September 24: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays September 24th.

Sun, 25 Sep 2016


Holidays September 24

International Caravan Day

An interesting and unusual holiday is celebrated by the participants of transport
colon and caravans of ships, and in the center of attention – this is the caravan leaders.
An unusual profession is also found in truckers, in teams
merchant ships and escort crews. Established he was international
Association for Innovative Transport Solutions
enterprises. The date was chosen in honor of the famous birthday
navigator and navigator 16-17 centuries, William Adams, who got
by sea to Japan and lived there for over 20 years. Adams played a huge
role in establishing trade relations of Japan with the European
countries, England, Holland, etc. There is another version with
sides of the Muslim religion – this day was timed to
the end of Hijara – the memory of the relocation of the first Muslims to Medina.
Previously, merchants united in a caravan to travel
more safely. The concept of “Caravan” included animals – donkeys,
camels, horses. Eastern Silk Road, connecting China and
Asia, known for over a thousand years. Caravans also used in
Venice, columns of transport ships follow the icebreaker on
Arctic Ocean. River caravans consist of several
barges or rafts.

Church holidays September 24

Rev. Silouan of Athos Day

In the Christian peasant world, the Saint is better known as
Simeon. He lived in the 19th century in one of the villages of the Tambov province.
Born into a hardworking and pious family, Simeon absorbed
welcome yourself, kindness. He always took wanderers, shared
last with people. At school he had to study only two winters,
and as he got older he decided to take the veil, but his parents would not let him
his blessings. As a result, the saint entered the military
service. During the service he became well-to-do and left the church,
fully enjoying worldly temptations. He had a dream or
vision – no one knows how it really was, but Simeon
distinctly remembers the voice of the Virgin, who lamented that the young man
outta the righteous path. By the end of the service, he asked
blessings head to holy mountain agathon to devote
serving Christianity. He became an ascetic, lived in a monastery
46 years old. Simeon was among the people, but never again
worldly temptations.

Folk calendar September 24

Fedoriny nights

Venerable Fyodor of Alexandria lived in the 5th century, was married to
pious man. Their marriage was very successful, however
beauty was carried away by the rich gentleman and began to seduce her. He cheated
Fedor explaining to her that past events at night are not
by sin. The woman succumbed to persuasion and betrayed her husband, but conscience did not
stopped torturing her. She realized her sin and hated her
body. The story of Mary Magdalene washing her feet with her tears
Christ prompted her to repent and go to the monastery. To husband not
could find her she changed into a man’s dress and stayed in
monastery She lived there for several years, until her death
no one could recognize in her that beautiful girl who sinned
and left her husband. It was only after her death that her husband learned of her exploits and
forgiven, and later he himself took monasticism in the same monastery. Day
Fedori marked the third coming of autumn and a full farewell to
summer. After the autumn bad weather began, the remnants were removed from the field.
harvest, for example, onions, carried off to a safe place hives in the apiary.
On Fedor, the girls spent cabbage nights, sour it for the winter,
fun baited tales and cooked cabbage dishes – cabbage rolls, cabbage soup,
pies. Men were engaged in the preparation of beer.

Historical events of September 24

24 сентября 1801 года — российский император
Alexander I signed a manifesto, according to which he ceased
the Kartli-Kakheti kingdom, thus, the Eastern
Грузия превратилась в российскую губернию.24 сентября 1893
— в России состоялся первый футбольный матч («ножной
ball ”), which was attended by representatives of St. Petersburg
circle of athletes and the team “Sport”. So significant for
national football event took place in St. Petersburg
Hippodrome, today this place is known to residents of the northern capital and
гостям города на Неве, как Пионерская площадь.24 сентября
1938 года
– самолет АНТ-37 «Родина» под руководством
female crew for the first time made a direct flight Moscow –
Far East, setting a distance record. Until this date, such
distances were submitted only to men (in June 1938, the flight Moscow
– The Far East was committed by Kokkinaki and Bryandinsky). Female
the crew was managed by Valentina Grizodubova, the crew included
Osipenko and Raskova. The length of the path was 5910 kilometers
who managed to overcome in 26 hours 29 minutes. In November 1938
pilots awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, their images
печатались на почтовых марках.24 сентября 1990
— страны Советского Союза вступили на стезю
free enterprise, to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
Mikhail Gorbachev was given broad powers to move to
market economy. This decision was a real breakthrough for
existing in those years, the device of the state and even ideology.

September 24 were born

Хорас Уолпол (Гораций) (1717 — 1797 годы) —
English gothic novel writer 4th Earl of Orford
sometimes referred to as Horace Walpole or Horeysho. Having a brilliant
education, and starting a political career, he became famous
completely in a different direction. His hobby is writing books.
Horace invented a new direction in the book writing – Gothic
novel. The gothic horrors described in his novel “Castle
Otranto “were enthusiastically received by the public, despite the gloomy
details – a prince’s helmet that falls from the sky, a statue with
drops of blood, gigantic hand. Another famous novel describes
the history of incest, and therefore became scandalous, theaters refused
put on his performances. Лариса Рубальская (1945
year) – famous and loved by the public poetess Larisa’s first song
Alekseevna was written for Valentina Tolkunova along with
Vladimir Miguley, and since then the poet has become unchanged
participant and winner of the contest “Song of the Year.” She wrote
dozens of songs for popular artists, conducted
Themed evenings in place with the composer Berezin, worked
a translator. Transparent and melodic phrases, very simple words
love and composers, and the audience. The poetess pays special attention.
women’s fate and love. Наталья Аринбасарова (1946
year) – Soviet Russian actress Natalia Utevlevna’s Dreams
becoming a great ballerina did not happen, but she was lucky to
the career of an actress – Egor Konchalovsky saw her, and immediately gave
starring role in the film “First Teacher”. The girl still got
The ballet dancer’s diploma, but the most significant film was “First
teacher, for which several high awards were received. She
became a world celebrity and starred in many more films, played
even supporting roles that were original and
deep. She studied directing in the workshop of S.Gerasimov, and the master in
as an exception, allowed her to withdraw at this time. One of
Gerasimov’s films “At the Lake” captured his entire course, then there were
films “Calm Day at the End of the War”, “Song of Manshuk”, “A Visit to
Минотавру», «Джамиля» и многие другие.Константин Устинович
(1911 — 1985 год) — руководитель компартии
USSR 4th CPSU General Secretary held this position completely
a little bit, but his whole life is a prominent politician of the Soviet
Union was preparing for this. Since his youth, his life has been
associated with party activities. A series of various posts,
starting from the simplest posts of propaganda inspector
Komsomol organization, before the first party secretary
demonstrate a great career. Helped him in this friend and
ally Leonid Brezhnev. Konstantin Ustinovich was the last
Communist Party leader, who was buried near the Kremlin wall.

Nameday September 24

Именины в этот день отмечают Ия, Роман, Сергей,
Fedora, Karp, Dmitry, Evdokia, Nikolai, Leo, Herman, Peter.

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