Signs of love spell: explicit and hidden. How to understandWhat is a love spell on a person and what to do next?

Signs of love spell: explicit and hidden. How to understand What is a love spell on a person and what to do next?

Many women (men much less often) desire
bind to your chosen one stronger, and better forever. Even
he does not want this, is married and happy in marriage. Even имеет детей.
To achieve complex goals resort to very strong means.
Warnings of the dangers of such rituals most often do not
taken seriously. And in vain!

It must be understood that the magic effect itself does not occur on
physical level, and in the energy subtle body.

We have two main feed streams – from the ground and from
space. They intersect and accumulate in the human chakras. Of
these drives and made layouts for leakage of vitality.

Plus binding is a subconscious illusion of what to replenish
Stocks can only customer. From that there is an irresistible
desire for rapprochement. No one will argue that there is a clear
interference with fate and personal abuse. It can not
be justified.

It’s very bad when a lover makes a black spell, and
immediately and his wife or another passion. The object falls under the “cross
the fire”. The outcome can be fatal.


What signs suggest that a person has undergone negative
the program and when is it time to sound the alarm?

Fear of loss. Hate obstructions.
Frustration from meeting with the subject of “passion” and then
irresistible desire to resume dating. All this robs the victim.
ability to respond adequately to the surrounding reality.
Worse sleep Fatigue Elevated
impressionability. Mood swings. Closure
Gloominess Депрессия
. Dissatisfaction with all – the position
wife, children, myself. Frequent drinking
, переходящее в злоупотребления. Can reach
of drugs. Стремление избежать расспросов и, как
a consequence of this, leaving the house for a few days.
Excessive spending. Willingness to throw to the feet
�”Lover” all that is, without a trace. Problems with
work (business).
Deep inner
, приводящий к психическим заболеваниям, попыткам
suicide or sudden death (with a weak heart).

What to do with a love spell

Suppose a zombie prize is received. It takes several years and
the one about whom the hunter dreamed turns into a complete zero.

Infantile, limp, unemployed and
. Intimacy is like trying to satisfy thirst.
salt water. Ofматывает физически. It empties the soul and
energetically. Such a partner is no longer needed.

A woman actually sucks and throws out her
. Or live and suffer, until death do not separate them.
Similarly, everything happens when the purpose of the love
manipulation becomes the representative of the weaker sex.

Only an experienced, practicing psychic or magician can
determine whether someone is under the influence of dark forces, how to do
lapel, stabilize the thin body and put the protection. Everyone has it
healer their methods.

Suppose a negative impact is identified and eliminated.
correctly, then all 33 misfortunes fall on the head of the customer,
whether she herself did a magical ritual or addressed
to someone. Work out a long time. Money spent on
health improvement and the decision of others, surging avalanche,

The blows will go below the belt (gynecological
). If from living together with bewitched
a child is born as a man, then the negative goes to him.
Perhaps grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Does the ritual bring happiness, inherently terrible?
Very rarely. Only if the thoughts were bright, and everything went without
grief and injuries for other people – love spell flows into love.
Therefore, we must think a hundred times, and is it worth trying to be violent?

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