Sinaflan Ointment – what is it used for and howuse

Sinaflan Ointment - what is it used for and howuseSinaflane ointment is a topical glucocorticosteroid of yellow or light yellow color. The drug helps with skin pathologies, which are not caused by bacterial infections. Sinaflane эффективно removes skin inflammatory reactions but has some contraindications. Let’s find out more about the characteristics of the ointment, possible side effects and under what circumstances it is advised apply dermatologists.


Sinaflane мазь – гормональная или нет?

Активный действующий компонент мази Sinaflane – это аценотин Fluocinolone, which is a synthetic glucocorticoid. is he interferes with the synthesis of collagen and protein, rendering it immune depressing action. Таким образом, Sinaflane – это гормональное medicine. When choosing a course of treatment, this fact is necessary take into account, because the drug can be addictive and lead to various complications.

Форма выпуска и состав мази Sinaflane

Мазь Sinaflane выпускается в алюминиевых тубах по 10 и 15 грамм. Each tube is packed in a carton box containing detailed instructions for use of the hormonal drug. This The product can be produced in the form of a gel, cream, liniment. Part ointment includes the main active component of fluocinolone acetonide and Excipients:

  • medical petrolatum;
  • propylene glycol;
  • anhydrous lanolin;
  • ceresin.

The ointment has anti-allergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory action. When the drug acts on skin, there is a decrease in cytokine production, warning regional accumulation of neutrophils, decreases the processes of granulation and infiltration, decreases the risk of exudative reactions. Sinaflane с поверхности кожи всасывается в капилляры, поступает в blood, then binds to plasma. Then, passing through the liver, breaks down and excreted by the kidneys from the body.


What helps ointment: indications for use

Sinaflane мазь местного применения помогает при немикробных skin inflammation, allergic reactions on the skin, accompanied by itching. The main indications for use are following pathologies:

  • Eczema.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Red lichen planus.
  • Hives.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Polyforme Eritrema.

Также применяют мазь Sinaflane при солнечных или легких бытовых burns, bites from various insects, or if there is an itch after bites. For more effective treatment of infectious diseases is often ointment is prescribed for use in conjunction with antimicrobials and antifungal drugs. Применение Sinaflane мази дает positive results for anal itching or genital organs.

Instructions for use and dosage

Apply the drug should be externally, applying a thin layer of ointment on pre-sanitized affected area means. The tool should be rubbed into the skin with light massaging. movements daily from 2 to 4 times. The course of treatment depends on clinical picture, but it is better if it is not long (not more than 14 days). The doctor prolongs the treatment time in an individual okay Allowed to enhance the therapeutic effect apply gauze bandages.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Судя по отзывам пациентов, мазь Sinaflane при передозировке или при применении на протяжении длительного времени может вызвать такие побочные действия, как атрофия кожных покровов или повторное инфицирование кожи. Perioral dermatitis, the occurrence of acne, rashes, dry skin, as well as hypertrichosis, telangiectasia, hirsutism, pigmentation disorders, exacerbation of the disease against an overdose can also be observed.

The absolute contraindications to the use of the ointment include patients with fungal, viral, microbial skin pathologies, people with intolerance to the components of the hormonal agent. Do not use the drug in patients with cutaneous manifestations of syphilis, skin tuberculosis, cancer or trophic ulcers. Care should be taken corticosteroid treatment for young people in puberty.

Use during pregnancy < / h2>

Мазь Sinaflane при беременности может назначить только врач, который посчитает пользу для мамы большей, чем риск для плода. Многие гинекологи стараются заменять препарат аналогами, считая, что беременность и Sinaflane не совместимы. After all, this hormonal medicine has many contraindications and adverse reactions, so doctors try not to risk the health of the mother and child. If you need to use the drug during breastfeeding (lactation), then the feeding of the child for this period should be stopped.

Special instructions < / h2>

Мазь Sinaflane не назначают детям, которые не достигли возраста 12 лет. Duration of treatment for adolescents should not exceed 5 days, so as not to provoke adverse reactions of the body. Shelf life hormonal means – 5 years. По истечении этого времени use препарат запрещено.

Price < / h2>

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription from the doctor. Сколько стоит мазь Sinaflane? The price in pharmacies in Russia varies from 20 to 30 rubles for a 10-gram tube and from 55 to 65 rubles for a 15-gram ointment. The cost depends on the manufacturer, but differs slightly. Выпускают мазь Sinaflane российские фармацевтические предприятия Санкт-Петербурга, Мурома, Саранска, Нижнего Новгорода.

Аналоги мази Sinaflane

  1. Nitrofungin. An effective analogue that should be used for the treatment of fungal skin manifestations: eczema, candidiasis, trichophytosis, athlete’s disease. < / Li>
  2. Petroleum. It is indicated for chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), scalp, in the presence of an unpleasant smell of sweat, sprains, motion sickness. < / Li>
  3. Furkocin. Дешевый аналог Sinaflane, применяемый для лечения грибковых и гнойничковых заболеваний дермы, для терапии поверхностных ран, ссадин, трещин.
  4. Flutsinar. Effectively fights atrophic skin changes. It should be used for dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews < / h2>

    Anastasia, 29 years old < / strong> : She has had the trouble of treating seborrheic dermatitis – medications help for 3-5 days, then red scaly patches on her face reappear. I disowned hormonal drugs as best I could, but the time came when I agreed to everything, just to look decent. Мазь Sinaflane – моя спасительница. Removes seborrheic manifestations for a day and for a long time.

    Каролина, 35 лет: Мазь Sinaflane – мое экстренное средство от угрей и прыщей, которое всегда в моей сумочке находится. Every pimple that occurs on the face, I must be squeezed out, although it is not recommended by dermatologists. As a result, I always get a long, unhealing painful wound. Экстренный помощник в таких случаях – Sinaflane. After 3 hours of application, the acne disappears without a trace.

    Татьяна, 44 года: Sinaflane помогает справиться с ежегодной сезонной аллергией. With the onset of cold weather, I am tormented by a pimply allergy that occurs on the back of my hand. First, small bumps grow, and then begin to itch, itch, peel. At first she suffered from allergies from November to March, until she bought the ointment. Now all the symptoms disappear in 3 days! < P


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