Sauce “Unagi” – it is not only for Japanese dishes!Homemade recipes of sauce “Unagi” with wine, rice vodka, vegetables,eel, honey

Чт, 08 июн 2017 Автор: Марина Выходцева

Unagi Sauce is a traditional Japanese smoked eel dressing.
But it was before. Now it is served to a variety of dishes,
for example, rolls or seafood. Different fish and even rice.
Fragrant sauce with burnt caramel color and pleasant aftertaste
also pleases meat lovers. Now refueling is getting very
popular and with us, why not learn to cook it at home? Here
lots of interesting, but simple recipes.


Unagi Sauce – General Cooking Principles

• Soy sauce. One of the main ingredients of the Japanese “Unagi”.
It is added in large quantities, gives a beautiful color,
rich taste, perfectly ennobles and makes it unnecessary
collect different ingredients separately. Soy sauce usually
boiled with other components of the recipe.

• Wine. It can be plain white wine or Japanese variety.
�”Mirin”. Often, several types of alcohol are added to the sauce. Can
attend even sake. Alcohol is always exposed to heat.
processed, boiled with soy sauce and other

• Sugar, honey. Despite their presence in wine, pronounced taste
soy sauce, sugar and honey are almost always added to
cooking process. If you do not need too cloying refueling,
then you can reduce the number.

• Other supplements. Unagi often put vegetables. Ginger, for
density is added potato or corn starch.
Classic sweet and salty sauce. But if necessary, you can
add spiciness to it, using pepper or some acid, for
This is useful lemon juice.

• Cooking features. Unagi convenient to cook on the stove in
saucepan Classic sauce is prepared for a long time, the mass is boiled down.
Can пригореть. That is why recipes with
starch, allowing you to quickly thicken the mass at any stage.

Unagi Sauce with White and Rice Wine

A very interesting recipe for the sauce “Unagi” for which the best
use semi-dry wine. But if this is not, then go and dry
drink. Additionally, you will need rice wine, as well as dry
concentrated fish broth that is often found in
Japanese cuisine.


• 160 ml of soy sauce;

• 200 ml of wine;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 200 ml of rice wine “Mirin”;

• 1 ч. l dry fish broth (hondashi).


1. Combine both types of wine in a saucepan, diluted with soy
the sauce. We put on the stove.

2. As soon as the mixture boils, set the fire to minimum
at a very low boil we boil half of the liquid.

3. After 15-20 minutes add dry fish broth, stir,
so it dissolves. If the special broth fails to find,
then you can try to add a third of the concentrated cube.

4. Once the sauce has increased, it will take about one.
hours, remove the saucepan from the heat. The mass should be thicker, get
dark caramel flavor.

5. Add sugar in the hot sauce and again
mix it up.

6. Optionally, fill the sauce “Unagi” spicy cayenne

Unagi butter sauce with honey and ginger

A simple variation of the popular Unagi sauce with fresh ginger and
honey It is great for eels, but can be combined with others.
types of fish, seafood. Additionally for thickening the mass
you need some cornstarch. If necessary, you can
replace it with a potato product.


• 50 ml soy sauce;

• 3 grams of starch;

• 10 grams of honey;

• 5 grams of fresh ginger root;

• 50 ml of olive oil.


1. Combine olive oil and honey, pour them into a small
saucepan, put on the stove. Let it heat up for now.

2. Mix starch with soy sauce, pour to oil.

3. Grate peeled ginger root. But you can just very
finely chopped. Add to the other ingredients of the sauce.

4. Cook on very low heat for a few minutes. No way
If we do not let the mass boil, so as not to spoil the taste

5. Remove from heat.

6. Cool the fragrant sauce, pour the fish or serve to any
other dishes.

Smoked Eel Unagi Sauce

For this version of the sauce, “Unagi” will need very little
smoked eel, but it is this supplement that will make it special,
incredibly aromatic and mouthwatering.


• 200 grams of good soy sauce;

• 2/3 cup of purified water;

• 15 grams of starch;

• 240 grams of wine “Mirin”;

• 120 grams of granulated sugar;

• 60 grams of smoked eel.


1. Combine wine, half prescription water and soy sauce.
Stir well, put on the stove.

2. When boiling, we remove the fire, boil for about three minutes.

3. Add sugar. If the soy sauce is lightly salted, then
You can take sugar a little less than the specified norm.
We continue to cook the sauce.

4. Cut into very small pieces of eel, pour in a couple
minutes into the saucepan. Bring to a boil.

5. В оставшейся воде растворяем рецептурный крахмаl Liquid
take cold so as not to form lumps.

