit salad from pear, orange and apple,
    seasoned with low-fat yogurt, fresh orange;
  2. boiled lentils, cabbage salad, a slice of bread from
    отрубей, минеральная water;
  3. vegetable salad, green tea.


  1. 1 apple, 1 orange, green tea;
  2. 200 grams of rice and steamed cabbage, a slice of whole grain bread, 1
    яблоко, минеральная water;
  3.  a portion of boiled fish, rye toast, mineral water.


  1. grated carrots (150-200 g), dressed with olive oil,
    ломтик цельнозернового хлеба, минеральная water;
  2.  light vegetable soup, a portion of boiled beef,
    whole grain bread, fresh fruit juice;
  3. salad from vegetables and greens (lettuce, cabbage, carrots), mineral


  1. овсяная каша, 1 груша, минеральная water;
  2.  vegetable and green salad (lettuce, cabbage, carrots),
    a slice of bran bread, apple juice;
  3. 200 g boiled rice, lettuce, 1 grapefruit.


  1. 200 g of fruit salad from pear, orange and apple,
    seasoned with low-fat yogurt, fresh orange;
  2. light vegetable soup, steamed fish, green tea;
  3.  vegetable salad, 1 cup sour milk.


Slag-free diet before colonoscopy, whose menu is directed
for complete bowel cleansing, is more ascetic. She is
should include only the most easily digestible,
low-calorie and healthy dishes.

При таком dietе питания завтракать желательно
a low-fat, whole-grain hard cheese sandwich
of bread. 20 minutes after eating, it is recommended to drink a cup
green tea.

В обед можно побаловать себя вторым мясным
broth, boiled rice and steamed fish. A few minutes later
after the meal you can drink compote of dried fruit.

На ужин рекомендуется съесть запеканку из
cottage cheese or semolina. After dinner, you can drink any
low-calorie fermented milk product.

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