Sea buckthorn: useful properties, use incosmetology purposes. Sea buckthorn: contraindications to usefruits

Вт, 16 авг 2016 Автор: Анна Онуку

One of the most useful berries is sea buckthorn.

The beneficial properties of the fruit are widely used for medicinal purposes,
and in cosmetology.

It is not surprising, the sea buckthorn contains a huge
the amount of vitamins and essential trace elements that strengthen
immunity, nourish the skin and even restore the hair structure.
However, its nuances too.

Sea buckthorn also has contraindications. Their not so
a lot, but to know these subtleties is very important in order to avoid unpleasant


Vitaminized Berry Ingredients

1. Provitamins of group A, which are important for the normal course
endocrine processes, combating diseases of fungal and
bacterial origin. Also A-provitamin is positive
affects the vision.

2. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9. In sea buckthorn they are contained in
sufficient to maintain the health of all internal
organs, strengthen the immune system and speed up the metabolism.

3. Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant, in the formation of bone
fabric it is indispensable.

4. Vitamin K – cares about the normal functioning of the kidneys and about
proper metabolism.

5. Vitamin P – reduces capillary fragility of vessels, reduces
blood clotting.

6. The berry contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Everything
these trace elements have a positive effect on the general condition
human health.

Sea buckthorn: useful properties for the treatment of various ailments
of origin

Very tasty and healthy berry – sea buckthorn. Beneficial features
fetus are endless, few people know that their use
способно снять воспаления различного of origin и даже
restore the liver after alcohol intoxication.

1. Fruits are recommended to include in the diet of those who have blood
elevated cholesterol.

2. Sea buckthorn is useful for both children and adults. In the period of viral
infections need to take care to strengthen the immune system. Eating
ежедневно 100 грамм fruits, человек восполнит дефицит витаминов
your body.

3. A decoction of berries and butter based on them are often prescribed.
doctors for the treatment of duodenal ulcers and stomach.

Sea buckthorn is not always allowed, contraindications for use
you need to check with the doctor individually for yourself. Possibly earlier
product allergy was noted.

Sea buckthorn oil: why it is needed and how to cook
alone at home

Известно, что масло из свежих fruits способно эффективно
heal various cracks and wounds. It is also used when
burns and frostbite.

It is also useful to apply a compress for inflammation of the gums or
the formation of a crack anus. Oil relieves pain
and accelerates the regeneration process.

Such a home doctor does not hurt to have everyone at home
more that cooking butter is not difficult.

Recipe number 1

1. Berries are thoroughly washed, then they must be dried.
good in the oven to become hard.

2. The cooled fruits are ground into flour with
coffee grinders.

3. The resulting mass is transferred to a small glass
jar, filled with oil (refined vegetable) and carefully

4. The jar is covered with a tight lid and is removed for 7 days.
warm place. Every day, it will need a little shake.

5. The finished oil is filtered and used as
of necessity.

Recipe number 2

1. Fresh berries are passed through a meat grinder.

2. The resulting juice to the last drop merges into a small
glass jar.

3. After 1.5-2 days on the surface you can see the oil.
It is carefully assembled with a wooden spoon and
deposited in a separate container.

The remaining cake can be prepared according to the first recipe, however
the oil will be lighter, there will be less useful properties.

What are useful sea buckthorn leaves

Since antiquity, it has been known that healthy
only sea buckthorn berries, but also the leaves of the plant. Modern doctors
conducted several studies that only confirmed this

Sea buckthorn: beneficial properties of leaves

1. Added to animal feed – improves the quality of wool,
normal metabolism.

2. Tea brewed with sea buckthorn leaves improves peristalsis
intestine, vitamin C regulates vascular tone, invigorates.

3. If 1 large spoonful of chopped sea-buckthorn leaves pour 1
a glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath –
get a healing decoction. This drink is useful to everyone.
once a week for general strengthening of the immune system.

4. The leaves of the plant can be seen in the composition of many pharmaceutical
drugs. For example, tablets hyporamine. They are prescribed for ARVI.
and flu are considered effective against
a cold.

Sea buckthorn: useful properties and application in

1. Often butter based on berries is used by professional
masseurs during their work. It absorbs well, removes
dead skin to prevent dehydration
(loss of moisture).

2. Having prepared butter from berries at home, it can be applied to the skin 2
times a week. As a result face will be fresh, will look
younger, wrinkles will be smoothed, acne will disappear.

3. Sea buckthorn oil is also very useful for nails and hair. If a
a woman wants to find a luxurious and elegant hair, it is recommended
apply oil on curls once a week for 2-3 hours, then rinse
shampoo As for the nails, to strengthen them you just need
rub product into the plate or make baths with fresh ones

4. Витаминизированный состав fruits поможет быстро и эффективно
get rid of acne. For the preparation of tools will need
steam up the leaves of the plant, then apply them on the face with a thin layer and
cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, the skin is rubbed with a piece of ice.
or frozen milk. This procedure is recommended to repeat 1
once a week, the overall condition of the epidermis will improve, acne
disappear without a trace.

5. Chop the sea buckthorn leaves and 6 tablespoons of the resulting
Flour steamed 1 cup boiling water. Mixture should be steeped 7-10
дней, затем нанести маску на волосы на 2 часа, смыть shampoo Two
such procedures per month will significantly reduce the risk
premature hair loss.

Sea buckthorn: contraindications and harm from use

Как и у любой berriesы, у облепихи есть свои противопоказания,
who need to know. If a их не учесть, злоупотребление
fruits will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Sea buckthorn: contraindications to use berries и

1. When gastritis and the tendency to diarrhea fruits are not recommended.
If a планируется их употреблять для лечения недуга, лучше
pre-consult with a doctor.

2. При наличии индивидуальной непереносимости к berriesам лучше
completely put a ban on them for yourself as in cosmetic
purposes, and in medical.

3. With indigestion or diseases associated with
gall bladder, sea buckthorn is strictly prohibited.

4. При мочекаменной болезни berriesы категорически запрещены, так
as their use increases the acidity of urine.

Облепиха является очень полезной berriesой, однако для того, чтобы
protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to know the measure in her
consuming and not abusing quantity.

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