Secret advantages of “civil marriage”

Sat, 18 Jan 2014

Flirtatiously twisting a smooth golden ring on the ring finger,
do you understand that less fortunate friends who have not stepped over
the threshold of the registry office did not draw out his lucky ticket in the life lottery.
That you brought to the solemn painting under strict eyes
a monumental registrar ladder, a march sounded for your ears
Mendelssohn, and it was you who so loudly shrieked “bitterly” drunk
guests But bitterly not at all to you, but to the one who spends precious years
your life in a papier-mâché house, and instead of a reliable
spouse’s shoulder receives only temporary support from
husband. “

It’s no secret that such thoughts sometimes rush into
pretty heads of married ladies reasoning about
those who prefer life without an official stamp on marriage. How often
such couples are prophesied a short existence and blamed for frivolity
intentions! Here are the most common clichés about couples who are not in a hurry to pay.
state duty, having received an official marriage certificate:

  • �”For him it is not serious”
  • �”He just lives with her, and marries another”
  • �“If a woman who upholds the benefits of a“ civil marriage ”
    called to the registrar, she would instantly forget about all their principles
    and convictions “
  • �“You are not husband and wife, but cohabitants”

– and this is just the beginning of the list. Meanwhile, such couples continue
exist, regardless of the criticism of friends and neighbors. And compared
with officially married and married friends and relatives,
successfully take advantage of their position.

Advantages of unregistered relationships

  • Money and property. Surprised? Of course, this is one of
    the strongest arguments of opponents of the “civil marriage”, frightening
    women, that at the first opportunity the partner will leave them with nothing,
    and no court will take up the division of such
    informal family. But not every girl is waiting for marriage
    significant improvement in their own financial situation
    claiming half acquired, in the event of a divorce. Many women
    enter into a serious relationship, having behind their own luggage –
    assets, accounts, real estate, further transactions with which they
    would prefer to commit without involving their spouse.
  • Children. Despite the fact that some brides are terribly afraid
    I do not have time to sign up to delivery and reach the altar already with
    significantly rounded forms, there are those that are filled
    in the birth certificate of the baby the count “father” does not promise anything
    good And it’s not about bad pedagogical qualities.
    unrecognized parent – someone wants to take advantage
    the benefits and benefits offered by the state, while others are not
    so mercantile, already faced tenacious grip
    bureaucratic system and prefer not to involve a partner in
    paperwork. After all, the officially recognized spouse is automatically
    receives and fatherhood – which means that he will be required
    endless consent, help and confirmation.
  • Freedom. Yes, yes, the quality that automatically
    attributed to men, inherent and weaker sex. Registered
    marriage, especially in the presence of children, simply will not allow
    lovers of freedom flee from the family nest, collecting only
    small suitcase with makeup and outfits. Divorce, section of children and
    property and protracted paperwork with an already hateful man
    some women seem to be overly expensive for the official

All these arguments look too practical, devoid of
romance of any kind? Well, the depth of feelings is checked and
the most pragmatic couples – both men and women who collect cream with
unregistered marriages frankly admit that
urgent need ready to appear before
registry officer and formalize their relationship according to all the rules. Simply
the moment has not come yet …

Text: Vera Guler

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