Salads without mayonnaise – the best recipes. howcorrectly and tasty to cook salads without mayonnaise.

Sun, Aug. 28, 2016


Salads without mayonnaise – general principles and methods

Currently, there are a huge number of recipes
salads without mayonnaise. An alternative to this popular, tasty and
nutritious sauce, like mayonnaise, become olive dressings,
sunflower, sesame, linseed or corn oil, soy
sauce, orange and lemon juice can also be used
ginger and peppermint dressings.

how правило, основой салатов без майонеза становятся овощи,
moreover, they can be in any form – fresh, boiled, fried
or baked. Dishes without mayonnaise are saturated with vitamins, wholesome.
proteins, vegetable fats and minerals.

Everyone knows that vegetables whet the appetite, so their
recommend to eat children who eat poorly,
elderly citizens, people with diabetes,
tuberculosis or those suffering from kidney, liver, or
digestive system.

Salads without mayonnaise – food preparation

If the salad is prepared from vegetables, they should be processed
thoroughly: wash thoroughly in running water with a brush,
grind with stainless steel knife.

Do not add vegetables to the salad, which have signs of spoilage,
Such a miscalculation will not only lead to the fact that the dish will be
poor quality and will get unpleasant bitterness, but it can also hurt

Recipe 1: Salad without mayonnaise – Greek salad

Greek is one of the most popular salads, it is traditionally
Included in the menu of the best restaurants. However, at home
Greek salad is no less appetizing and tasty.

Ингредиенты:– 100 граммов сыра фета или бынзы;-
1 fresh cucumber; – 1 tomato; – 1 Bulgarian pepper; – 100 grams
pitted olives; – 1 onion; – lettuce leaves; – olive oil
for refueling; – black ground pepper; – salt.

Способ preparations

Vegetables cut into fairly large pieces (except onions), too
the most to do with cheese, cut onions into rings. Getting started
working with lettuce leaves, do not forget that they do not
suffer the touch of a knife, so that they need to tear their hands.

Spread lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, then mixed
vegetables and olives, cheese is put on top. Next, the salad should be salted,
pepper and pour olive oil.

Recipe 2: Salad without mayonnaise with herring

howой русский человек не любит селедки? Salads with this
ingredient always caused our fellow citizens worship.
We offer a simple recipe for one of these dishes.

Ингредиенты:– 1 селедка;- 4 яйца;- 4
potatoes; – 2 pickled carrots; – 2 lightly-salted cucumbers; – 1
onion; – lemon juice; – 2 tablespoons of lemon juice; –

Способ preparations

Potatoes and eggs should be boiled, cooled, cut into small
cubes. Cut the carrots into strips in the same way.
�”Deal” with cucumbers.

Working with herring is the most time consuming, it should be cleaned from
skins and bones, then cut into small pieces, their size
must be identical to the size of potato cubes.

Mix the ingredients of the salad, add a little lemon juice and
olive oil. Let the salad stand before serving
half an hour for which the ingredients absorb olive oil.

Recipe 3: Tomato-free Mayonnaise Salad

Light vegetable salad – the best summer dish, a real fount
of vitamins.

Ингредиенты:– 2 помидора;- 1 луковица;- 1
Bulgarian pepper; – 2 small garlic cloves; – 2 tablespoons
vinegar (apple); – 2 tablespoons of olive oil; – Greens
(dill, parsley, etc.); – salt.

Способ preparations

Onions cut into thin rings. Garlic and greens chop and
to mix. Cut tomatoes into rings or half rings (depends on
размера овоща), болгарский перец – cubes.

Salad spread on a plate in layers: – 1st layer – tomatoes; – 2nd
layer – onions; – 3rd layer – sweet pepper. Each layer
need to sprinkle with herbs and garlic. Olive salad is poured over
oil and vinegar.

Recipe 4: Salad without mayonnaise – “Lobio”

Traditional Georgian dish in Russian style.

Ингредиенты:– 500 граммов стручковой зеленой
beans; – 2 onions; – 1/2 cup of walnuts; – 1-2 cloves
garlic; – 3 basil branches; – 3 cilantro branches; – dill; – salt.

Способ preparations

Beans must be cut into small pieces, then boil
in salted water, drain and allow to cool slightly (do not pour out
the water in which the beans were boiled, it will be needed for

Ceiling walnut kernels, garlic, kenzu and salt carefully in
mortar. To get a homogeneous mass, you should add a decoction
in which the beans were cooked.

Finely chop the onion, chop the greens, add the beans and the mixture
from the mortar, mix and put the salad on the dish.

Salads without mayonnaise – useful tips from experienced chefs

Vegetables for salads better cook without pre-cleaning,
thus, it is possible to save more vitamins, besides, in
Salad they will look better.

Vegetables are more tasty if in the process of cooking in water
add some sugar (1/2 is enough teaspoon). Salt salad
better before serving, in which case the vegetables will not be allowed
too much juice.

Onions before putting in the salad, better
pre-scald with boiling water and rinse in cold water.

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