6. Pour the starch into the pan. Not hurry, second hand
stir well.

7. Continue to warm up the mass until it becomes thick and
transparent. White turbidity from the starch should disappear.

8. Remove from heat. Give the sauce with eel insist that it
revealed his taste.

Sauce “Unagi” with sake and vegetables

An interesting recipe for sauce “Unagi” for those who have in the kitchen
some rice vodka. Additionally, you will need white dry


• 100 g of honey;

• 0.2 Art. sake;

• 180 ml of white wine;

• carrot;

• onion;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a glass of soy sauce;

• 180 ml of water;

• 15 g starch.


1. Water combine with honey, add soy sauce. We put this
mix on the stove. Bring almost to a boil.

2. Cut garlic cloves, peeled onion and carrot
in small pieces, can be plates or cubes.

3. Add vegetables to the boiled mixture of soy sauce with water.
Tomim on a small fire for about a quarter of an hour.

4. Strain the decoction. We throw out vegetables, they won’t be useful to us,
but before that, squeeze well to extract the taste. Liquid
return to the saucepan.

5. Now add the wine and pour in the sake, stir, set
the sauce is re-cooked.

6. Отмеряем 50 мл воды, растворяем рецептурный крахмаl

7. Dress the sauce with starch. Boil the mass until it
will find the consistency of jelly.

8. Remove from heat, cool.

Recipe rolls with “Unagi” sauce, eel and sesame

The famous option rolls with sauce “Unagi”. For cooking
You will need cooked rice for sushi. It can be prepared by any
from the available recipes.


• 100 g eel fillet;

• rice for sushi (ready);

• cucumber;

• sushi seeds;

• unagi sauce;

• nori sheet;

• 2 spoons of spicy sauce.


1. Fry the sesame seeds just in a dry skillet.
You do not need to redden them, just lightly dry them before they appear.
pleasant aroma.

2. Put rice on the noria leaf, but not completely. Upper part
leave free. Sprinkle rice with sesame seeds, press,
gently overturned.

3. Lubricate with spicy sauce, lay out strips of cucumber and
pieces of eel. We also put a little sauce on them so that the rolls
turned out juicy.

4. Twist the roll. Leave about five minutes.

5. Cut the roll into eight parts with a sharp knife. We lay on
serving plate.

6. Next to put the unagi sauce, serve the dish with him, complement
pickled ginger.

Unagi Quick Sauce with Garlic

A variant of a very simple Unagi sauce with a light taste of garlic.
It is prepared really quickly and simply.


• a glass of soy sauce;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 glasses of white wine;

• 0.3 glass of water;

• 30 г Sahara;

• 1 ч. l grated ginger;

• 1 ч. l starch;

• 1 ч. l oils olives.


1. Grind garlic and ginger. Add sugar to them,
paired with starch.

2. Разбавляем все это жидкими ingredients. Pour wine with
water and soy sauce in any order, the main thing is to shake
all is well, so lumps are not happy.

3. Put on the stove, bring to a boil. As soon as the sauce becomes
thicken, pour in a few drops of oil and you can remove the saucepan from
of fire.

4. Immediately, until the mass has cooled, filter the unagi through a sieve,
to get rid of garlic and ginger residues.

5. Chill, use for cooking Japanese dishes!

Chicken with Unagi Sauce

Fish is often served with unagi, it is added to rice and sushi, but few
who knows about the wonderful combination of chicken sauce. The recipe is very
simple but tasty and quick dishes of chicken fillet.


• 500 g chicken fillet;

• 1 ч. l curry seasonings;

• a clove of garlic;

• 50 g unagi;

• sesame oil;

• 50 grams of tomato ketchup.


1. Wash chicken fillet, cut into small cubes.

2. Heat some oil in a skillet. If the surface
nonstick, one spoon is enough. Spread fillet,
fry for a couple of minutes on high heat.

3. Grind the garlic. Combine with curry seasoning and tomato
ketchup, add 30 ml of water. Stir.

4. We spread the tomato sauce to the chicken fillet, reduce the fire,
cook two minutes.

5. Now add unagi to the chicken. Cover the pan, cook
fillet it for a couple of minutes.

6. Open, fry until all the sauce is absorbed in the fillet, but
stir constantly so that nothing burns.

7. We shift the chicken on the plates, sprinkle with seeds

Sauce “Unagi” – useful tips and tricks

• Not все соевые соусы одинаковые. In our stores, the choice is not
very large, but it is worth taking care of finding a real product,
and not salted tinted water. Only in this case, unagi
get what you need.

• Notт свежего имбиря? You can add a little dried in the dish,
only reduce the amount by at least two times.

• If you add a lot of garlic and ginger to unagi, you won’t
less famous teriyaki sauce.

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